

I've been waiting for my mate from 20 years of my life. Everyone gets their mate at the age of 18 or began to show signs of attraction. But my case is different I've been waiting for my mate to show up but it looks like I don't have any mate or my mate is dead. It's good to be dead than living a mate less life. But I have a good idea what if I don't need a mate but just a perfect guy maybe a human being!!

Jeon_Wonwoo_13 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


"Well, you must be tired; we should get you, gentlemen, some rest." The Luna of our ex-pack said.

"Of course," Samuel said. Then looked at me, "Where is your room?" he asks.

"Na-Bi and I have our own house," I state.

Then Na-Bi had to open her mouth, "yeah you guys can stay there if you like; we have guest rooms you can stay in." She says while giving them her big ass smile and giving me a smirk.

"That would be wonderful, baby," Arcane replies to her offer.

So here we are in the car with the guys following in their car behind us. "I hate you so much right now," I tell Na-Bi in the car.

"Oh shut up will you it will be fine what's the worst that can happen?" She says.

Like really, what is the worst that can happen. I could kill this girl sometimes, but rule number one of being best friends never no matter what kills your best friend. They are the ones that put up with all your shit. That still doesn't stop me from visualizing her getting run over by a car or bus. By the way, I'm driving, but I would never actually do that in real life.

"Whatever hoe," I say, but that causes her to laugh. We will see who is launching by tomorrow.

"But I have something important to ask you." I ask Na-Bi as she looks really fine?" I ask.

"I'm totally fine. What had gotten into you bitch." She says which makes me more worried as she says this type of thing when she is worried.

"Look, Na-Bi, if you love Samuel. I can leave him. You know I can't marry a person who loves you or you love him." I ask.

"It's not that. I'm fine seriously. I'm okay and I'm happy for you plus you saw I have a mate, Arcane. He is a good guy I'm sure of it." Na-Bi said with a fake smile.

I looked toward her but that was the biggest mistake.


A year after...

"You're going to visit her?" Alpha Arthur, asked the lonely-looking younger. Na-Bi only nodded without saying a word. She has been like that ever since it happened.

"Klaus and I bought some flowers on our way," Arcane exclaimed as he and Samuel enter the house with a bouquet in their hands.

"Thanks," was all the reply they got from the young female. She didn't even smile.

"Where are the others?" Alpha Arthur asked out of curiosity as he walks down the stairs with no one but the four of them. The three just shrugged since they have no idea. Or do they?

"The others are probably in their rooms, acting lonely and all." Arcane sassed with a smug look on his face. Klaus and Alpha Arthur chuckled at the male but stopped when Na-Bi stood up from her seat.

"I'm going." It became almost like a whisper but enough for the three older men to hear as they hum in understanding. Alpha Arthur then stated, "Don't forget the flowers."

"Yeah. Whatever." Na-Bi answered and then left the house with the bouquet. A small smile made its way to her lips as she saw the lavender roses, it's Siri's favorite flower.

She drove to the hospital using her car. As she was driving, she saw a car pass her at the speed of lightning as if it was in a huge rush. She just shrugged it off even though the car looks oddly familiar to her.

"Whatever." She whispered to herself as she drove faster than earlier. She arrived at the hospital's parking lot in a swift second since she drove faster than flash. No, I was kidding. She drove as if her life depends on it.

She stepped out of the car and started walking to the entrance but even before she could enter the door, a black tinted car caught her eyes.

It was the car from earlier.

A girl was standing beside it, she was facing the back so Na-Bi can't see her face, the girl was extremely familiar. Even if she wants to see who was the girl, her gaze immediately looked away as the girl turned to look at her.

"Weird." She said to herself as she makes her way to Siri's room. She placed a hand on her chest as her heart started beating so fast. She was so close to the elevator when a group of middle school students suddenly approaches her.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Is she real?! Is she Na-Bi?! Like, THE Na-Bi?!" The girl in the middle squealed excitedly but Na-Bi didn't even bother to smile at the fan.

"What do you need?" She didn't intend to sound rude but it just came out harsh so the girls exchanged confused glares at each other, whispering 'I thought she's nice?' and 'Is she Na-Bi? Last time I remember, she was kind and a fluffy gumball,' also 'Are you sure we approached the right person?'

"Look," she interrupted seriously, the girls look at her in slight fear, "If you're here to waste my time then congratulations, you just did. Now, if you don't have anything else to do... go get a life."

The young students scooted away at a fast speed. Na-Bi just rolled her eyes before turning to enter the elevator, ready to enter, but it was already closed, she saw a glimpse of a girl inside the elevator and she realized that it was the same girl from earlier judging by the clothes.

"I've encountered you three freaking times already. Please stop appearing like some kind of a ghost." She whispered once again to herself.

She legit looks like a crazy woman talking to herself right now but she didn't care less. Do you care? Well then, she doesn't.

As she waited for the elevator to go down once again, she became so impatient that she had to take the stairs. Luckily, Siri's room is placed only on the fourth floor so it's not that big of a deal.
