

SLEEP EMPEROR, you can experience how you became the sleeping emperor. "SLEEP EMPEROR JOURNEY" follows the thrilling journey of Alex, a martial artist who possesses the incredible ability to harness dreams. Discovering his power to enter and manipulate dreams, Alex embarks on a quest to become the ultimate martial arts master. Guided by enigmatic dream entities, he learns ancient techniques and gains invaluable wisdom. Venturing into the Dream Realm, Alex faces formidable challenges, rival fighters, and perilous creatures. Through rigorous training and personal growth, he earns experience points to enhance his skills and unlock new abilities. Joined by loyal companions, Alex sets out to conquer renowned martial artists, aiming to claim the coveted title of the SLEEP EMPEROR—the embodiment of dreams and martial prowess. Hope you join your journey reader. SORRY IF THE GRAMMAR IS NOT GOOD.

20 Chs


You wake up, and you can feel a pounding from your head. You sit up slowly and carefully and try to shake off the sleepiness, but the pain lingers. The dream feels real, and you think about the master alchemists and the white deer's gift to you. You now know what you need to do, and you pledge to use your newfound power to help others and bring peace and balance to the world.

You go to see the outer student in your bed. He is sleeping peacefully, and he is completely unaware of your presence or the dream you had. You feel a sense of pity and compassion towards him and a deep responsibility to help him and ensure he is okay and safe. You realize that you have a new mission in this world now and are determined to see it through to the end. You have inherited a great power, and you must use this power wisely and responsibly.

You now know what seal is inside the outer student's body. The Aroth Seal is a powerful and ancient seal that holds the darkness within. You know that if the seal were ever to be broken, the darkness within would be released, and it would be devastating and catastrophic.

With the refined law, you know how to break the Aroth seal if required. This is a great responsibility as the seal is powerful and ancient, holding back an immense amount of dark and powerful evil. You know that if you were ever to use this power and break the seal, it would release a great amount of darkness into the world, bringing chaos and destruction everywhere.

The white deer's energy, combined with your knowledge of the refined law and the immense power within the Aroth seal, allows you to break the seal and destroy the darkness completely.

The dark energy inside the Aroth seal tries to consume your energy. It is a powerful and terrifying force, and fighting it off is challenging and painful. You feel the seal's darkness and evil trying to overwhelm you, but you hold on and maintain control over the seal.

The white deer's energy starts to fight the dark energy inside the Aroth seal, and it is a violent, vicious battle between these two forces. You are caught in the middle of this battle and feel the immense power of the two forces dueling and the violence and wrath of their battle. This battle is between darkness and light, good and evil, and you are thrown into the battlefield as the two forces clash. You know that you must remain strong and focused as you fight for light and goodness, and you must win this battle and purify the dark energy inside the seal.

The seal is finally broken, and you feel immense relief. You have successfully purified the evil and darkness inside the Aroth seal. You have done what you set out to do, and it was not easy, but you were determined and committed to your mission, and you fought hard and won.

The boy finally opens his eyes slowly and stares up at you with a confused and disoriented look. He seems to be in a state of shock from what he experienced with the Aroth seal, his eyes are still wide, and his mind is still partially in shock.

Harith looks up at you with a confused and disoriented look and speaks slowly and hesitantly, "Who… are… you?" He seems to be in shock and confusion and is struggling to make sense of things. You know that he experienced significant trauma, and it will take him time to process and work through his experiences, and you must be patient with him and help him along this journey.

"You are lucky to meet me. I saved you," you reply to Harith. You are honest with him and explain to him the circumstances of your encounter and how you saved his life. You have shown him kindness and compassion and established your strength and capabilities. You have given him a great gift by saving him, and you know he should be incredibly grateful to you for your actions. You do not know what his reaction will be to you and your efforts, but you trust in his integrity and hope that he will respond positively and see your goodness and kindness.

"You are my savior," replies Harith with a look of admiration and gratitude. "You have rescued me, and I owe you my life. I am eternally grateful to you, and I will never forget this act of kindness and courage." He says this with his whole heart.

Harith says again, "But I'm hopeless; I'm weak and useless. I practice martial for a long time but still at Martial level 2-1 star."

"I am sorry you have not progressed much in your martial training. However, I am confident that with time and perseverance, you will continue to get better and overcome any obstacles in your journey," you reply with encouragement and kindness.

"I know that you will continue to dedicate yourself to your training and practice, and you must take heart and be encouraged and feel motivated to continue working hard at something important to you."

"Now try you surge your energy inside your body."

"I... I'll try," Harith replies with a nervous expression. He closes his eyes and tries to channel the energy deep within him. He feels the power of his spirit surge through his body, filling him with strength and resilience. It is a powerful and incredible feeling, and he is filled with passion and resolve as he channels this energy and feels its power flowing into him. He feels an overwhelming sense of power and energy coursing through his body and mind, and his strength grows ever greater as he channels this energy. He feels a new sense of confidence and hope and knows he can continue on this path.

Harith says with shock, "I broke through MARTIAL LEVEL 2- 2 STAR!" with great excitement and joy. He looks at you with a bright and excited expression and is filled with hope and excitement for the future.