
Sometimes Love Isn't Enough

[WARNING MATURE CONTENT] For the first time in Nuelle's life, she experienced what you see in a movie. From the bullying to the unexpected love situations and the heartbreak and betrayal she still can't believe her once peaceful life is now full of drama. Nuelle kalio is a 17 almost 18-year-old girl that moved from her home country Nigeria to New Orleans with her family. She had a normal life with no drama but all that changed when she meets Jeremy Morgan. Jeremy Morgan is a troubled 19-year-old who is used to people being at his feet, what is he going to do when the new girl in school is not easily intimidated? Can they handle what life has in store for them? PS cover picture from Pinterest

Serendipity_Lee · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs



Today isn't my day, things aren't going the way I plan them to, on my way to meet Elle in school I got stopped by an officer for running the red light but it didn't just stop there I was made to take the breath test which I resisted and was taken to the station and they just had to call my fucking brother, I was kept in the station for four hours pissed isn't the word to describe how I felt during my stay at the station the realization that I wouldn't able to meet up with Elle made me pissed and anxious I could not even call her because my phone is dead and these officers would not let me get my charger from my car or give me their own to charge my phone.

Now for the second time today I'm walking in on Levi kissing Elle on the lips this time do I still need to ask her before I assume what's going on between them "fuck!" I yelled out I was about to barge in and demand an explanation while beating the shit out of Levi but the words of the Hooker earlier today popped up in my head that I don't have the right to be mad or ask questions, the thought of me not having the right to be mad or ask for an explanation pained me, Looking at her smile as she sniffs the flower Levi gave her made me so mad to the point that I could cry "fuck!" I swear again because this is all I can do walk back to my car to calm down and think just at that moment Levi walks out of the shop with a smile and it irritated me so much I didn't even know when left my car to go wipe that smile out of his face.

"Hey, what's funny" I question blocking his path as he tried to push past me,

"I said what's funny bitch" I cursed at him.

"why are you talking to me? Huh aren't we supposed to ignore each other for life" Levi says while poking me.

"get your filth away from me" I push his hand away from me.

"stay away from Elle" I spat out angrily

"Just as I expected it's about Nuelle," he says sarcastically "I should be the one telling you to stay away from her you're bad news".

"so you know about us wow now it makes sense," I said surprised

"I know about you guys but don't think I'm doing this because of you, I genuinely love her I can not bear to see her with you cause I know that you're just toying with her, you fucking bullied her. He says as he pushed me away from his path.

"And also you look so pathetic telling me to stay away from her are you feeling threatened by me," he said with a smirk as he enters his car and drives off leaving me with feelings of regret for not giving him a punch or two.

What should I do I ask myself as I sit in my car, what if she chooses Levi over me her former bully? "shit!" the feeling of anxiety overwhelmed me I bullied her she will never want to be with me "Nobody in their right senses will date their bully right?" I ask the none existing person in my car. Oh God, what am I gonna do?