
Soulforge Ascension: Eternal Creator Of Chaos.

"In a world where talent and power are revered, Noxavian Synth was once celebrated as a child prodigy in his illustrious Synth family. At the tender age of twelve, he had already achieved the coveted rank of a Spirit Celestial stage cultivator, outshining even the most gifted in his lineage. But fate had other plans. Tragedy struck when Noxavian and his childhood sweetheart met a brutal end, leaving their promising futures shattered. However, death was not the end for Noxavian. He awoke in a strange, lower world, his memories fragmented, and an innate ability he could only describe as a 'system' that could create anything he desired, provided he had enough soul force and had analyzed it. With an echo of his previous life's otaku knowledge and newfound powers, Noxavian embarks on an extraordinary journey. His quest: to ascend to the pinnacle of this unfamiliar realm and, against all odds, reunite with his true love. As he grapples with the mysteries of his past and the intricacies of his newfound 'system,' Noxavian will face trials that test not only his abilities but also his character. Along the way, he'll forge alliances, confront adversaries, and unearth secrets that bridge the gap between worlds and lifetimes. Join Noxavian Synth as he navigates a captivating blend of power, love, and destiny, transcending boundaries in search of an elusive, eternal connection."

Felix_Appiah · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Soul-bound Insight Chronicles.

He recalled a person in the upper realm who had a 'chaotic body' and was able to increase his cultivation quickly because of the chaotic body's ability to digest everything. 

Even if he ate a pill that had enough energy to kill an immortal, it would only take the chaotic body a matter of time before it digested everything.

In the end, he was besieged and killed because of the fear of the chaotic body.

"Indeed people should keep the good things to themselves or else the greed and jealousy of humans can lead to a person's doom"

Nox knew what it felt like to be killed because people feared your potential. Having also met the same fate himself.

Just as Nox was thinking about that, he suddenly noticed that there was something he had missed when he checked the items in the system's storage.

He hurriedly checked the system's storage and noticed the illusory book-like object in the storage. It was a book, but it was also an artifact as well. It looked illusory while being adorned in gold and silvery-white ink: writing the majestic name of 'Soul-bound Insight Chronicles".

Nox was unsure of how to react to such a thing. He was in awe and also perplexed as to how he had such a thing in his possession. He carefully took the book-like artifact out of the subspace and tried to inspect it. However, as soon as it came out; it quickly dissolved into particles of light that entered his head.

He couldn't react in time to stop the particles of light from entering his head. He didn't feel any pain not any form of discomfort. Rather he felt a smooth feeling coursing through his body and a prickling sensation in his soul.

The feeling only lasted for a few minutes before the system's cold mechanical voice sounded in his mind again.

[Contract signed with the Mythical ranked treasure: Soulbound Insight Chronicles]

Nox was stupefied when he heard what the system said. "So this 'insignificant' book that I had in my hand is actually a mythical ranked treasure?". To say he was shocked would be an understatement as this was the first time he had ever heard of the Mythical rank.

He was after all a genius from a prestigious family who was well-known even in the vast chaos and he had a relevant amount of information than any other normal individual.

He had also learned a lot of things from his family's vast library which contained unimaginable amounts of books and information that even the information networks of the many dynasties in the universe could not get their hands on.

He had all sorts of treasures and yet this was his first time hearing of a treasure classified as Mythical.

He clicked on the 'Soulbound Insight Chronicles' from the status panel to see what the system had to say about this so-called myth.

[SOULBOUND INSIGHT CHRONICLES: An artifact that can bypass the supreme law of karma and do unimaginable things. No one can hide their thoughts or origins from it. It is capable of concealing the wielder's origin and presence from even the heavenly laws themselves.

:No one had been able to unmask all the abilities of the treasure.

:Evolution: Conditions not met.]

This brief explanation from the system had thoroughly flabbergasted Nox this time. He couldn't believe that there was a treasure that could hide a person from the heavenly dao.

After all from what Nox had read in his family's library, the heavenly dao was akin to the mother of countless great daos. Yet this thing can hide from it?

Nox was worried that if someone found out he had such a treasure with him, he might get into serious trouble but he was later relieved. "Since it can even hide from the heavenly dao then surely no one will know about it if I don't say anything"