
Soul Swallowing Goddess

Amaris Nacht, a high school girl, is thrust into a demonic dimension following the tragic demise of her parents. For two decades, humanity has battled these dark entities in secret, defending their home world against the relentless onslaught. Amaris's destiny takes a cruel turn as she finds herself trapped in a realm overrun by demons. Unprepared and vulnerable, she faces a relentless struggle for survival in this nightmarish domain with no apparent means of escape. In a stroke of luck, Amaris witnesses a fierce battle between two otherworldly beings, culminating in the emergence of a mysterious black ring. Driven by a fractured mind, she instinctively touches the ring, absorbing its essence into her own body. With new found powers that could change the course of fate, she’ll have to decide on what path she wants the world to take.

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16 Chs

I Choose You, Amaris!

While they continued their journey, Amaris couldn't help but wonder - was Xylothar originally from this parallel world, or did he come from her world? What were his true intentions? He said he was human, but also not. He didn't seem so friendly either, and Amaris couldn't shake the uneasiness that loomed over her.

They continued, or well, he continued to clean out the Underground Bloodhole as Amaris watched from behind, wondering why she even came here. Xylothar sliced, diced, and killed demons, allowing Amaris to watch and learn. She absorbed every detail, studying his techniques and prowess. His rapier, seemingly weightless in his grasp, sliced through demons with ease, the sounds of flesh being torn and bones cracking filled the air. Amaris marvelled at his skill, his movements a blur of lethal grace. Within mere moments, countless demons lay lifeless, their blood staining the hard, grainy walls. Xylothar wiped the crimson droplets from his rapier, his expression betraying nothing.

Suddenly, a roar came from his left, and he looked over and raised a brow slightly. He turned to look over at Amaris and pointed at Aramis.

"You," He said, turning his finger from him to the roar. "Kill it," Xylothar instructed Amaris, his tone firm and commanding.

Amaris gulped and used her Pink Widow soul possession. transforming in front of Xylothar into her demonish form. She steadied her breathing and observed the source of the roar, her eyes narrowing.

"It's a Cockatrice. A rank 21 demon. This Cockatrice is a hybrid between a chicken and a dragon. It has a pair of wings on its back, and its element is yin," Xylothar said, sheathing his rapier and leaning against the wall.

Amaris swallowed, her adam apple bobbing. She steadied her beating heart and looked in the Cockatrice direction. The cave was dimly lit with a red hue, making it difficult to see the Cockatrice, but Amaris could see a faint shadow.

Amaris inhaled deeply and exhaled, trying to calm her nerves. Her eyes narrowed on the Cockatrice. She knew that a straightforward attack on the Cockatrice would be futile. The primary way that a Cockatrice attack was with its eye's sending a mental shock to its user. It's also one of the strongest Yin demons in existence.

She steeled her resolve, her gaze unwavering. Using Pink Widow agility and skills, Amaris crept towards the Cockatrice, her footsteps barely a whisper. With each calculated step, Amaris drew closer, her mind focused and heart pounding. Xylothar watched with rapt attention, his crimson eyes scrutinising every movement.

Amaris, closing in on the Cockatrice, summoned her Yellow Fog skill and released it. She had one goal: to obstruct its vision. Amaris used her agility and ran around the Cockatrice, confusing and disorienting the yin demon while the flesh of it bubbled. The Cockatrice shook its head and flapped its wings, emitting a low roar as it unleashed a shock wave.

The shock wave dispersed the Yellow fog and sent Amaris flying backwards. Xylothar stood motionless, his body hard as a rock and his expression was impassive as he observed the battle unfold. Amaris got up quickly, her face gloomy and her face becoming hideous. The anger she was holding back was unleashed, and her Yellow Fog skill was unleashed again, attacking the Cockatrice's vision. The Cockatrice, roaring in anguish, unleashed another shock wave. This time, Amaris was prepared.

Amaris, her pink skin full of anger and her eyes full of resentment, attacked the Cockatrice recklessly. Using her Pink Widow agility, Amaris rushed the Cockatrice and landed a deadly blow to its neck. The Cockatrice, enraged, let out another shock wave and knocked Amaris back, but this time Amaris didn't relent. She landed back on the ground with a thud, but Amaris persisted.

The Cockatrice looked directly at Amaris, making her feel a chill go down her spin as the cockatrice eyes glowed, unleashing a flare from its eyes.

Amaris stood there motionless, but she felt her head breaking into thousands of pieces. The pain was immense, causing Amaris to scream in agony, her piercing cry echoing through the Underground Bloodhole. She collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain.

The Cockatrice, using its chance, closed in and landed a deadly blow to Amaris, sending her flying across the Underground Bloodhole. Amaris collided with the wall, a dull pain shooting through her body. Xylothar didn't intervene, and just stood there motionless, his expression hard as granite and crimson eyes fixated on the Cockatrice and Amaris.

Amaris's face, contorted in anger and pain, looked at the Cockatrice. Using her Pink Widow agility again, she charged at the Cockatrice using her Yellow fog, confusing it. She stretched out her right hand and a dark shooting star appeared in her hand, and she shot directly at the eye of the Cockatrice.

The Cockatrice, not dodging in time, had a hole made in its eye, causing it to wail in anguish and pain. Amaris closed the distance between them and swung her dagger, inflicting deep wounds on the Cockatrice. A sense of joy overwhelmed Amaris and her attacks became more vicious, fuelled by her pent-up anger and frustration.

Amaris's dagger pierced the Cockatrice' thick skin, cutting into the delicate flesh. She twisted the blade, tearing through muscle and sinew as the Cockatrice screamed in agony. The Cockatrice, sensing it's imminent death, unleased another shock wave, Amaris being blown back, landing on the cold hard ground.

The Cockatrice collapsed on the ground, its blood flowing like a river, and the Cockatrice, feeling its life force being drained, slowly evaporated, dropping a purple soul ring. Amaris's heart skipped a beat, and she rushed over and grasped the soul ring. The soul ring shattered and was sucked into her inner consciousness and swallowed it. Her wounds were healing at a rapid rate and she broke through to rank 16.

Xylothar, whose expression has always been calm, trembled slightly seeing this.

"I see," he muttered to himself, his eyes changing every second, making it unreadable.

Amaris stood back up and deactivated her soul possession. Her body was full of happiness from ranking up and being able to swallow the soul ring. Xylothar, on the other hand, observed her silently, his crimson eyes flickering with unreadable emotions.