

SLEEP EMPEROR, you can experience how you became the sleeping emperor. "SLEEP EMPEROR JOURNEY" follows the thrilling journey of Alex, a martial artist who possesses the incredible ability to harness dreams. Discovering his power to enter and manipulate dreams, Alex embarks on a quest to become the ultimate martial arts master. Guided by enigmatic dream entities, he learns ancient techniques and gains invaluable wisdom. Venturing into the Dream Realm, Alex faces formidable challenges, rival fighters, and perilous creatures. Through rigorous training and personal growth, he earns experience points to enhance his skills and unlock new abilities. Joined by loyal companions, Alex sets out to conquer renowned martial artists, aiming to claim the coveted title of the SLEEP EMPEROR—the embodiment of dreams and martial prowess. Hope you join your journey reader. SORRY IF THE GRAMMAR IS NOT GOOD.

20 Chs


For one month you practice the Dragon Zeroth Law inside your dreams. This is a powerful Law that requires immense focus and dedication and you work hard every night to master this ancient and mystical Law. Every single night you spend hours practicing, training, and trying to get a deeper understanding of this Law by meditating upon its power and capabilities and how you can leverage it and use it to your advantage. As you continue to train and to work hard every night practicing this Law.

Your strength also has increased and you now feel confident that you can achieve the breakthrough to Martial level 3. You have an immense sense of pride and satisfaction in your achievements and in your progress and you feel strong and capable in the face of any challenge ahead. You know that you have a long journey ahead of you but you are ready and prepared for it and you are dedicated and motivated to continue on this path and to keep working hard and to continue to grow and progress in your martial arts training and practice.

Other than that, You keep increasing your proficiency in the Zeroth Palm technique, working on your precision and aim with the attacks and improving the force of your hits and blows. You know that this technique is very powerful and it has a great destructive capability, but you also know that if you want to reach the maximum potential of this technique you must continue to practice and refine your control of the attack. You must work on precision and accuracy while maintaining a high level of force and power. You must also work on your speed and agility with the attacks in order to achieve maximum effectiveness.

furthermore, You try the Sky Sword Technique to increase its proficiency. This technique is a powerful technique that requires both speed and precision with your attacks. You know that this technique requires immense focus and dedication in its training and in its practice. You continue to train every night with this technique and you eventually begin to notice an improvement and an increase in its effectiveness and efficiency. Your speed and power with your strikes and attacks increase as you continue to practice this technique and continue to train with it. You know that this is a very advanced and powerful technique and you continue to dedicate yourself to its mastery.

You remain dedicated and focused on your training and your journey within your dreams for a whole month and you are not aware of what is happening outside.

After a month of remaining inside your dreams, you emerge from your training and return to the real world. You walk the halls of the Sun Academy and take a look around and see what has changed. You notice that there are many new students here, it seems a new class has started and there are many new faces walking around the halls. You also notice that the mood is lighter and the atmosphere is less tense and more relaxed than before.

You ask yourself, "if anything good happened recently." You think and you ponder for a moment and you know that there has been an emergence of some positive changes recently. The mood in the Sun Academy seems lighter, and the atmosphere is less tense and more relaxed. It seems that the tension and the pressure that once loomed over this place has eased and there seems to be a sense of hope and optimism within the Sun Academy now. You feel a sense of relief and happiness knowing that things are getting better and you know that you must stay focused and dedicated in your training and in your journey as things continue to improve and to change.

Many students seem to be gathered in one place and you are filled with a sense of curiosity and intrigue. You wonder what may be happening and you decide to go investigate and see what is going on. You approach the group of students and you see a large and imposing individual standing in front of the crowd.

You stand there silently and quietly listen as the unknown individual speaks to the crowd. You hear him speak about how the Sun Academy is a place for hope and opportunity and that it is a place for students to be trained and to learn and to grow and to become champions.

You hear that the student is none other than Harith and your eyes widen in surprise and shock. You can't believe that Harith is speaking and giving a speech to the other students, but you can see that he is very passionate and determined and you can see that he is filled with immense pride and honor. He speaks with authority and confidence, and you feel like he is truly a great and inspirational leader. You never would have thought that these were the qualities that would be found within one as soft-spoken and gentle as Harith, but you appreciate and admire him for his determination and his courage.

you ask someone beside you, "what happen to Harith?"

That man replies, "Harith has counter his bullies and has achieved the incredible feat of reaching Martial level 2-3 Star in one month."

You are astounded by this amazing achievement and you feel an immense sense of pride and hope for the future. You cannot believe that Harith has accomplished this in such a short amount of time and you feel a sense of honor and respect for his tremendous dedication, courage, and effort. You know that his potential and skills are extraordinary and that he is destined to continue to rise and progress in the future. You are proud to know such a student.

you ask again, "tell me more what have Harith done in one month"

That man continues, "Harith has now joined the Inner Circle and is fighting for the rights of the Outer students."

You are filled with an immense sense of pride and hope for him and for all Outer Circle students. You know that they have been through so much injustice and discrimination and that they need a champion and a leader who has the courage and the vision to fight for justice and for equality. Harith is truly an outstanding and inspiring individual and you are so proud of him for his achievements and for his courage and his determination. You know that he will fight for what is right and for what is good.

Then someone comes to provoke Harith. It was Razo himself. Razo walks towards Harith and he appears to have a huge grudge against him as he looks at him with a sneer and a contemptuous look. The crowd gasps as they watch this play out and as Harith and Razo face off it is clear that they have some history and it is obvious that this fight is not going to be easy or straightforward. You fear that Razo will not be an easy opponent for Harith and you know that this will be an intense and dangerous battle.

Then someone comes to provoke Harith. It was Razo himself. Razo walks towards Harith and he appears to have a huge grudge against him as he looks at him with a sneer and a contemptuous look. The crowd gasps as they watch this play out and as Harith and Razo face off it is clear that they have some history and it is obvious that this fight is not going to be easy or straightforward. You fear that Razo will not be an easy opponent for Harith and you know that this will be an intense and dangerous battle.

Harith replies, "You are nothing but a bully and a brute. You use your power and your status to prey on those weaker and lower than you and you look down on those who are less fortunate and less privileged than you. I am not afraid of you or of your power and I will not back down from this challenge. I will keep training and I will continue to push my limits and become stronger and stronger until I am powerful enough to challenge and face you down and I am going to make sure that you cannot bully and oppress anyone else ever again."

Razo replies, "That is it? Is that all you've got? You think you can beat me? You think you can beat me? You are nothing but a weak and pathetic outer circle student and you are nothing but dust under my feet. I will wipe you out in a moment and it will have been nothing more than a mere inconvenience. You are nothing but a worthless and insignificant insect and you do not deserve the status of being an outer circle student. I will prove it right now and I will destroy you."

Harith replies with a middle finger.

Harith raises his middle finger to Razo while maintaining a strong and determined looking face, as if to say that this does not change anything and that he still stands ready to face down this challenge. He continues to glare at Razo without any fear in his face, without any hint of weakness or concession in his stance. He does not back down and he does not falter and he lets his middle finger rise high as he stares back at Razo with his eyes filled with anger and fury and resentment. The crowd gasts at this bold and brazen act.

Razo, full of fury and rage, steps forward with a powerful and aggressive stance, "Oh? You're trying to mock me? You think you're tough? You think you can fool me and make me mad with your little finger? Well, let's see if you can back up your bold words with your actions."

He gets right up in Harith's face and he thrusts his face into Harith's face and he gives him a threatening look, and he glares at Harith as he continues, "I will wipe the floor with you and break you down."