

"Your sister you say." The demon, that she had summoned, said with a hand on his chin; completely unbothered by the hostile looks her father was sending him. A look that he sent her way every few moments as well.

Yet Daphne could not bring herself to regret her actions, not yet. Astoria's, her sister's, condition had been getting worse lately and Daphne knew that neither she or her parents had any methods to save her sister. That was the reason she turned towards the heretical arts like demon summoning, it didn't matter what her parent thought about it; she was ready to sell her soul if it meant that Astoria could be cured.

"What does she need healing for?" Flauros finally asked. "Is it some sort of injury, sickness, poison or curse? Know that the payment I will require will change depending on her situation." He said and Daphne found him to be rather… humane for the contract. The way he was so reasonably speaking about what he was about to do for the deal, it kind of reminded her of her father.

"It... is a curse." Her father said. "It's called..."

"I don't care what it's called." The demon waved her father away with a disinterested look. "Just bring me to her and I will lay out the terms of the deal after seeing her curse." He said as he gestured them to walk and her father, after a moment of hesitation, walked out of the door with them and demon following after him.

It was unnerving, having a stranger just walking around in their home like he owned it. It almost made Daphne regret summoning him but the fact that there was a chance, which was more than anything they had till now, that he could heal her sister made it bearable. At least that was what she was repeating in her head till they reached Astoria's room.

"Daddy, who is that?" The youngest Greengrass asked as she pointed at the demon he spoke before her father could say anything.

"I'm a business associate of your father." He said with a smile before pulling a lollipop out of nowhere and gave it to her, now very overjoyed, sister. "He just wanted me to meet you before we talked about business."

"Nice to meet you candy man!" Astoria squeaked, already having decided that she liked the demon before her much to the rest of her family's dismay.

"Nice to meet you too, Astoria." He said as he ruffled her hair, making her parents look ready to whip out their wands, and then pushed her back. "Now move along, your parents and I have to talk about some boring business deals."

"Okay." And then she ran off.

"Cute kid." The demon said as he sat down on one of the chairs. "Shame about her curse, she likely will not go over fifty; less if she has kids in the future." And then said the dreaded words.

"You... know of her curse?" Her father asked, his face incredibly pale.

"Nah, the first time I'm seeing it, but it's rather easy to figure out from the way her magic is fluctuating." He said with a shrug. "It is some sort of vitality depleting curse taken to extreme, designed to attach to the cursed one's bloodline and randomly appear once in an every few generations." He said and their eyes widened even further with each of his words.

"If I had to make a guess, it was cast by some cuck who got rejected by one of your ancestors. Or a cuck who got rejected by someone who married one of your ancestors, either option seems possible."

"...the curse is a very old one, the records of who cast it has been lost." Her father admitted but the demon did not seem to care.

"Okay, I got the situation pretty well and can fix the curse on your daughter." He said and Daphne's eyes widened, tears of joy gathering on their corners. "All that's left is to dictate the terms of your payment."

"...I am willing to pay any price." Her father said with a defeated tone but the demon shook his head.

"Nope, not you, the payment has to come from the one who summoned me." He then turned towards her. "So, Daphne dear, what are you willing to pay?"

"...anything." Daphne admitted, much to her parents' protests. But she could feel that if she had lied to him, then things could have turned really ugly; and she would do anything to save Astoria.

"Very well." He said with a smile before turning to her father. "Do you people have some sort of business? Something that makes your family special other than the curse that some suck put on your bloodline?"

"We sell potions." Her father immediately admitted. "We are the largest suppliers in the Britain."

"Nice." Demon said with a smile. "So for payment I will be having a full on business contract with you for your potions." He said before pointing at her.

"And I will also give your daughter a special position."

"...what kind of position?" Her mother asked and the demon reached into his pocket and pulled out... a chess piece?

"Us devils can reincarnate those of other races as fellow devils. I am offering a position where Daphne will be working under me as a devil in order to legitimize our deal."

"Absolutely not!" Her father yelled as he jumped out of his chair. "You think that I would sell one of my daughters?!"

"Selling is a very ugly word, especially considering what a valuable position I am offering here." He said with a huff. "I am the nephew of one of the current leaders of my race and the heir of clan, there are those who would literally kill in order to join my peerage." He then smirked.

"While there are admittedly some downsides due to the fact that she will be joining our race, I am offering her a lifespan that is measured by centuries and more power than she can ever imagine. All of this on top of healing your other daughter and making a business contract with you, it's a deal that is mostly in your family's favor." He said with a smirk, much to her father's growing ire. "Not to mention the decision belongs to her." He then motioned towards her with his chin.

She... she was scared. The way he worded his words had made his offer seem a rather offer but if one were to look deeper, he was telling her to serve him! Yet, as she remembered the latest of Astoria's episodes with her sickness, she could not say that it would not be worth it.

"If I accept..." She started, much to her parents' horror. "...how would that affect my life at Hogwarts?"

"...what does pigs have to do with our conversation?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and Daphne couldn't help but snort.

"No, no Hogwarts is the name of the magic boarding school I go. Would I have to stop my education?" She asked with a pit of despair in her stomach at the thought of never seeing Tracey again.

"I don't see why you would need to do that?" He said and wiped that small despair out. "I am okay even if you come only during weekends, I'm sure your parent could talk to the school about how it's some sort of family situation." He said with a shrug and Daphne made her choice.

"I accept." She said with a sigh over her parents' protests and the devil smiled at her.

"That's nice to hear." He said as he offered her his hand for a shake. "Let me introduce myself once more, my name is Rigal Flauros; and I welcome you to my family." And she shook it.


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