
Sol and the 12 Mystics

Lindie_Myeni · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 3

Queen Scarlett is dating my dad. Well, she's his fiancée, last I checked anyway, my father is commander of the Night Court Army. Though, she's probably telling me this to let me know he's watching, always expecting me to follow in his footsteps. He knows I could never live that life, the responsibility and always being expected to take direct orders from the queen or any sort of authority, especially if I have no choice over some of the decisions I'd have to make. "You know he misses you? He's been worried about you, Solana. We've both been worried about you." "We both know he wasn't that worried, didn't you see the way he was, when I last saw him? He couldn't even look at me." "Lana, you have to put yourself in his shoes, he was devastated. He blamed himself for everything that happened-" I feel my blood boiling, I don't want to talk about the father who couldn't even say goodbye, who just walked out when I was about to be prosecuted. I need to focus and this is Scar; the person I least expected never to leave my side. "Don't you dare patronize me. I'm not doing this with you, not today. Now, you brought me out here to discuss something, now get on with it." She just stares at me. With chocolate brown skin, sparkling light green eyes, thick pouty lips & black neck length hair with streaks of white in it, you would never be able to guess her that she's centuries old, she's enchanting, the true Night Queen. "You have to go to The academy, Lana. You don't have a choice, there are things that you don't know, things I can't tell you, not yet. I would not lead you astray. Please," "Scar, what's going on? What are you not telling me?" She looks around as if scouting the area. "Oren is getting closer to achieving his goal, he's working with dark forces and he's been getting stronger. We need to stop him before he takes over the whole realm. I can't say anymore, not here." As crazy as it sounds, I believe her. Scarlett has never given me a reason not to trust her and King Oren has been trying to eradicate the whole half blood race. Half-bloods have been disappearing for over 2 decades now. Nobody ever knows where they disappear to. So, if you're half mage or half dragon, even if you're half fae, it doesn't matter you'll disappear eventually. The Academy is the safest place in the fae realm, with the centuaries old wards they have, nobody has ever penetrated the wards, even the strongest mages. So, I understand what she's talking about, especially since I'm a half-blood myself. "Fine, I'll bite. But, I have a condition,"