
Sleepless Prince

Forced to learn the sword in his previous life, he ends up devoting his second chance to start inventing machinary and magic items to make his life easier and less dangerous!

LamoPebblo · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

A bloodied hill of corpses polluted the ground with a violent stench of blood filling the starry sky.

An army of fools who would do anything for those cowardice kings who sit on their thrones destroying their own country with ignorance and fat stomach's.

A fear to throw away their pride and respect one another leading to another's demise.

I hated it.

Every single second of it, They twiddle their thumbs in times of trouble and sent the sickly and frail people with families to go fight for their selfish interests for what? Gold, Power, Peace.

What a fairytale! There is no such thing as peace when the very people who demand peace are the ones killing the innocent for power and pleasure.

What a corrupt world it is and of course that includes me but if I had one final chance.

If I were to live again I would not pursuit this needless anguish. I would spend my days Creating inventions and machines to make life easier, I would not need to kill those for the reason of the king's I should only make my life the best it can be and help those who need it, Wasting no energy on these feeble nobles.

As I bleed out I shall pray to the god's for forgiveness for these sins in which carry me to my ending.

In a large room with high ceilings designed with curls and flicks and long walls painted olive.

two figures emerged with snow white hair. A man who looked to be in his late thirties or early forty's and a smaller child who looked to be around the age of 5 with long straight hair and shining green eyes.

They were staring at me, who were these people and where was I?

An old man dressed in a religious looking robe entered the room and congratulated the man shaking his hand as well as this woman who's voice I heard. My head was ringing and my vision was becoming more blurred. glaring over at me was a small little girl who was putting her hands in front of my face, I went to move by arms but my body didn't respond.

What was happening why can't I move? Am I too weak? That shouldn't be the case I am the strongest soldier that was in this war, My eyes went dark again and I fell asleep.

* Five Years Later: *

My name is Miles Royfour It's been five years since I have reincarnated. And I've been reborn into Nobility as the only son of the Royfour Family. Who would of thought that I became the very thing I despised, Nobility, at least this family of mine don't seem so corrupt they are caring and seem to be running the country well enough. The kingdom is huge and filled with many different species or so I have been told. As am not aloud To leave the castles Premises until I have learned how to defend myself which is foolish as I have guards but I am not aloud to go until the age of 10 when I can go into into the town with a accompanied Knight.

I have been studying for the past three years reading the books in the family archives learning about this world. I live in the City Of Rose which is one of the two major cities with the other one being the city of Plum. I have found out this world unlike my last and has this thing called magic which allows you to bend the laws of reality to make crazy this happen.