
Chapter 3

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Topic: The Simurgh Sings No More!

In: Boards ► World News ► Endbringers ► Main

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted on February 24, 2011:

Today at 12:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, the Simurgh had began her descend toward at Canberra, Australia.

By 12:42 PM Canberra was within the Simurgh's range and the collaboration from the PRT and capes from around the world began another dreadful fight against an Endbringer.

However due to the effort of the Independent American Rogue, Majin Saber (Cape Thread Here) the Simurgh was defeated at last.

A video was leaked of the battles, showing Majin Saber's efforts here.


There is a video showing the Triumvirate's talking with Majin Saber after the fight that shows a bit more of the, until recently, unknown cape's character, given that she had only one public outing and engagement with the cape scene. Here.

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► Coyotea

Replied on February 24, 2011:


► ClubBall

Replied on February 24, 2011:

Dude, you've been saying "What?" for the past 3 pages.

Enough already

► Coyotea

Replied on February 24, 2011:


► SwordSword (Majin Saber Fan)

Replied on February 24, 2011:


► VagueMachine

Replied on February 24, 2011:

@ Coyotea: Look I think it's obvious to anyone who saw Majin Saber talk would figure out that, excuse my french, is a bit retarded. Odds are even she doesn't understand how her power works, and just wack things with that stupid sword till it stops.

► Trajectory (Verified Cape)

Replied on February 24, 2011:

@ VagueMachine: One, don't call someone retarded when you don't really fucking know their condition.

Two, and this is important, I was there. I saw when Majin Saber used what she called her "actual attack". It was like seeing beams of light pierce through space targeting one place from 3,000,000 directions.

So her saying, excuse my paraphrasing, "I attacked from every point in space and time to cancel out the bird's (heh) future sight", is probably pretty fucking accurate.

► VagueMachine

Replied on February 24, 2011:

*Post Deleted*

(You get a BAN for 1 hour and an Infraction for that post. Disagreeing with others is fine, but personal attacks are not okay - Tin_Mother)

► Patrio

Replied on February 24, 2011:

I think Majin Saber's first description of her powers was pretty clear without her having to explain the details.

"I cut things good."

Do we really need more of an explanation?

► HuggingDolphin

Replied on February 24, 2011:

Is no worried about how long Majin Saber was in the Simurgh's son range? Is no one freaking out that she could be the last and world Zizbomb there is!?!?!?!?!?

Also isn't that husband of hers a huge vulnerability? What if a villain takes him hostage!?

► DoujinArtISTO (Cape Geek)

Replied on February 24, 2011:

For fuck's sake chill already! We were already told she was barely five minuites in the fight. Hell, with how pullshit Saber is, I won'dn't be surprised if she just cut the Zizsong alltogether to she doesn't hear it!

And as for her husband...You think anyone is gonna fucking live long enough to threat MSaber with him?

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(Showing Page 154 of 293)

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (Tin Foil Hat Society Member)

Replied on February 25, 2011:

I'm just saying, the way she moved once she started attacking, along with her likely Thinker powers to know how and where to slash, it's likely that Majin Saber is something like Scion, able to percive the world in such a complex way that she had difficultly putting it into speech. She's just not on his level yet, so she's not mute.

► MidnightPhoenix (Cape Analyst)

Replied on February 25, 2011:

Dude, Void, just...I have a headache.

Look, Eidolon was there.

He had Thinker powers one to make sure the cape that can kill an Endbringer doesn't go coco.

It is not confirmed if Majin Saber has a Thinker power or not.

Most certainly that's not why she appears slow. Some people are just like that because their autistic, or idiot savant, OR and this is what I think is the most likely reason, she's just lazy and unfocused on things she doesn't care about.

You know, like you!

► CornyCamel (Cape Groupie)

Replied on February 25, 2011:

Dude man, Eidolon was high as fuck in that video.

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (Tin Foil Hat Society Member)

Replied on February 25, 2011:

Pretty sure that was just shock from being in Majin Saber's presence.

► R.A.G 

Replied on February 25, 2011:

I hate to agree with Cowboy but yeah.

Meanwhile Alexandria looked perpetually pissed off by Majin Saber not giving a fuck about heroics or saving the world.

While Legend looked like he was seriously trying not to laugh the whole time, but understanding MSaber and silently agreeing with her. MSaber only fought for her husbando. 

Clearly she's one of the few sane capes that's got their priorities straight. 

► Katillno (Cape Groupie)

Replied on February 25, 2011:

"Sacrifices are only acceptable because of the belief that there is something worth protecting and leaving behind for everyone else. If I don't have my home and my husband to return to, then why should I save this world?"



Like seriously, the only reason she fought the Simurgh was because her date with her hubby got interrupted!

How romantic is that?

► John Priest 

Replied on February 25, 2011:

It's selfish is what it is! She has the power to change the world, and she would rather do nothing while the world burns, just so she could play at being a housewife.

► BugNinja

Replied on February 25, 2011:

@ John Priest: One, go fuck yourself with that self entitled bullshit.

Two, while I do think Majin Saber should fight the villains in Brockton Bay, she also has the right to live her life as she wants. If she want to live a quiet peaceful life with her husband then that's what she should do.

Regardless of her reason, she killed one of the Endbringers. She saved so many lives and the world owes her a debt. No one can change that.

► ezok (Cape Geek)

Replied on February 25, 2011:

@ Katillno: That's not romantic. That's just Boss Badass.

That is establishing dominance on the Endbringers of telling them: "You mess with my time with my man, I'mma come after you!" *I'mWatchingYouFingerGesture.Gif*

The only thing I'm left wondering is what did that absolute legend, that husband of hers, did to get her.

► MajinSaber (Verified Cape)

Replied on February 25, 2011:

He's a great cook.

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(Showing Page 213 of 411)

► WomenDefender145 (Verified Feminist)

Replied on February 28, 2011:


How the hell would you explain her settling down and stifling her potential just for a guy?

Majin Saber's husband is a Master! The @ Protectorate_Official needs to launch an assault and save her.

Or are you just gonna ignore her because she's a woman so it's better that she be under someone's control!

After all, that's why no one bothered to save any of Heartbreaker's victims!

(User BANNED for 6 months. Making conspiracies and inciting violence without any evidence to your claims that would cause harm to innocent people is not helping your cause! - Tin_Mother)

► KissyPredator (Cape Groupie)

Replied on February 28, 2011:

Can't you fucking feminists just leave people alone?

Go forbid two people have a healthy relationship, and are content and happy together.

No, clearly there must be a Master involved, because Majin Saber dared to choose a traditional female role of a housewife and not follow your fucking agenda!

► SpecificProtagonist (FanFic Writer)

Replied on February 28, 2011:

I don't mind if Majin Saber's husband wants me to call him "Master" along side his wife, if you know what I mean. 

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (Tin Foil Hat Society Member)

Replied on February 28, 2011:

Look @ SpecificProtagonist, we all know what you mean, just like everyone knows that the likelyhood of you being in a RL threesome is as likely as my getting a girlfriend.

► AgileRogue

Replied on February 28, 2011:

That's a...very weird burn VB.

And surprisingly self aware.

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (Tin Foil Hat Society Member)

Replied on February 28, 2011:

Also, I think Majin Saber having all that power yet choosing not to use it, to just like a quiet life and be happy with what she has even if others view it as little is probably a sign of a very wise person.

To have ultimate power in your hands yet reject using it for person gain shows that Majin Saber is stronger than any other cape in the world. How many cities became disaster zones because of S-Class parahumans going insane and just lashing out.

How many run the streets while making rationalizations that they must use their powers.

And yet amidst all that, Majin Saber defies this pattern, this standard of the world, and forges her own path to happiness.

Not by having power, but by letting go of it.

And that Majin Saber's husband never tried to use her power for himself, just living his life as a chef for the wife he loves is also a sign of his strength.

The life these two lead really is something to be envied by many.

► nanayoung 

Replied on February 28, 2011:

Uhh, mods. I think someone definitely hacked Void_Cowboy's account. He's being disturbingly deep and philosophical.

► Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on February 28, 2011:

No, no DON'T!

This is one of those really rare moods where VB become a fucking Sage, and just throws wisdom left and right out of his ass. Seriously, enjoy this wave while it lasts. 

► XxVoid_CowboyxX (Tin Foil Hat Society Member)

Replied on February 28, 2011:

That's why I'm sure Majin Saber and her husband aren't from Earth Bet. They probably come from another universe.

► Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on February 28, 2011:

Aaaaand it's gone. 

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Topic: Majin Saber

Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Capes

(Showing Page 1106 of 1107)

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

For the past few days my wife, @ Majin Saber, has been badgering me about "the people on the internet asking about me".

I made an account so I can answer people's questions and get this over with.

I'm only doing this for one day, and then not coming back here.

► MajinSaber (Verified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Hi, Honey! Also when is the lasagna gonna be done?

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

It was two hours, ten minutes ago when you asked me.

It's an hour and 50 minutes now.

► Assault (Verified Cape) (Protectorate ENE)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

And here he is! The man! The legend!

So the first question I think should be...whadda got that's so important, you're only gonna be on PHO for a day and never again.

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

A life.

► Assault (Verified Cape) (Protectorate ENE)

Replied on April 11, 2011:


►SlyPowers (UnVerified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

So uuh, how did you and Majin Saber started dating?

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Not answering personal questions, or ones that can reveal personal information of our private lives.

► SlyPowers (UnVerified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Then can you at least say how you landed a woman like Majin Saber?

► Sassassin (Cape Groupie)


► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

I acted like a decent human being.

► SlyPowers (UnVerified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

*Taking notes* Okay that's step 1, and step 2 is...

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

There is no Step 2.

► SlyPowers (UnVerified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:


► Regal Snatch

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Okay, I think we cal all agree that SWK is clearly a Thinker, Rating at 8~9 minimum.

► The Romancer

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Truly? You just met and fell in love? And you never tried to take advantage of her...vulnerabilities?

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

No. We didn't fall in love at first sight. Life isn't a movie. We got to know each other, had our struggles, and ultimately chose to be committed to one another, and work through difference with communication.

As for the second part of your question...I'm going to take that at face value, and not the insulting insinuation of it. No, I never took advantage of the woman I love because that's scummy behavior.

And more importantly if anyone actually thinks they can "take advantage of her vulnerabilities", they are likely to get something cut off, because she is actually perceptive enough to see through people.

She's just lazy.

►BB (Verified Kouhai)

"We got to know each other, had our struggles, and ultimately chose to be committed to one another, and work through difference with communication."

Silver, that's way too unrealistic. If you're gonna lie at least add some pzazz to it.

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Go back to the moon, you Sakura clone.

►BB (Verified Kouhai)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

*GASP* Damn yooooooooouuuuuuuu.... *Banishment*

(User Account Deleted)

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

What the shit?

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(Showing Page 1107 of 1107)

► ImpulseLemon (Verified Chef)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Ignoring that.

I think you should take the lasagna earlier. Like 15 minutes from now. It's not suppose to take two hour.

Shouldn't you know this, since you're a chef too?

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Personal recipe.

It's to be cooked at the lowest setting for the flavor to set in.

Also the first misconception I would like to correct. Unlike what Majin Saber keeps saying, I am not a chef. I actually have a job that brings me income. That is not cooking.

► ImpulseLemon (Verified Chef)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Interesting. Would you like to exchange recipes?

► MajinSaber (Verified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

But you're my Cook.

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

@ ImpulseLemon: Sure, send me a PM and we can talk about it when I have some free time.

@ MajinSaber: Yes, Dear, I cook for you, but that doesn't mean I'm a chef.

► MajinSaber (Verified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

But a cook is a chef, thus you are a chef.

► GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Perfectly logical. *FirmNod.Gif*

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

A chef is someone who cooks for a pay. I cook for you for free.

► WellBangOK (Not A Mass Effect Fan)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

And here we see an S-Class Cape in her natural habitat. We have to wonder how the Waifu Tamer will handle her aggressiveness.

It's gonna be tricky~

► MajinSaber (Verified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:


► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Why are you insisting I answer the forum than talk to you? We're in the same room!

Also cookies aren't currency.

► Shielder (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

This man clearly doesn't understand economics.

► MajinSaber (Verified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Do you want two cookies?

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

It's not about the cookies.

Look, the point is I like my job and don't want to change it to a chef.

► MajinSaber (Verified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

But I love your cooking.

► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Think of it this way, would you rather I cook for you thus focus on the meals being great every time, or I cook for you and many strangers and the meals turning out okay due to pressure on time and materials.

► MajinSaber (Verified Cape)

Replied on April 11, 2011:


► Silver W. King (Cape Husband)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

There you go.

► Katillno (Cape Groupie)

Replied on April 11, 2011:



► JackOfBlades (Always A Tourist)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

I agree, they're disgustingly adorable. I kinda want to go to Brockton just to see if people there act like this in real life.

► Red Alice (Fairy Tale Enthusiast)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

It's like watching a couple from a happily ever after. That's so nice~

► The Romancer

Replied on April 11, 2011:

With how these two are acting, I wonder if Brockton Bay will become a romantic dating city. Maybe it will be a tourist attraction worth visiting for.

► FeatherHolder (Symbolism Expert)

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Brockton Bay is likely to become the sight of a renewed tourist travel if anything else. All so someone can get a glimpse of the Endslayer.

► AllSeeingEye

Replied on April 11, 2011:

Oh, y'all can just go get fucked!

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Alice Kazuma closed her laptop having read through PHO mostly out of curiosity, and mostly to see what her new targets are like, a little bit.

Lung had threatened her to make stronger bombs. Something that could tip the scales in the ABB favor so that the Endslayer can't go after them unscathed.

She tried to tell him the Endslayer wasn't important as long as they don't go near where she likely lived, some place in the Downtown Coast, the opposite of where the ABB operated. They were more the E88 problem than there's.

But no, Lung wanted to hurt Majin Saber, for the insult of not even seeing him as a threat.

For fuck's sake, she killed the Simurgh, of course you're not a threat to her!

Alice could think of only one plan that could threaten Majin Saber, and get her to comply with her.

Take Majin Saber's husband hostage.

She was sure she wasn't the only one to think of this, and likely many villains, even from outside the Bay will try.

Alice had to get before them all, not because she was that loyal to Lung, but because it was the only way for her to be free.
