

SLEEP EMPEROR, you can experience how you became the sleeping emperor. "SLEEP EMPEROR JOURNEY" follows the thrilling journey of Alex, a martial artist who possesses the incredible ability to harness dreams. Discovering his power to enter and manipulate dreams, Alex embarks on a quest to become the ultimate martial arts master. Guided by enigmatic dream entities, he learns ancient techniques and gains invaluable wisdom. Venturing into the Dream Realm, Alex faces formidable challenges, rival fighters, and perilous creatures. Through rigorous training and personal growth, he earns experience points to enhance his skills and unlock new abilities. Joined by loyal companions, Alex sets out to conquer renowned martial artists, aiming to claim the coveted title of the SLEEP EMPEROR—the embodiment of dreams and martial prowess. Hope you join your journey reader. SORRY IF THE GRAMMAR IS NOT GOOD.

20 Chs


The students of the Sun Academy are shocked to see what you have done. They are surprised, and they are shocked... and they are in awe of you. You have taken down two powerful foes... and you have done it by yourself. You have single-handedly defeated two powerful foes... and the students of the University are shocked and in awe of your strength... and they are also extremely impressed and intrigued by what you have just done. They are amazed, absolutely blown away, and cannot believe what they have just seen. You have changed the course of history within the Sun Academy!

The news of your exploits gets to the Academy's President... and he is absolutely astonished. The President has never seen anything like this before... and he is blown away by what you have done.

The Elders and the Academy President discuss your exploits... and they talk about your battles with Razo and the Fourth Elder... and they talk about your sword-style abilities and your swordlike strengths. The Elders and the President share stories about your power and abilities... and the President is amazed. The Elders and the President agree that you are a powerful person and that you are someone that the Academy should be aware of and conscious of. The Elders also believe... that you are a person that the Academy should keep an eye on... and they believe that you have incredible potential.

The second Elder speaks up and agrees with the other Elders... and the second Elder also believes that you are a powerful individual worthy of recognition and respect. The Elders all believe that you are powerful and worthy of respect... and the Elders believe you are worthy of attention and consideration. The Elders see a lot of potential in you... and they believe that you can go a long way in the world if you continue to work on your abilities and if you continue to grow, and if you continue to get stronger.

The Third Elder speaks up and denies the Second Elder's opinion... and the Third Elder says... "He should be punished... because he killed Razo and the Fourth Elder... and he deserves to be punished for his actions." The Third Elder is shocked and horrified by your actions... and he believes that you should face severe consequences for your actions. The Third Elder believes that you are a dangerous individual and a threat to the Academy... and that you should be punished severely for your actions.

The other Elders speak up and agree with the Third Elder... and the other Elders believe, just like the Third Elder... that you should face severe punishment for your actions and deserve punishment. All of the Elders are shocked and horrified by your actions... and all of the Elders want to see you severely punished because of what you did. They are shocked by your actions and want to see you face justice for what you have done.

The Elders all look at the Academy President and are looking for him to decide. They all want to see the President impose some kind of consequence upon you... and they all want to see the President enforce some kind of punishment upon you. They all want to see the President do something... to do something about what you have done... and they all want to see the President make some sort of judgment and enforce it and make it stick. The Elders are all looking at the President, and they all are looking for him to make a decision on your fate.

At the end of the meeting... the Academy President stands before the Elders, and he says... "After hearing you all out... I have come to a decision..."

he says, "I believe that he is dangerous... and I believe that he is worthy of punishment." The President says... "I also believe that he is worthy of an opportunity. I think his talents deserve to be honed, and his power deserves to be tested... and I think he is worthy of a chance."

The Third Elder speaks up, disagrees with the President, and the Third Elder replies to the President... "I disagree with your decision. I believe this is a mistake... and you should enforce a more severe punishment upon him." The Third Elder says... "I think you are being far too lenient... and you need to impose a more severe punishment." The Third Elder says... "You are being too generous."

The President is silent momentarily and has a serious face... and he replies... "I understand your concern... and I agree that the punishment should be severe and that he deserves severe punishment. But I also believe that he has great potential and can be of great benefit, so I do not want to crush his potential. I am willing to accept some risk to give him a chance. If he can use his talents to serve our cause, help us, and help the world, then I am willing to take that risk."

The Second Elder speaks up... and the Second Elder mocks the Third Elder and replies... "I agree with the President's decision... and this is the correct course of action. There are great risks involved... but there is also great potential. I believe that the potential for good in this individual is worth the risk... and we should give him another chance." The Second Elder says... "I agree that he is dangerous... and powerful... but I believe there is good in him."

The Second Elder is a great, powerful, wise, and insightful woman. She is always willing to see the good in others and always searches for the good in people. The second Elder is a great mentor, a great teacher... and someone who gives great wisdom to those that need it. She is always there to guide people in the right direction... and she always gives the support needed when people need support. The Second Elder is a great teacher... and she is always there for those who need her.

Alisa asks the Second Elder to back you up... and the Second Elder agrees. The Second Elder is always there for those who need her... and she is always willing to stand by the side of those who need backing up. The Second Elder is always there to support those who need support... and provide the needed support. Alisa has always been able to count on the Second Elder for her support and guidance... and the Second Elder has always been there for her whenever she needs it. The Second Elder is a great teacher... and she is always there to back up those who need her.

"The path of the warrior is not for the faint-hearted. It requires the courage to face the unknown and the wisdom to choose righteousness over vengeance."

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