
Sour Love

He knew they were mates yet ignored her but also was teasing her ? She tried to get closer to him but he was keeping his distance, But she would never leave him that easy. She finally stopped trying. Later, she found out the reason for his actions He wants to to hold her in his hands and inhale her intoxicating scent but he can’t risk her life. He doesn’t want to lose some one precious to him, again. Two questions flowing in his head needs to be answered to end all of this “who sent the letters ?”~“who are they?” Want to know what is going to happen to both Alexander and Emma in the future?

Logyyyy · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


News spread all over the country about the alpha king founding his mate .He invited all the nobels in our country but still no sign of his mate? I hope he find her soon.OUR FUTURE LUNA QUEEN

Well I didn't introduce myself ! Iam Emma .Iam werewolf with no pack technically iam a rouge ! Yes don't be surprised that Iam a rouge on the royal pack territory actually the royal pack is the only pack that allows rouge on its land unless they are harmfull...

My parents died 5 years ago when I was 12 , Iam now 17 . My mum had cancer and she couldn't fight anymore and died and dad couldn't live without his mate and he followed her leaving me alone in this world.

we were poor but we were very happy family ONCE.

Iam now working in a bakery shop which owned by an old kind lady ("Miss williams")who let me stay in the bakery at night and have a nice sleep and some food.I really adore her .she is human and her husband died a long time ago she has no children so she considers me one and She doesn't know Iam a werewolf .

I have a mid-length brown hair reached my back , my tanned skin and my face which has a light freckles on my cheeks and nose and my ocean blue eyes . Iam not fat nor thin just got the perfect curved yet thin 5'5 body.

"Emma!" miss williams called

I was in the kitchen making cookies while She was standing at the counter selling to customers.

"Coming"I replied shouting in a polite tone not an angry one.

I came out of the kitchen only to see two men and they are dressed in the royal guards clothes? I glanced at miss williams with a confused face she gave me a worry look?

"What is it miss williams? Why are royal guards here? Do they want a special order?" I said with a worry look

"No they don't want orders , dear but they want you"she said with a worried expression and I can see pain flashed through her eyes.

"What?!!!why?" I said looking at them with a shocked look

"We are taking you to the palace right now . You will know later why!"guard 1 said with a harsh tone.

"NOO! I WON'T GO!!"I yelled at them and turned around to go back to the kitchen and lockmyself up only to be caught by my wrist I looked up and see guard 2 with an evil smirk" No no kitten you must go with us"He said dragging me out of the bakery while I was struggling out of his hold . I looked back to miss williams with a look in my eyes showed 'help please ' she gave me a hurt expression actually she couldn't do anything they are the royal guards for damn sake. She would have her head cut off if she


I was now on the carriage heading to the royal castle .I stayed silent preferring not to talk or I will get beaten up . It was known for the royal guards to hit people for the slightest mistake. Suddenly the carriage stopped and guard 1 came and open the door of the carriage . Me stepping out I gasped as a big beautiful castle appeared in the view and the lake which has colorfull fish in it and flowers at both sides of it .THIS IS THE ROYAL PLACE. It took us two hours to get here . it wasn't far as I thought.

"Ish give me your hands and stop day dreaming " guard 1 said yelling at me . I flinched and quickly gave him my hand he has tied it with handcuffs .

"Follow me" he said . I nodded then followed him For 5 minutes until we are in front of the castle's door and two guardes at both sides of the door "Open the door " guard 1 said then they opened it .I was shocked at what I saw



Hey guys, It is my first time to write a story so I wish you liked this chapter.❤️