Death... the irreversible fate the living can never escape. However, some wouldn't rest even after they passed to the afterlife Whenever our end is close regret is the only thing we think of first. The lives we could've lived. Choices we should've made Luke a problem child in the boonies was deeply entrenched in a fate that others viewed as a fantasy A particular moonlit night was enough for the secrets of the old to resurface for they'd finally made the choice
[All platoons available at sector 98 are instructed to head to Manchester Street immediately. Recent sightings of bizarre events have taken residents shortly after this broadcasted message. The estimated threat level has surpassed level 2 hence alerting all nearby Gravekeepers to be on high alert]
'Have you ever once thought that the world was oddly simple? The laws have been written, norms have been set, and all things are fiction without proof. I too once lived thinking this world was straightforward, but in reality, it's not–'
"Hey, jackass were you even listening?"
The person monologuing was then interrupted by the ringing of his ear due to the yell of his ill-mannered comrade
"Ah, you ruined it, I was getting to the best part. Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to interrupt someone's monologuing? Oh wait I forgot... you're an orpha–"
"I dare you to finish that word,"
The boy was stopped midway through his sentence once he felt the pressuring tip of a sharp blade near his gut
"Break it up you two. Seriously can't you two get along for once? Come on guys get it together will ya? Today's our big debut!!!"
The two's usual scuffle was stopped by the middleman of their group who acts as a mediator for these circumstances
"Fine, but I won't be joining you dunderheads. I'm only here as an extra. I have yet to decide whether I'd join you,"
The ground suddenly contracts and it is revealed that the three were on board a chopper, and she daringly jumps. The mediator stands at the edge in shock at the height they intended to fall and his knees in turn shake. His friend seeing his typical reaction sighs as he grabs ahold of his hoodie and leaps along with his friend
"This isn't funny, Luke!!?"
"Oh for fuck's sake, you're not gonna die, William. Why haven't you conquered this fear yet? Plus this is the easiest route,"
'If I looked back half a year ago from now I wouldn't dare think of jumping off the chopper and free falling without a parachute. Then again even if it weren't for my experience what kind of psycho would jump off without a second thought? The thing is im not special, neither is this world, because half a year ago I saw it with my own eyes, the true face of the world,'
"William we've been over this. We can't easily die you know? How can you call yourself, an exorcist, esper, or, a Gravekeeper with that attitude?"
"That has nothing to do with this, you crazy bastard!!!"
6 months ago
'I wish I could die...'
'Many would yearn in life fame, fortune, and the well-being of their family but in my case...'
"Loser!" Says a tall boy whilst pummeling an unfortunate soul that's similar to his age
'I wear a mask I never wanted... a life bound to forever hold on with this appalling act. But I can't give up, no matter what I need to endure. Even for a little bit... this will be over,'
"Stop it!" The boy flinches and recovers from the blow until another kick brought him down to the ground
"Stop it he says... what a loser. Get up it's not fun beating someone when they're on the ground!!"
'This is me... no im not the fatty getting his ass whooped. Even I have a shred of dignity. I'm that guy the one who's beating the living hell out of the nerd. Why? Because if I don't my so-called friends of mind might find me bland,'
"Get up stupid pig! I said get up!!" He repeatedly kicked the boy while donning the mask of a devil
'I don't want to do this anymore... believe me. I wasn't this problematic it's just because I have a reason. I don't care as long as I get my end of the bargain... and do you think I could turn over a new leaf?'
As Luke dozes off in his mind the geek tries to escape until he eventually meets the ring leader. "Hahaha! LOL, Luke what are you nuts? You look a little out of it today... allow me to show you how it's done,"
"Ryan!!! Please spare me! I- 'll give you money–" Before he could even talk a speeding kick made its way to his abdomen rendering him immobile
Ryan stomped at the geek's mug and rubbed it until the dirt off his shoe came to be imprinted on his face. "Do you know what you did wrong...? You annoyed me. Just your existence pisses me off... and now you want to offer me money?"
He yanked the nerd and pulled him to the air and their eyes met for the very first time. "Don't you know who I am? I'm Ryan Crux... the heir to the Crux winery. Do you think your money could compare to my allowance, huh!!?"
The geek looked around in hopes of anyone to help but he only felt their cold gazes piercing his soul. Everyone was afraid even though it was wrong the one they were against was a person of wealth and power. Not a single person spoke a word and what broke him was the fact that everyone ignored his cries for help
5 hours later...
"Hey, have you heard...?"
"I know right... Crux and his gang killed another student,"
"What! Really? When will those boys ever change? Why haven't the police found anything...?"
"... are you retarded? You know, it's because of that. Who the hell would even win against someone with wealth,"
"I heard that one of the people in the funeral parlor died. You know Mr. Alphen the one in charge of watching the graveyard? Because of that the poor boy's funeral has been put on hold for tomorrow,"
As the day finally ended Luke strolled against the busy streets where he heard whispers of the boy's death. 'They sure are pretty ballsy with them gossiping about that suicide... I wonder how long those old bats are gonna last till they get silenced. But they weren't wrong... Ryan has a lot of money and because of that I spared no thought of befriending him,'
The old and rusty door creaked which alerted the man of his visitor. "Luke! My boy... how's it been?"
At the entrance, he saw a weak old man who gave him a warm and cheerful smile. "I'm home grandpa! What's for dinner? I'm starving after a long day of studying,"
"What's wrong boy? You're a lot down than usual? Did something happen?" His grandpa asked as he sat down at the table
"I'm just a little... tired,"
'If I knew that was the last time I get to talk to him then I would've said more. It's all my fault to begin with... for the reason why he hanged himself,'
[To my dear grandchild, im sorry... this old rusty bones of mine needed those medications
I'm sorry that you needed to befriend that vile child and put your future in jeopardy
I've known for so long but I knew if this continued you'll only live a life filled with nothing but turmoil
Forget about me... live your life. Not for me but for yourself. I'm sorry for being an incapable guardian
– Gregory Grimes]
"Grandpa!!!" He fell to his knees the moment he saw his grandfather hanging on top of the living room
Word spread quickly since their town was far from the city you may even address it as the Boonies. Even on the maps of the United States, not one but many other towns like Reigous Pines are that far apart. One of the main factors as to why Crux and his family can do infamous deeds to their heart's content
'Grandpa... im sorry, but even if you said that I can't. I'm too far gone. The things I did have already made their mark on this town,'
Luke was brooding at the edge of the school's rooftop and with a little movement, he might fall to his doom. It's been a day since the death of his only loved one and the only thing plaguing his mind was grief and despair. He wanted to end it all, he steeled himself to jump, but he was interrupted at the very last second
"Finally it's lunch break! I really need to whip one out... gosh the faculty members are a bunch of boomers. A little smoke wouldn't kill you... why hello there student,"
It was a rather awkward moment as a teacher who slowly kills himself saw a student preparing to leap off the edge. "God damn it! I knew there were so many suicidal fucks. Need someone to talk to, I can't let you die when im around. Could you even imagine the pay cut that I'll get?"
'How did I even get here...?'
He says that to himself as a man in his early twenties smokes his pack of cigars. "So what's your problem? Too many things to remember? Flunk on a report? Your parents called you a piece of shit? Lay it on me kiddo,"
He cheeringly says whilst patting him on the back, Luke had enough and brushes off his shoulder. "Who the hell are you...? I know a lot of the teachers and you don't even look or act the part. What do you even know about my life old man–"
"Luke Grimes... age 16, bloody type O, pronounce he/him, height 194, weight 75, he was once an honor student till he became problematic. Yesterday your only guardian was recorded as diseased after word of his suicide. My deepest condolences, by the way, im your new guidance counselor, Alexander Royce," He firmly shook Luke's hand with an upbeat tone even after speaking about his guardian's death
"How did you even get this job?" Luke's suicidal thoughts came to a halt upon meeting this enigmatic gentleman standing before him
"What else it's money! But seriously speaking even if it doesn't pay well it's a job that needs to be done... don't worry kid, death comes after all of us, so live the moment. Because you might not know– Ah shit! The bell rang I need to go, don't die okay?"
He left him by himself and as Luke finally calmed down even for a little he finally left the rooftop. "What a weirdo... guess this school will take any person they could. Also, that guy reeks of alcohol,"
4 hours later
After school when he was about to go home he spots Ryan and his gang waving at him. "Luke!"
Ryan jumped at him and he tightened his grip on his shoulders and playfully messed his hair. "... we heard the news. Sorry about your grandfather dude it looks like he wasn't able to take it–"
"What...?" He escaped his grapple started deeply at Ryan's eye, and clenched his fist
"You're a little boring than usual... but I kinda get it, it's a little hard to take it in right? I heard all about it. Your grandpa felt depressed after his life depended on too many medications,"
Luke's mood quickly reverted and he said. "Oh yeah... right. I'm sorry, it's just. I don't feel like myself today,"
'That's right I almost forgot... Grandpa made a separate suicide note, one for the public and one for me. To the public he was depressed, but in reality, he was ashamed I needed to do all of this but im not free. These guys won't just leave me alone after all the heinous things we've done, im one of them now, a lowlife...'
"It's fine but you know you have to make up for this right? I would have let you go for today but we need your help... it's been three years since you became one of us. Today you'll join us on our biggest stunt, we're gonna rob the grave of that geek,"
He stood bewildered after what Ryan said and he quickly filled him close and personal. "Shhhhh! What are you nuts? Lower your voice... that geek had a lot of nerve announcing that I was the one at fault before he off himself. If it weren't for Pop's connection with deleting the vids I would've been sent to jail. That bitch has done it now... I'll pay him back for this humiliation!"
'How funny... I hope that Grandpa's choice of choosing death would've solved it all. I too am a fool, how could I ask to be forgiven? I just need to accept it... just accept... it!'
"Arggggh!" The moment they came face to face with the geek's tombstone Luke suddenly retaliated
He punches Drew who in turn falls to the ground. "Luke, what the hell – Urghh!!!"
'I'm such an idiot! How could I... my grandfather's death would be for nothing. I need to change, I don't care if I get arrested. This is wrong!!'
He stomped at Drew's abdomen and took Allen's shovel but before he could do anything he was attacked. He fell to the ground right after Ryan sneaked in a hit from his back and his head bleeds. He tried to stand up but his hands were bruised by Drew's foot and his head received Allen's kick
"That's enough... let me have a word with him. Luke, I trusted you, I really did, but you betrayed me. I knew you were too good to be true, you were only in it for your grandpa, but still... im disappointed in you, well deal with you after this,"
'Shit... why the hell did I have to be an idiot at the wrong time? So this is where I'll die? How perfect, all I need is a coffin,'
Badly bruised and bleeding Luke had no idea that the next moments were true and not a hallucination. The moment those three dug the coffin black smoke burst forth leaving a bad smell and a wail. The smoke dispersed and out of the blue Allen's chest was punctured
"What the fuck?" From the grave lies the dead and the moment the coffin broke a corrupt entity remains
"Crux!!!" The corpse cries even louder and when they lose focus on Allen's death the perpetrator is revealed to be none other than the geek