
Soul and Body

"I was raised to help others. This is nothing, but another way of me living," the child said still smiling.

Rex opens his inventory again, once more the heat of the opened space hit him. This time he thought of the rest of his equipment. His light armor, his sword that was unsheathed, his sheath, his bag, and finally his Dungeon ID. He wore them all the same exact way he was wearing it while he was alive.

He inspects all of his items and ID, "Everything is there, even though it looks more blue than usual," Rex says smiling for a brief moment before getting serious and thinking once more. As he thinks he sheaths his sword, wrapping the strap on the sheath around him. He then fastened his bag around his waist, the actual bag on the side of his hip. He then wrapped his ID around his neck, putting the actual ID under his shirt.

"Can I still go up the dungeon or is it impossible now," Rex asks the child.

The child laughs, "Of course you can! You have your ID, you have the right to go up the dungeon."

"That is great and all, but what is a SOUL going to do to get up the dungeon."

The child points to the soulless body that laid on the rubble, blood still dripping from its body.

"What about it," Rex asks with an expression of discomfort by the amount of blood surrounding the body.

"Just use that body as a temporary body. Since you technically didn't die and your body is still alive, you have become a special soul. You can inhabit any body without a soul that is still somewhat alive with mana. That body's original soul must have been an expert at magic, the mana from that body is so immense that it hasn't died after all this time has passed."

Rex hesitates, he weighs his pros and cons...

Pro. It will let me up the dungeon if I can take over this body.

Con. I will look like some other guy, and that guy...no offense. I would like to get laid at least once in this dungeon.

"Do you know some kind of magic that can change that body's appearance to more like mine," Rex asks analyzing the body's facial features and other physical features.

The child laughs, "Don't worry! That body will adjust to your soul's look as time goes on. All you have to do is just act like you are putting on a coat or clothes, but apply the same kind of focus when you opened your inventory."

Rex rushes over to the body, he taps it at first, he could hear the echoes of an empty body within the soul world. He begins to focus, but he stops, "I'm probably not going to see you again, before I go, I would like to know your name."

"I don't have one. I don't need one."

"How should I thank you for helping me?"

"I'm glad that I helped you, that is all the thanks I need. You are the first person I was able to help in over a hundred years."

Rex smiles back at the child who's smile had grown twice its logical size.

Rex watches as the child walks the opposite way he ran into Rex, disappearing from his sight the further he goes away.

Rex looks at the soulless body and focuses his whole soul into the body. He felt his weapons, clothing, armor, and items alongside his soul. He put on the body as though it was a suit of armor. Legs first, almost instantaneously he could feel and move the body's leg. "Woah!" Rex is surprised at the speed of control he was able gain. "Let me test this out here."

With as much force as possible, he forces his legs up and begins kicking as fast as possible. Rex tears up with laughter, "This is so much fun what the hell! Oh! I should finish getting inside this body."

As the same he did with his legs he put the rest of his body in, for a moment he was able to twitch his fingers and toes. However within seconds his whole body shut downed. As a soul he panicked, thinking that he had broken the body or something. As a body, he felt consciousness coming back to him. The formation of thoughts, the awareness of his surroundings, the sense of breathing once more, and the sensation of blood pumping throughout his body.

It wasn't long until Rex's soul took note of the changes in his newly acquired body. He could feel himself getting taller, his hair growing to its drooping state, the skin of the body regressed in age to resemble an 18 year old Rex. The original color of his hair shaded itself back into red. His skin a paler tone, his eyes turned from the light brown of the previous body's owner to a midnight black like Rex's. However his left eye turned white, but Rex had no way of knowing of this fact.

"Amazing," Rex feels his strand of hair, following that he felt his legs, his face, his chest, and then his equipment that happened to appear on his body. "I wish I could learn more about this Soul World and all, but I have to go up the dungeon."

To make my father proud of me.

Rex stands up slowly, getting a small headache as he does. He stumbles around, but after a few meters of staggering he reached the Boss Territory and regained much control of his body as his old body. Once he catches his breath, he takes a larger breath and exhales.

He jumps without difficulty, he then unsheathes his sword...*SWING*... he quickly swings his sword, inspecting his arm and his sword he sighs. "I'm not as fast as I was. Whatever, the Giant Slime should not be that difficult to defeat with this speed."

Rex sheaths his sword and continues to walk forward to the Boss Area.


After walking a few more meters, Rex has reached the door to the Boss Area. He looks back, then slowly looks forward, pushing the door and entering the Boss Area.

Inside the Boss Area, the Boss, Giant Slime laid asleep.

Alright Rex, remember everything you have learned about slime anatomy, remember your combat training, Rex tells himself as he takes a few breaths.

First, I need to wake it up, I have to use a skill that allows me to do damage if I do not miss.

Rex unsheathes his sword, holding it up, he swiftly slices the air, "Air Slash!" The air that Rex sliced rush toward the Boss at an alarming speed, it appears to hit, but Giant Slime splits in two before the Air Slash could even hit it. Instead the Air Slash hits the wall behind the slime.

"Damn it! It dodged it! I need to attack it before it-"

Without warning the two parts jump into the air, joining back together mid air, it lands in front of Rex who was by the entrance of the Boss Area. Rex panics and unleashes another Air Slash. It connects!

A clear cut could be seen from the impact, however it was deep enough to hit the heart of the Giant Slime. Rex attempts to rush into the slime, but he notices a transparent blue copy of it coming out from behind it.

"The hell is that?" Despite the mystery he continues rushing. By now it should start using its body to form arms to attack me, Rex thought.

However instead of the green Giant Slime that Rex was fighting forming arms. Its blue copy does instead, confusing Rex as much as him seeing a midget riding a chicken.

Rex expects the green Giant Slime to attack, but instead the blue copy uses one of its arms to attack him.

"What the hell!"


Rex put up a guard with his sword, he expected to be sent flying, but in a different way than how he really was sent back.

"How can I see my body, its like...WAIT! My soul! THAT SLIME PUNCHED MY SOUL OUT OF ME."

HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER! That Slime is truly OP. How will Rex get out of this situation?

Shinja_kuncreators' thoughts