
Soldier production system in the apocalypse

The story is about a person named Ali, who was a student at the officer's college. He returned home after taking leave and rested for a while, and when he woke up, he realized that the world was no longer the world he knew.

alihastam · สงคราม
17 Chs

No, it's your lunch time

15 minutes later

  11:45 in the afternoon

  Hassan: From Beta to Mahdi

  Ali answered: Mahdi is listening to me

  Hassan said: The first floor has been cleaned

  Ali smiled and said: "Okay." From Mehdi to Alpha

  Reza answered: Alpha to my ears

  Ali said: Gather inside the first floor

  Reza said: It was clear

  Ali himself used the emergency stairs and reached the first floor, and behind him the Alpha group entered the first floor, all lined up and showed military respect.

  Ali also respected them and said he was free

  Ali said: "The cartoon was good and thank God we didn't have any casualties and some more groups are going to enter our base and our base will become bigger day by day and we will become a place where people can live without worry in this apocalypse."

  All the soldiers were happy that their commander had praised them and said: yes

  Ali turned to Reza and Hassan and said, take your teams and clean the floor and don't let any zombies enter.

  Ali and Hassan said at the same time: Obeisance

  And both of them turned to the soldiers and said: We are moving towards the same floor

  The soldiers said at the same time: Obedience

  And everyone moved in less than a minute, the hall was empty

  Ali said now is the time and said: Nawa

  Nova answered: I am at your service

  Ali said: Whenever all the zombies inside the floor are killed, count the coins and points

  Nova: Yes


  5 minutes later

  Nova: Our building was cleaned

  At that moment, Sadiq, the commander of the team that was supposed to collect the survivors, came and showed military respect and said: Commander, I told all the survivors from the 2nd to 20th floors to gather inside the 10th floor, there is only one floor left.

  Ali laughed a little and said: "Your card was good, you can do your job."

  Sadiq was happy and said: Obedience

  And he and his soldiers began to knock on the doors of the units

  Ali said: Well, Nawa, how many coins and points do I have?

  Nova: You have killed 226 zombies from the 14th floor to the ground floor and a total of 290 zombies.

  Nova: Your assets are currently 589,200 coins and your score has reached 291,000.

  Nova: Congratulations, you have reached level 19

  Nova: Several locks have been opened for you

  Ali laughed and said: Now it's time to reach the battalion commander

  Ali said to Nava: Open the summons of the soldier

  Conscript 100 gold coins

  Sergeant 200 coins

  Sniper 300

  Heavy weapon soldier 400

  Ranger 500

  Soldier doctor 350

  400 engineer soldiers

  Soldier technician 200

  Electronic soldier 200

  Soldier Manager 200




  Ali said: Something just happened

  Nova: attention of the sniper soldier in each category you complete, you can summon 2 snipers

  Nova: Paying attention to the number of heavy weapon soldiers in each batch you complete, you can also summon 10 heavy weapon soldiers

  Ali said: There are limitations like this

  Ali said open the store page

  Soldier Summons:




  Air force :




  Ali was in a good mood and said: Bye bye

  Ali said: Open the weapon

  M1911 5 coins

  AK47 20 coins

  Against 30 coins

  M4 30 coins

  M27 40 coins

  M60 machine gun 100 coins

  Remington MSR 200 coins

  Very well, then equip the two 50-member squads of sergeants with M4; Equip 20 heavy weapons soldiers with M60 machine guns; 20 rangers and equip them with M27 and 4 snipers with Remington MSR

  Ali continued: 10 doctors, 10 engineers, 50 technicians, 5 electronic soldiers, and give them all m1911.

  Ali continued: Give each of these soldiers 4 extra magazines of the same type of weapon

  Nova: A total of 64575 coins, do you confirm? [Yes No]

  Ali said: Yes

  Nava: Attention, only combat soldiers are classified as battalions, and forces such as doctors and... are not part of battalions

  Ali said: Oh, okay

  A gate was opened in front of Ali and the hall was filled with a big smile. Ali laughed a little and said that one person from each group should come forward and that's what happened.

  Ali said to one of the sergeants, "You will be in charge of Beta 2, and your name will be Ehsan, and you must protect the base."

  Ehsan happily said: Yes

  Ali went to one of the Rangers and said: From now on you are the commander of the Rangers team, your code is Fox and my name is Sadek.

  Sadiq 2 = completely

  And then Ali stood in front of the sniper team and said: He raised his hand towards one of them and said that from now on you will be the commander of this team, your name will be Mehrdad 2 and your code will be Alpha 3. Did you understand?

  Mehrdad 2: Absolutely

  Ali said: Good

  And he turned towards a person from the electronics team and said: You will be the commander of this team and now go quickly to the control room of this complex inside the 10th floor and delete the film that is left of us.

  Electronic soldier: obey

  Then Ali looked at the group of heavy weapons soldiers and said that you will be divided into three groups, 10 of you will be in beta team 2, 5 of you will be in alpha and 5 of you will be in beta team.

  Soldiers: Yes

  Ali said: Doctors and engineers are free until I inform them

  And Ali continued: Everyone can go to their positions

  Reza came forward and stood up and said: Commander, should we continue moving forward?

  Ali answered: He said it is now lunch time, so stay in position until the food reaches you

  Reza: Obedience

  Punishment of the technician soldiers all go

  Ali said to a soldier: What is your characteristic?

  The soldier answered: Keeping any kind of electronic device

  Ali said: Good; You are free until I inform you

  Soldiers pay respect and leave

  Ali said to Nava: Summon 80 of the manager's soldiers and give each of them a Colt M 1911.

  Nova: A total of 16,400 coins were spent

  The gate opened in front of Ali and 80 soldiers stood and saluted

  Ali said to them: Divide into two parts. 40 of you are responsible for collecting food and distributing it among the survivors.

  Ali continued: 40 You are also in charge of army supplies, like distributing ammunition and food, was that understood?

  Soldiers: Absolutely

  Ali said: This first floor will be the procurement floor and we will keep the supplies here


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