

The ringing of the church bell could be heard at a distance as the sister's kept on chanting away.

"Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen".

After saying there prayers they all rose up. Sister Martha was about to leave the church to her room when she was suddenly stopped by Sister Gertrude, who was the eldest of the sister's.

"Yes Sister Gertrude do you need anything?"

Sister Martha asked as calmly as ever.

"Yes, I mean no. I mean yes yes, I do need something from you" Sister Gertrude answered .

"Tell me what you need sister" Martha said.

"Well it's about Mrs Perkins. She will be leaving the country tomorrow so she wants you to come and look after her children till she comes back" Sister Gertrude announced.

"What!!. There is no way I am going there, I don't want to go there sister. After all it's always Sister Melissa that goes there to look after the kids whenever she is away so why should I be the one to go?" Sister Martha asked.

Sister Melissa who was very close to Martha moved forward as she placed her hand on Martha's shoulders.

" Yes that's true but what else should I do if the children doesn't want me there. The children obviously doesn't like me and they bluntly refused for me to come look after them when their mom is away" Melissa explained.

" Mrs Perkins does have a grown up son right?, then why doesn't he look after them, why do I have to go?" Martha asked.

"She won't have asked you to come if her son was going to be around. She really would like for you to look after the children" Sister Gertrude announced.

" But Sister Gertrude, I have never left the convent before. I grew up here and I don't know how the outside world really looks like, I don't know if I will be able to fit into that world. You people are the only family I have . I have spent my whole life here with you guys so please don't make me go, I don't want to please " Martha pleaded.

" Please quit the drama. You are just going to babysit the children for sometime, you are not going forever so what's the whole story all about?" Sister Silvana barked at her.

"Look Sister Martha, I know how you feel and I am fully aware of the fact that you've never stepped out of this convent before. You've spent eighteen years of your life here, your mom brought you here when you were just two years old and you've been here ever since then but don't you think this is an opportunity for you to explore, to know how the outside world really looks like?" Sister Gertrude said .

" But I don't want to explore, I just want to stay here with you guys. Please Sister Silvia make them understand" She said turning to face Sister Silvia, the only woman who has always understood her.

" No Sister Silvia, why don't you make her understand that she really has to go. Mrs Perkins really wants her there besides, she is the youngest here so she will really be able to flow with the children " Sister Gertrude said as she also turned to face Sister Silvia.

Sister Silvia was a very reserved and kind-hearted person unlike her twin sister, Sister Silvana who was quite aggressive and ill - mannered, she never really liked Martha from the start and as always tagged her as a girl with bad - luck.

The Sister's were all twelve in number and all lived in the convent.

Sister Silvia moved closer to Sister Martha has she held until her both hands

" Martha I think it's best for you to go. This is the best opportunity to experience the world out there. You've heard different stories of the world out there but you can now go out there to really see the world for yourself. And we aren't chasing you away dear, you can always come by to visit anytime. And remember that Mrs Perkins is a nice woman, and am sure you wouldn't want to make her feel bad" Sister Silvia explained as sweetly as possible.

" So when am I leaving?" Sister Martha asked feeling defeated, there was no way she could say no to Sister Silvia.

" First thing tomorrow morning. Mrs Perkins will be here to pick you" Sister Gertrude answered.

" What!! tomorrow?
