
Skill Traveler: Chronicles of the Multiverse

"Skill Traveler" is a science fiction adventure novel that follows the story of a man who finds himself transported to different worlds through a mysterious system that grants him new skills and abilities. He inhabits the bodies of the people on these worlds and helps them achieve their lifelong dreams. As he travels from world to world, he discovers new challenges, makes new friends, and uncovers the secrets of the system. But with each new world, he risks losing himself to the identities he inhabits, and the line between his own identity and that of his hosts blurs. Will he ever find his true self again, or will he be forever lost in the endless cycle of the Skill Traveler?"

SovereignKlord · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

The Arrival: Welcome to the System

When he opened his eyes after passing through the hole or portal, what he saw in front of him was a vast, flat grass field. And he was standing in the middle of it all. Everything was beautiful beyond description, the vibrancy of the colors, the way each piece of grass seems so perfect, and even the way the sun shines down on his skin felt perfect.

Looking around him, there were no signs of any buildings or structures as far as his eyes could see. The sky was clear, and a gentle breeze was blowing, making the grass sway back and forth. The scene was breathtaking, and he couldn't help but stare in awe. He didn't know where he was exactly, but he felt no sense of need in that moment.

"Where I am?" He thought to himself. Everything felt so strange to him, and he sees that his body was floating from the ground, but there was no sense of worry. It was like this was the way it was supposed to be. It was without the slightest weight bringing him down. He felt absolutely free.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the vast sky, interrupting his thoughts. "Welcome to the System."

He wasn't sure where the sound come from; it seems to have come forward from all directions around him. It wasn't so much like a sound, but something that communicated to him telepathically.

"We have given you the opportunity to explore a world beyond your imagination. Your task is to complete the goal through the help of a system we will provide for you."

He looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice, but there was no one to be seen. "What is the goal?" Strangely enough, he doesn't feel a sense of fear. It was as though the one speaking this was someone so familiar and filled with loving warmth.

"The goal for you is to help fulfill the dream of the original consciousness of the body which you will be in. As you will integrate as them with all of their memories and original skills." It continues, "Upon completion of the original owner's goal, you have the option of either continuing on the journey to help another person or return to your former planet. And the original person will regain the use of their body after you depart."

but found that he realizes that doesn't need to find his voice to communicate. Instead, his thoughts seemed to communicate with the voice that had spoken to him.

"Who am I supposed to help? And how do I complete this goal?" he asked, hoping for some clarity.

"You will know when the time comes. The system will guide you through it," the voice replied. In the next second, John found himself in a new surrounding. It was then that he realized then that he was in someone else's body. It was a strange feeling, but he found he could access the memories and skills of the original owner of the body. He saw flashes of the person's life, their dreams, their fears, and their hopes.

It was not just the integrating of all these fresh memories that was confounding to him, there was also this throbbing pain in his head. It was like there was a needle stabbed right into his skull. The pain was hard for him to stand.

He took a deep breath and looked around, trying to get his bearings. It took him a moment to remember where he was and what had happened. He was in the body of Max, in a female dominant world, with a comatose mother and an evil stepfather who was both drunk and abusive.

He groaned in pain as he tried to sit up, his head throbbing from where the glass bottle had hit him. He remembered from the memory of Max that there was an argument yesterday after Max after realizing that his stepfather was not paying for the medical bills for supporting the life-support machine of the comatose mother. The stepfather was unwilling to pay, leaving Max to shoulder the burden alone. It was during this argument that his stepfather had attacked him with the glass bottle as he exposed wrongdoing and his attacked his pride.

But to make matters worse, from searching into the memories, he realized that the only reason that Max's mother was now in a coma was all because that man was driving under the influence. John really wonders what kind of idiot must Max's mother be to have married that kind of a stepfather for her children?

"Welcome to your first task," the voice from the world before spoke again in his head. And in front of head his head he could see a mysterious system panel.

The system panel appeared in front of John's eyes, with its letters and symbols glowing brightly against the dark background. The letters were in a futuristic font that John had never seen before, but he could still make out what they meant.

"Welcome to the System," the panel read. "Your goal is to become a world-famous musician and earn enough fame points to fulfill the dream of the original consciousness of Max. To do this, you must share your music with others and gain their appreciation."

John felt a rush of excitement and nervousness wash over him. Becoming a famous performer of various fields like music, art, gaming, and so forth had always been a dream of his, but he had never pursued it. Now, with the help of the System, he can make that dream a reality.

He looked at the panel and saw that they had already given him basic skills in singing and guitar playing, or it was the skills of Max before he died. However, he knew these skills were not enough to make him stand out in the music industry. He would need to level up his skills and create unique music that would capture the hearts of his listeners.