
Soul Land: God of Samsara

Consumed by self-blame and despair, Ma Hongjun, the Phoenix God, performed a tenth attempt to rebirth to the past. With his succession, will he finally able to remake his mistakes, and see the one person he ever loved, again? Note: Soul Land completely belongs to Tang Jia San Shao.

Descendent · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Chapter 2: Shrek Academy

The longest-standing and the strongest academy of the Douluo World, the Shrek Academy, gave birth to vast amount of experts, making the world filled with saintly beings.

But the history of its time being founded, started from a tattered buildings of learning.

Hongjun saw the academy's contrasting image, if compared to the whole city it owns at its peak.

It's simple and neatly clean, but this place was the starting point of all.

The start of the myth, the Shrek Seven Devils of the Shrek Academy.

Entering the establishment, two other young men came out.


"Master Flender!"

These two handsome men exudes aura that signifies their potential and capabilities.

"Oi Oscar and Mubai, are you finished with your training?" Flender seriously scanned the two.

"Yes,absolutely" Dai Mubai's heterochromatic polycoria-eyes shined.

"Uhhh..." Oscar hesitated to answer, obviously just lazing around.

"You lazy bum, get your ass out here and train" Flender reprimanded as he kicked out Oscar.

Oscar hurriedly escape with his fast legs.

"Hongjun, be like your Senior Mubai here, only the strong have the right to decide their fates if they will" Flender sighed.

Hongjun nodded, completely understanding Flender's advice.

As someone who became a godly being, he experienced times where because he was weak, he was bullied and can only endure while gritting his teeth.

Led to his own room by Flender, the start of his recultivation commenced.


<Hongjun's POV>

Meeting two of my future companions, my excitement have now gone down a level.

Concerning the direction of my path as a Soul Master, I chose to be an all-around one.

What I mean was to focus on the seven main aspects a Soul Master could take.

Agility, Assault, Elemental Assault, Defense, Control, Close-Combat and Reconnaisance in Auxiliary System.

From the future, I was able to brought two things that can aid me to grow faster than my previous self.

I was the generation's Phoenix God, inheriting its Godseat and forming my Phoenix Divine Core.

There maybe complications but it can also be said as an advantage.

The divine core's power is erased of its unique power completely, and was only an enormous amount of pure energy with no particular attributes.

Having a core, what more a divine core, without even reaching the Seventh Tier Soul Saint, is a complete miracle.

Other than my divine core was the mutated soul of mine.

If a Phoenix reached its ninth time of reincarnation and proceeded to their tenth attempt, a heaven-defying result will occur, giving birth to a special soul that cannot die, even with the vestiges of time.

I named it the Immortal Phoenix Soul.

It was everlasting, immortal and undying.

My martial soul maybe lackluster than the other two talents, but a martial soul evolution was proven to be viable by the future generations of this world, in my time as a God.

Dog martial souls can even mutate into divine Qilins...

Anyway, talents may represent the potential of a person, but a cultivation technique made that potential be a real power.

As my chosen cultivation technique, I've chosen the Mysterious Heaven Technique which Tang San owns.

It may not be comparable to other godly techniques of the divine realm, but its purity and safety is unsurpassed.

Tang San said that a secret is hidden behind this technique, that even he cannot unveil.

This technique's mysteriousness is a goal I must unravel this time.

Absorbing the energy of the surroundings, a pure and refined soul energy flowed into my meridians towards my Dantian, located in the lower abdomen.

By the night, I was able to breakthrough to the tenth-rank Soul Scholar.

After stabilizing my newly-advanced cultivation, I got out from my cabin and went straight from the dining area.

Producing a deep and heavy foundation is necessary to not encounter problems in the future stages.

It was also an aspect for realm-jumping battle strength.


Voices called out for me, which was Master Flender, the other students and the Vice Dean Zhao Wuji.

Flender stood up trying to gather attention, from the people of the table.

"Good Evening to all of us, before we feast on our meals, I will be introducing my disciple Ma Hongjun, bearing the martial soul Evil Fire Phoenix"

"Oh, is that a mutated Phoenix lineage?" Zhao Wuji asked.

My seniors, Oscar and Mubai was also curious.

"You are right, his flames displays darker tint than the usual bright red flames, signifying its uniqueness" Flender replied concisely.

"Isn't this martial soul famous for its disadvantages?" Dai Mubai asked.

Mubai is the prince of the Star Luo Empire, a long-standing one comparable to the Heaven Dou Empire. Ancient records are stored in their archives, full of ancient knowledge and cultivation pointers.

The Evil Fire Phoenix is naturally strong due to its connection to an ancient divine beast, the Phoenix God.

It was a mutation of a normal Phoenix who symbolizes Life and Creation, being corrupted and gaining the power of destruction.

Side-effects also appears differently from each wielder of its martial soul, some have strong this for blood, destructive personalities and strong laviscious urges.

I myself also experienced strong sexual desires, which I quelled using brothels around the town.

Oscar and Mubai introduced themselves, making the atmosphere warm and cozy.

"Junior, you can call me Mubai, Dai Mubai, my Martial Soul is the White Tiger, I'm a twelfth-rank Assault-type Soul Scholar,I hope we can get along" Mubai displayed his noble elegance.

"Greetings Hongjun, my name is Oscar, I'm a tenth-rank Food-type Soul Scholar, I hope we can also get along" Oscar tried to imitate a scholarly vibe.

I tried to tease Oscar, asking his Martial Soul even if I already knew it from the past.

"Err..." Oscar was visibly embarassed.

Mubai was the one who replied for his stead while smirking "It's a sausage"

Oscar acted overratedly "NOOOO! MY IMAGE AS A NOBLE SCHOLAR"

Flender was visibly inscensed with his antics and shouted loudly.

"Oscar, shut up!"

To which Oscar defended himself "But master Flender it was Mubai who started it!"

" I said shut up!" Flender repeated.

Zhao Wuji, the ignored man also joined that chat.

"Oscar, you can either choose to whine with no food or quietly eat your meal"

Oscar could only sit down from this warning but his threatening gaze was still focused to Mubai.

Mubai completely ignored Oscar.

Seeing this, a smile soon developed in my expression, a complete opposite of my desolateness in the divine realm.

Several questions was asked by my seniors which I obediently answered, gaining favorable first impressions on them.

Master Flender soon found that I had a breakthrough, excited to know what will be the first spirit ring I will absorb.

Our meals was soon finished and was encouraged to sleep early by our instructors.

As someone who wanted to create a strong foundation, the earlier I started the better it would be.

From the Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang, which will be arriving in this academy soon with Tang San and Xiao Wu, one of his theories explained that after a breakthrough, our bodies can still hold up more soul energy before we absorb spirit rings.

Reaching the limit of the tenth-level, a force was hindering my advancement, the same circumstance all Soul Master had.