
Soldier production system in the apocalypse

The story is about a person named Ali, who was a student at the officer's college. He returned home after taking leave and rested for a while, and when he woke up, he realized that the world was no longer the world he knew.

alihastam · สงคราม
17 Chs

Platoon Commander

Then Ali started to explain the divisions: All right, we will be divided into 2 teams and one group, Team Alpha. Beta and Alfred Group

  Ali continued: Alpha and Beta teams to clear Alfred's group to enter the units and inform the survivors to gather them in one floor to explain the goals and rules.

  Ali chose two of the sergeants and said: Your name is Reza and your name is Hassan Reza. You will be the commander of the alpha team and Hassan you will be the commander of the beta team and your movement can carry 24 people.

  As Ali was talking, these two sergeants were promoted to the rank of sergeant, and Ali also noticed this.

  Vaali said with authority: Team Alpha and Beta can move

  Soldiers all said obedience and these 50 people moved to the 19th floor for cleaning

  Ali turned to the 10 duty soldiers and pointed to one of them, and that soldier came forward and paid respect

  Ali said to the soldier in front of him? From now on, you are in charge of collecting the leftovers. Take these 9 people. Every floor that is cleaned, you go to the units and tell the people to gather in the way. Then I will tell you what you have to do and your group will be Alfred. ?

  Soldier: Absolutely

  Ali nodded and said, "Okay, you can start from this floor."

  And Ali entered the emergency exit and went to the 19th floor where a hologram screen appeared in front of him

  A reminder of your number of people from the last 50 people in the squad commander box is available

  Ali stood there excitedly and said: Open it

  Inside the box was a stylish dress of the commander of the hand

  System: Do you want to wear the dress [Yes No]

  Ali quickly said: Yes

  And the dress quickly appeared on her body without her wanting to do anything

  Ali asked the system, what are the features of this dress?

  The system began to explain: This suit is completely resistant to being bitten by normal zombies and can partially block low-caliber bullets.

  Ali laughed and said: That's exactly what I needed. From now on, I don't need to be afraid of being bitten

  And then Ali moved and went down the stairs, before he entered the 19th floor, two dead bodies of zombies had fallen and their heads had been dismembered.

  Ali asked the system why these zombies who were killed by soldiers were not counted in the merits and their sex.

  The system said: whenever the user wants, the system settles

  Ali nodded his head and said: Oh, that's right

  And he entered the 19th floor and saw that this floor was cleared and the soldiers wanted to go to the lower floor

  All the soldiers gathered in front of Ali, Reza, and Hassan, the commander of the two teams came forward and said: "Commander of this floor, we cleared without firing a shot and we are moving to the lower floors."

  Mohammad gave a small smile and said, well, you can go!

  Soldiers show respect and move

  Ali said: System, I will call you Nova from now on

  The system said it was approved!

  Ali said with a small laugh, how many more coins are left for me?

  Nawajab gave: 8000

  Well, summon 20 conscripts, give each of them an AK47 and 4 extra magazines.

  Nova: Yes, a total of 2800 coins

  Nova: The total number of coins left is 5200

  Ali said: OK, thank you

  And a gate opened in front of Ali and 20 conscripts came out with guns and gave a military salute in front of Ali

  Ali said: Free

  Then he went ahead and told one of the soldiers to come forward and stop. That soldier also quickly came forward

  Ali said to him: From now on, you are in charge of this team, and my name will be Sadiq, and your team's code name will be Alfred 2

  The Bahijaan soldier said: Yes, Commander

  Ali nodded and said: After the building is cleared, you must take the corpses of the zombies outside the building and after the complex is cleared, set fire to all the corpses outside the complex.

  Sadiq: obedience

  Ali shook his head and said: "Okay, you can start."

  Ali took the wireless chassis and said: From Mehdi to Alfred

  Reza: I hear Alfred

  Ali: How many floors have been cleaned? entire

  Reza: Up to the 15th floor

  Ali said to himself that it is good

  and moved to the lower floors