
Other's Soul Board

(Third person POV)

"Roger…" The old man, Roger's only living relative after the death of his parents, is his grandfather.

"Gramps, long time no see" Roger greeted him with a smile and hoarse voice.

"Roger! *Sniff* My boy! You're finally awake!" Roger's grandfather, despite being quite old, ran to Roger at record speed with tears streaming out of his eyes.

The two hugged with the older one putting all his strength into it, as if afraid of his grandson slipping away again. His heart almost stopped when he heard from the frantic head doctor that his beloved grandson passed away before he was told that he miraculously came back to life.

He ran here at fast as his aged legs could take him and came before his grandson, who was supposed to be in a coma, sitting there on the hospital bed, fully awake.

His heart could finally be at ease as his only worry was that he would die before getting to talk to his grandson again and his grandson not having someone to care for him when he one day wakes up.

As the say goes "Ignorant is bliss", because the original Roger was destined to die this very day and leave the old man alone in this dangerous world with no blood family. Thankfully, a new Roger had come to fill the grandson position, as who knows what a mentally despairing and vulnerable multimillionaire man would do within this world with a supernatural side.

Fortunately, we will never get to see that future as a being had blessed this world with the presence of our new Roger.


(MC's POV)

I continued to hug and comfort my new grandfather as he let out all his pent-up stress in the form of tears. I'm quite surprised I adjusted to this new life so quickly, my instinct tells me it's because of the way the OG Roger's memory was given to me.

I feel like I've truly lived through what the OG Roger went through and my past life's memory was like a vivid dream while this body was in a coma if that made any sense.

Well, not much point dwelling on it, it's like this now and I can't do much about it anyway.

Though, I must say, Gramps is very strong for his age as I could feel I'd be suffocating right now if not for my [Strength] 10.

Actually, let's check out his Soul Board.


『Soul Board』

Arreld Stayv - Human

Age: 84 Rank: 18

Soul Points: 9


[Natural Recovery] 2/20

[Stamina] 4/50


- Toxic Immunity 2/10

- Disease Immunity 3/10


- Sight 1/10

- Smell 2/10

- Hearing 1/10

- Taste 1/10

- Touch 2/10

『Physical Strength』

[Strength] 5/50

[Weapon Mastery]

- Sword 2/10

- Spear 2/10

- Axe 2/10

- Bow 2/10

- Throwing 2/10

- Fist 4/10


[Power Burst] 3/20

[Balance] 2/20

[Flexibility] 2/20


- Imperceptibility 1/10


[Dexterity] 4/20


- Musician 2/10

- Chef 3/10

- Baker 3/10


[Mental Strength] 3/20


- Holy 3/20

- Evil 1/20

[Charisma] 2/10

[Appeal] 1/10


[Instinct] 2/20

[Insight] 2/20

[Memory] 2/20


- Math 3/10

- Science 2/10

- Language 4/10

- Culture 3/10

- History 2/10


I guess it's to be expected of a man who had served in the army, regularly exercised, and practiced martial arts for decades to have pretty good physical stats.

I noticed that all Gramps' stats are equal to or below 5 and that his 『Magic Power』 and [Detection] have 0 points invested into them.

The first point, I could guess that stats around 5 could be considered as peak normal human level or something like that but I will have to get more samples to find out if I am correct.

The latter point, I think has to do with him not being involved with the supernatural side of the world because 『Magic Power』 only has things of magical nature, and [Detection] only has abilities towards perceiving or detecting either Life Force or Mana.

Another thing, in [Stealth] he also has 0 points in Life and Mana Obfuscation as those are direct counterparts of the [Detection] abilities. He has 0 points in Group Obfuscation because he doesn't all 3 main [Stealth] abilities, according to Hikaru's memory.

And I think that's about it for now, if only I have more people so I can look at their Soul Board to get a better sample size.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, the door to my room swung open as several doctors and nurses came rushing in with some medical equipment.

Well, God is smiling upon me in this new life. Oh wait, he's dead. I guess Michael is the one who's smiling upon me then.

"Mr. Stayv, could you please step outside for a few minutes? We would like to run some tests to make sure Mr. Roger is fine after waking from his coma" An old man in a white coat stepped forward and spoke in a respectful tone, he doesn't look one-bit surprised like the others behind him about me waking from my coma.

"Alright, Doctor. Roger, I have something to tell you after this, it's about your parents" Gramps got off me and wiped his tears, his expression turned grim; the old doctor was having the same expression.

Oh right, the OG Roger never found out about his parent's death since he has been in a coma since the accident. I wonder why that info was also included as part of his memory when he never got to know about it.

I'll just take a wild guess that it would be far easier to inform me of that first before I find out naturally so I wouldn't get too affected by it.

"Alright…" I looked down sadly, like I said, it feels like I've lived the OG Roger's life so knowing my parents are dead is still a saddening thing even if I know they're were technically not my original parents, a part of me deep down still considered them as my real parents

Seeing my expression, the two seem to catch on as they grimace.

"Mr. Stayv, please leave the room until we are finished" The old doctor interrupted Gramps before he could do anything. Gramps looked at me before turning around and leaving the room.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Roger, for doing this right after you have just come out of your coma"

"It's fine, you're just doing your job and looking out for my health and safety, Doctor"

"I'm glad you understand. Now, let's begin, everyone"

The doctors and nurses, one by one, began doing their own tests on me. It didn't take more than 20 minutes before they finished up and reached a conclusion.

The other doctors and nurses left, leaving the old doctor who I assume to be the head doctor of this hospital. After looking at all the results of the tests, he called Gramps to come in and listen alongside me.

"So after running some tests, we can conclude that Roger is healthy, in fact, he is beyond healthy for someone waking up after a 2-year coma. Now, I would like to say that we want him to stay for some week so we could run more tests on him to see why he is so healthy, but I don't want my hospital to be bought by someone mysterious so Roger can be discharged in four days"

The old man was eyeing Gramps the entire time he was giving the results; he and Gramps must have a history together for Gramps to be grinning like that.

"Hahaha! That's good, I don't want my boy to be stuck in this hospital any longer than he needs to be" Gramps has that shit-eating grin on his face, it made him look quite creepy though.

"Sigh, I'll go and get the paperwork for his discharge, a nurse will be sent in a couple of hours for his rehabilitation since it's necessary for him to be in perfect shape by the time of his discharge"

The old doctor rubbed the bridge of his nose in exhaustion while heading out of the room, leaving the two of us alone.

"Roger, about your parents…" Gramps turned to me with a grim look.

"I know, Gramps" I looked down; I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks.


"Don't worry, I'll continue to take care of you from now on, my boy" Gramps slowly pulled me into his embrace; it felt warm and comforting. I was immersed in his warmth as my tears trickled down my face.

I want to protect this warmth; this comfort within this new world is the only thing I have as of now so I must protect it.

I don't want to lose this so I must protect it, and to do that I need to get stronger and learn more about the world. I don't know if there is any world-threatening crisis later down the line or anything, but let's face it; there will be great danger in the future since this is an anime world, and something is telling me that I'm right.

I need to learn more about this world to decide where I want to stand. Do I join the three main factions or stay out of it? It all depends on what I find out about them, all the things that were not mentioned in the anime.

But, before any of that, I must learn more about my power. I already know my Soul Board is different from Hikaru's, so I can't go off on his memory alone, I will have to do my own test.

And the first of that is checking out the other sides of the Soul Board.


『Soul Board+』 [-]




A/N: I really don't like high places, especially cliffs.
