
Skyrim: Faal Thur

Brom, your typical nobody, is reborn in the land of Skyrim years before the events of the game. He is determined to become the ruler that he knows this world needs if it is going to survive the return of the dragons. As he fights both men and beast to rise in power, he realizes that the strongest demons are the ones we face in ourselves. *I upload daily and I'm usually writing a few days ahead. If you leave a good suggestion it may take a while for it to appear.* **If I ever use your art, contact me with proof and I will take it down**

Mr_McGuffin · อื่นๆ
27 Chs

An Elder Scroll

Brom's eyelids fluttered opened and he groaned, he was collapsed on the ground. His head was killing him and every muscle in his body was sore. Even his magicka felt completely drained and exhausted. As he regained his senses what happened flooded back to him. He gave the Elder Scroll to the Augur and then he was attacked by the worst pain imaginable. Getting to his feet, Brom leaned against the wall for support. Looking at the Augur he saw it was much smaller than before and only shone with a dim glow.

"What. The. Hell. Happened?" He managed to spit out.

"I read the scroll, in a way of speaking. Since I do not possess eyes, I mentally absorbed the knowledge of the Elder Scroll, and acted as a catalyst and transferred its contents to you. Although, it seemed it did more than just give you knowledge of your past."

"What do you mean? I want to know everything you just did to me!"

"I did not do it, I just transferred what the Elder Scroll wanted to do to you. But it seemed to have enhanced your memory, not only unlocking past memories but giving you perfect recall. You also seemed to have undergone physical and spiritual transformations."

"What kind of changes? All I can feel is soreness and pain."

"According to what I noticed, your physical prowess and endurance have doubled. And your magicka seems to be deeper and denser than before."

"Damn, that will definitely be useful," Brom muttered to himself. He then asked the Augur, "Why did the Scroll have this effect on me? I've only heard of it divining prophesies."

"That is a mystery even to me. While I was able to analyze what was happening. I cannot begin to decipher what it was. The Elder Scrolls are a mystery to all after all."

Brom was not satisfied with this information. But it seemed this was going to be the best explanation he could get. Then he felt a wave of relief pass over him, and he started to feel energized and powerful. Glancing around he saw the Augur was casting some kind of healing spell on him. This made sense, he was a renowned restoration mage before his accident.

After the feeling went away the Augur said one more thing.

"That is my last gift to you for now. I have to rest now; this took a lot of my energy."

With that, the ball of energy that was the Augur dimmed to almost a black ball, with a slight pulsing of light. Brom guessed this was some kind of hibernation for the Augur.

"Thank you,"

With that Brom walked out of the room, the door closing behind him and locking. He continued through the Midden in a daze, he was still trying to process all of which had happened. He gained his memories, but also enhanced mental, physical, and magical abilities. While he would not consider himself overpowered in the sense most anime seemed to use, he was definitely a cut above the average man or mer.

Brom exited the Midden and walked, almost on autopilot, back to his room. The few things he noticed were that the sky was already showing signs of darkening. And that even though he was exhausted in the sense of not being able to rest for a single day; he still felt very strong and the magicka flowing through him swept him in currents of energy. When he got to his room he sat down on the bed in the corner and leaned against the wall.

He needed a nap, that was all he was sure of at the moment. In the morning he would tackle uncovering his memories and asses exactly the changes brought to him. He stripped to his undergarments and laid in bed, closing his eyes to sleep.

That was when Erin burst into his room, smiling to herself as she gathered many important facts about the college. She saw Brom laying there almost naked and inwardly smiled. This time she would not react, show him how it feels.

Brom looked up and nodded at her.

"Come sit, tell me what you found."

Erin, to his surprise, seemed unflustered and sat down. She did not even glance at him and only looked at the notes she had taken.

"Okay, so there seems to be to main things that you have to find out by other means besides the professors. One, there is a place called the Midden below the college. Although I could not find the entrance."

"I already explored there today."

Erin looked at him with surprise, then it turned to anger. Of course, he did, she thought to herself. Looking back at her notes, she knew she could get him with this one.

"There was also a rumor of an all-knowing being down in the Midden. Although no-one has actually found or talked to him. They call it the---"

"Augur, yeah. I spoke with him earlier. He helped me with a problem of mine." Brom interrupted her.

"Argh! I search all day for this information. It is supposed to be top-secret and you have already not only found the Midden and Augur. But talked to him and got something from him!"


"Why do you even need me?"

She threw her hands in frustration and got up to walk out. Brom called after her when she reached the door.

"I don't need you, Erin. I want you."

Erin froze, she could not process what that meant. She had always been used for her abilities; she never was…wanted…before. She continued out of the room, tears streaming down her face. She didn't want Brom to know how much that meant to her. She didn't want to appear weak, and so desperate for love. She was scared that such a need would scare him away, and she realized right then, that she needed him.

Wiping away the tears and steeling herself, she got to her room and sat down on the bed. She made a vow to herself right then and there. Whatever he needed, she would do her best to provide. As long as he loved her she would be his. As she made the vow, she poured magicka into the feelings and words. Making it unbreakable.

Then she panicked, she had just given her entire being to someone she barely knew. Erin knew she had been hasty, but panic went away. She trusted Brom, she didn't know why, but she did.

Brom, on the other hand, was just confused. He did not know why he had said that it just… came out. Pushing the thoughts out of his mind he laid back down.

"I really need to sleep more," He muttered to himself.

He had not gotten a single good night's sleep for almost a week now. He was always interrupted by something, either nightmares, thieves, or weird elves. Brom was too tired to even try and comprehend everything that happened today. Yet, his body was too alive and full of energy to be able to sleep.

So Brom sat up and started his meditation. He immediately noticed the difference in magicka. It took much longer to run out and it recovered faster than before. He drained himself of it in every way possible. Trying to see if his meditation was more effective now, and it was. After half an hour of this Brom could tell a difference, it was still slight and barely noticeable but better than before.

Brom was now exhausted mentally and physically. He sighed in relief and locked his door from where Erin had left it open. He sat down back on his bed and laid down. He could finally get a full night's sleep. Then, tomorrow it would be back to work.

Let me know if I failed to explain anything. I wrote this sleep-deprived hehe.

If you want a bonus chapter, get me to 10 reviews!

Mr_McGuffincreators' thoughts