

SLEEP EMPEROR, you can experience how you became the sleeping emperor. "SLEEP EMPEROR JOURNEY" follows the thrilling journey of Alex, a martial artist who possesses the incredible ability to harness dreams. Discovering his power to enter and manipulate dreams, Alex embarks on a quest to become the ultimate martial arts master. Guided by enigmatic dream entities, he learns ancient techniques and gains invaluable wisdom. Venturing into the Dream Realm, Alex faces formidable challenges, rival fighters, and perilous creatures. Through rigorous training and personal growth, he earns experience points to enhance his skills and unlock new abilities. Joined by loyal companions, Alex sets out to conquer renowned martial artists, aiming to claim the coveted title of the SLEEP EMPEROR—the embodiment of dreams and martial prowess. Hope you join your journey reader. SORRY IF THE GRAMMAR IS NOT GOOD.

20 Chs


You tell Harith that inside his body have a powerful seal

"Inside your body, you have a powerful seal called the Aroth seal, a powerful and ancient seal that holds the darkness within," you tell Harith. You explain to Harith the nature and implications of the Aroth seal.

Harith looks at you with an expression of awe and gratitude and honor, and he says to you with a sense of humility, "This is truly an honor and gift. I will not take this responsibility lightly and dedicate myself fully to my training and this path. You have given me a great gift, and I will always be grateful and forever remember your kindness and generosity. I will use my gift to protect and bring peace and justice to the world." He thanks you deeply from the bottom of his heart, and you can see an immense amount of dedication and determination in his eyes and his manners.

You said, "Do you know who put a seal indside you?"

You ask Harith if he knows who put the seal inside of him, and he replies, "I... I do not know." He looks at you with a confused expression and you can see that he is still in awe and deep thought about everything that has happened.

Harith tells you about his background and how he is the illegitimate son of the kingdom's king. He says he was born out of wedlock and his father never acknowledged him nor gave him any of the privileges or duties of a true monarch's son.

You say to yourself, "what a cliché story, is he main character?"

Harith continues to speak about his background, "I grew up with many hardships and struggles, and I felt like an outsider and an outcast my whole life. I was never truly acknowledged nor given the privileges and duties that others born into the royal family receive. I feel that these experiences have made me stronger and more resilient and given me a deep sense of purpose in my life and my journey. In the face of great adversity, I have been able to overcome and succeed, and I feel that I have grown into a strong and capable man who can stand up for himself and make a difference in the world."

You once again say to yourself, "this is truly the main character flashback story... bruh."

You say tp Harith. "do you know who have hostile to you?"

Harith replies, "Many have shown hostility towards me because of my status as an illegitimate son. I have experienced discrimination and prejudice throughout my life, and some people see me as an outsider and an outcast. I have had my life threatened before, and I have been persecuted and ostracized in many ways. I know many do not support me and my path, but I am determined to prove myself and my worth and to show what I am capable of. This will not deter me and I will continue on my path with courage and strength."

You have a strong sense that someone wants to get rid of Harith using the Aroth seal. You cannot be sure who this person is or what their motivations and goals are, but you have an overwhelming instinct and intuition that this person is out there, and they are determined and desperate to stop Harith and to prevent him from progressing on his path. You can feel the immense power behind their hatred and their intentions to stop Harith.

You know that the person using the Aroth seal is most likely a powerful individual who is at least level 3 martial level or higher. This person is a very big and immediate threat, and you feel that they need to be dealt with as soon as possible. You know that if they are not stopped, they will continue to hunt and pursue Harith, and they may do whatever it takes to achieve their objective. You have a responsibility to protect Harith, and you must be prepared for an intense and violent confrontation with this individual. You must be ready, but you must also be cautious.

You plan to increase your power immediately to be prepared for the confrontation with the individual who has threatened Harith and try to stop him. You must increase your strength and be prepared for anything this individual may throw at you. You know that you need to be careful and vigilant as you prepare yourself, and you know that you must be ready to face down an immense and formidable threat who is capable of using such a powerful and dangerous object as the Aroth seal and who must have tremendous power and malice inside their heart and soul to use it.

You ask Harith, "I will give this Law to increase your power. The name is The Steel Sun Law."

"The Steel Sun Law?" Harith asks with a confused look, "What is the Steel Sun Law?"

His face fills with curiosity, and he looks at you with a deep sense of interest. He is intrigued and curious to hear more about this technique that you say will increase his power. He wants to know more and is eager to learn about its capabilities and power.

Your replies, "its was long lost law."

"It is a long lost Law? I had no idea," Harith replies with a look of surprise and awe. He can hardly believe it, and he is stunned and amazed by your explanation of the Steel Sun Law. He is impressed and filled with hope, inspiration, and motivation toward his training and journey.

"I will assist you, and I am honored and grateful to have a chance to learn this ancient and forgotten technique," Harith says as he looks at you with a deep sense of devotion, honor, and respect.

You pass the technique into Harith's Mind. Harith's mind fills with the knowledge of the Steel Sun Law, and he has a sudden and immediate understanding of what it is and how it works. He feels an overwhelming sense of joy and excitement as this knowledge fills his mind, and he is filled with a sense of wonder and amazement at the power and potential that this Law carries within it. He feels like he is ready and motivated to face down any threat that may come his way, and he feels a great sense of purpose and determination in his path and his journey as he feels that he has a great weapon and tool to aid him in his struggle and journey ahead.

"In the midst of chaos, I find clarity. With every blow, I discover my inner power."

RAFIQOLDLAZYcreators' thoughts