
Skill Traveler: Chronicles of the Multiverse

"Skill Traveler" is a science fiction adventure novel that follows the story of a man who finds himself transported to different worlds through a mysterious system that grants him new skills and abilities. He inhabits the bodies of the people on these worlds and helps them achieve their lifelong dreams. As he travels from world to world, he discovers new challenges, makes new friends, and uncovers the secrets of the system. But with each new world, he risks losing himself to the identities he inhabits, and the line between his own identity and that of his hosts blurs. Will he ever find his true self again, or will he be forever lost in the endless cycle of the Skill Traveler?"

SovereignKlord · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

Debt Solutions Inc.

Singing Basics (0/50)

Guitar Basics (0/50)

Fame Points: 0

When he looked around, the first thing he noticed was the messed up surrounding. Max's stepfather broke the furnitures from the fight they had yesterday, and the walls were full of cracks. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes was in the air. There is the shattered glass and scattered belongings that are strewn all over the room.

On his lap, he notices a little girl curled up right next to him, with her head lay down, sleeping on his lap. He thought to himself that she must have cried herself to sleep next to him after the traumatic events of yesterday. He reaches his hand out to touch soft black hair, and as she felt the touch of his icy fingers on her soft cheeks, she opened her eyes, looking up at him with a mixture of relief and fear.

Seeing his brother still alive, Lily threw herself into his arms. With her arms wrapped around him, she cries uncontrollably as her face became wet with tears. Her eyes were red and puffy, and Max could tell she had been crying really hard that night. "Max! You're alive!" she exclaimed, holding him in her arms tightly. "I thought you were dead," Lily said as she continues to sob.

Max put his arms around his little sister, holding her tightly. "I'm okay, Lily. It's okay now," he said, rubbing her back soothingly. "How would I ever dare to break our promise before and leave you all alone in this world? I am here now. Everything is going to be okay." Max hugged her in his arms and whispered soothing words, trying to calm her down.

"After Mark hit you with the beer bottle, your breathing stopped, and there was no heartbeat," Lily told him, "and he ran away soon after when thought he had accidentally killed you. But luckily that when I came to check on your body, you were still breathing. He's so mean for doing that to you."

There was a trace of fear in her eyes as she recounted the memory, and she continued to say, "But I don't think we can stay here any longer." She took out a plain white envelope with no markings on the outside and hands it to Max for him to read. "I found this letter left at the door outside. There were some strange men that came knocking this morning."

And when Max opened up the letter that was left at the door, his brows knit together with concern as he reads the ominously printed words scrawled across the paper. The words seem to have an air of menace from the page, each one more threatening than the last. It reads:


It has come to our attention that your outstanding loan payment is long overdue. Despite our numerous attempts to contact you, you have failed to respond, leaving us with no choice but to resort to legal measures.

As you may recall, you have pledged your home and car as collateral for this loan. Failure to pay will result in the immediate seizure of these assets, and we assure you that we are not hesitant to take such action.

We urge you to contact us immediately to settle your debt and avoid any further action that we may take to retrieve our funds. We strongly advise against underestimating our capabilities and the extent to which we will go to collect the debt owed.

We cannot stress enough the severity of ignoring this letter and the legal consequences that may follow. It is in your best interest to take prompt action and resolve this matter before it worsens.

We suggest that you contact us immediately to settle your debt before we take any further action. We advise you not to underestimate our capabilities and the lengths we will go to retrieve our funds.


Debt Solutions Inc.

In his mind, Max's mind boils with anger, realizing that his stepfather must have borrowed heavy loans to support his crippling habits. He shakes his head and breathes out a sigh. He wonders inside what kind of woman was Max's mother like to even want to marry such a douchebag that just gets drunk all day long and was bedding a bunch of women after she gets into a coma?

Obviously, according to Max's memory, the society in this world works differently, with females commonly occupying the work scene and with a much lower male to female ratio than the Earth he was from originally. Hence, men have taken on a different role in this new system. It is common for the wife to go to work while the husband stays at home.

He couldn't help but wonder how much money his stepfather had borrowed from this sketchy loan shark corporation and how it could affect his family's future. The thought of the loan sharks taking legal action and possibly even seizing their assets made Max feel helpless. He doesn't know if perhaps the loan sharks would come to make him pay off the debt.

"What a bastard," Max muttered to himself as he throws the letter to the ground, and his sister, Lily, also have a sad expression on her face. They both have the same thought about the situation. It was unbelievable how the stepfather has now put the house that was originally their mother's to draw out a huge loan.

As he read the letter again, Max couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. He knew they were dealing with a sketchy corporation, and the thought of them coming after them was terrifying. The letter from Debt Solutions Inc. has made it abundantly clear that they mean business. He knew he had to find a solution, and fast, to prevent any unpleasant consequences from occurring to the two of them.

He doesn't care the least about his stepfather getting his kidneys sold off to the pay the debts, but he doesn't want to get involved with his mess.