
The Mission

Somewhere three warriors are doing recon on the area. They are about to enter a building and went in. One of them is a man in his late thirties. He has blond hair, a firm muscular body, medium built, huge strong hands, sharp cheekbones, and a short, thick neck. The second is a woman in her mid-thirties. She has blond hair, pale skin, long thin neck, a very slim body, big silver eyes, and a round face. The third person is in his early to mid-teens. He is tall, has pale skin, thin body, long thin neck, long thin hands, small bright green eyes, round face, and messy blond hair. The man's name is Mathieu, and the woman's name is Paige, they are husband and wife. The teen is their son named Kevin.

They enter the building through a window and start to walk down a hallway. "Ok, remember, we need to gather the Intel we need for the Guardian," Mathieu said.

They stopped, and Paige places her hand on the floor and closes her eyes. Rings of lights start to appear from her hand moving around the hall. She opens her eyes, "Two warriors are guarding a doorway down the hall. In the room are three more guards. Then I see him sitting and eating his dinner."

"Good work," Mathieu said. "Kevin makes a couple of lightning clones. Have them attack," he said.

"Got it," Kevin said and clapped his hands together, two more Kevin appears. The two start to head down the hall. The three follow them and soon got to a corner. Around the corner is a hall lead to a door. By the entrance are two guards.

Mathieu got on his knee and held his hands together. "Darkness Walls," he said, and the walls get covered into darkness and darken the hallway. The two guards can't see anything and wonder why it all went dark.

"Time to shock them," Kevin said and had his two lightning clones go and attack. They turned into lightning and went super fast and hit the two guards.

They fall to the ground, knocked out. Mathieu releases his technique, and the three went down the hall to the door. They tied up the two guards, and Paige places her hands on their forehead. Her hands glow white and stop after a few seconds. "Ok, they should be in a deep sleep. My Light Illusion technique should keep them in a dream that they deeply want."

"Great," Kevin said and looked at the door. "What about the three guarding our target?"

Mathieu looks at the door, "If there are any dark shadows or fire, we can use our teleportation with our elements."

Kevin look around the ceiling and see a light bulb, "I can send us in there through the power of the place?" Kevin asks. "I can move us through the electricity in the building."

The two look at Kevin, "Are you sure you can take us with you? And what if that's not connected to the ones in the room?" Paige asks.

"Booth me up there, and I'll check," he said, and his parents hold him up. He took out the light bulb and put his finger in the socket and closes his eyes. He sent electricity energies through the wires. Soon he opens his eyes, and his parents put him down. "I can get us through there; there is a wire that does lead to the center of the room. I can use a technique to burst the light bulbs in the other room. But I'll leave a few unharmed so we can still see."

"Ok, so since there are three guards, we'll quickly take them down. Then we move onto the target. If we manage to win, then we don't have to worry about the prophecy," Mathieu said.

"Good, because that kid was just born a month ago. We need to make sure the kid won't ever have to fight in the future," Kevin said, and they agree.

Inside the room, a man is sitting behind a desk. He is looking at some papers. Then the lights start to flicker, and he looks up, and so did his three guards. Then the bulbs in the middle of the room exploded, and the place became dim. Lightning appears, and the three guards got knocked down out cold. Then Mathieu, Kevin, and Paige land on the floor, standing before the man, "Time for you to go down," Kevin said.

The man smiles, "So you three have come to kill me, huh," he said. "I guess the Guardian figured what I have been doing. Look, how about you three go back home, and I'll forget that you were here."

"We'll kill you here and now," Kevin said, and the man got up.

The man walks around his desk and faces the three, "Come and get me."

The three rush at the man. Kevin throws his arms to the sides. His right arm became fire, and his left arm became lightning. He then swings his arms at the man. A metal wall blast up from the ground between them, and Kevin hit the wall. Then a giant hand from the wall came out and grabbed hold of Kevin.

Mathieu charges in and jump over the metal wall and send a massive energy blast at the man. The man dodges the attack and drops away to the center of the room. Kevin broke free from the hold and turned to face the man. Paige appears behind the man and swings her dagger at him, but he caught her wrist and threw her to the side. She lands on her feet and hands and looks at the man, "How does he know when we are attacking, we are masking our chi?" she asks herself.

Mathieu and Kevin land by Paige, and they look at him, "So you three want to kill me. And I am not going to allow you alright," he said. "Look how about you give up and leave ok. I have a large army, and I will kill you three."

"Good luck with that, there are only a few ways of killing us," Mathieu said. "We can control our age and keep living for a long time. We are alchemist's warriors."

The man smirk, "I know, I have heard of you three and your families. Mathieu, you have two brothers that live or lived in the Spirit Realm. Your mother is the granddaughter of a Sioux, right." Their eyes widen, "I believe his name was Ohitekah Sioux, right."

"How did you find that out?" Mathieu asks.

"I have been around since then as well…well before then. Now, how about you both give up before I show you my true power," the man said — the three charge at him to take him down.

Soon a vast hole was blast open in the wall, and the three went flying out of the building into the ground. Kevin got hurt pretty badly, "Damn," he said, placing his hands around his ribs.

"Kevin, are you ok?" Paige asks as she rushes to her son's side.

"Hurt a bit, but I am fine," he answers.

Mathieu looks to his family then back to the man as he walks out of the hole in the wall. "You know, you guys should join me, but if you keep fighting me. Then I'll have to kill you three."

Mathieu growl, "Never and you'll stop no matter what," he growled.

"According to a prophecy, I heard, 'A child will be born in the ninth year of the two thousand on the 221st day at night. The child will end the biggest war that will happen in the winter of the twenty-sixth year of two thousand.' I believe there is more to that, but I'll find out later. Be sure to keep that child safe if you know who he/she is."

"How did he find out about that?" Kevin asks as he got up. "I guess I'll do this," he slams his right hand on the ground. "Beast Spirit Summoning," a massive puff of smoke appears. As the smoke fades away, apparently is a large six-foot Snow Leopard stand before Kevin. Kevin jump onto it back, "Linger, let get this guy."

"Right," Linger said and charged in.

Kevin place his hand on Linger's head, "Lightning Armor Stage Two," both of them glow, and armor appears on them both. The helmet is golden, with electrifying sparking from it. Linger went fast and started to hit the man. They manage to lay a few blows and slashes on the man.

The man got sent flying back into the ground, and Paige appears by the man. "Swords of Shiny Lights," she raises her arms into the air, and many swords shape lights look and strike down on the ground pinning the man.

Paige jumps away, and Mathieu appears in the air, the man. He holds out his right hand, "Dark Drilling," a sizeable drill-like energy blast from his hand head for the man. The attack hit the man, and the man screams out in pain.

Mathieu land on the ground and his family join his side. "As the dust clears, they see that man is now metal, "What the?" Kevin said shockingly. "He used a metal clone."

They put their back together and look around to see where the man went. "Thousand Blades of Death," call out the man, and out of nowhere, many small blades started to hit the three.

They fall to their knees, and the man appears before them, Kevin look at him. "We got to beat him, but I don't think we can now."

Paige channels her light energies to her hand on the ground. She feels and sees many feet rushing to them. "More enemies are heading this way," she said.

"How many are coming?" Mathieu asks.

"Hundreds, what should we do?"

Kevin starts to think and look at the man. Then he rushes to the man at a speed of light. He then jumps into the sky, and the man looks at him. Kevin pulled his arms back and made a fist. "Double Fire Fist," he punches his fists forward toward the man. Then two massive columns of fire blast at the man. The attack hits the man, and Kevin sent more energy into the attack. Then the man appears through the flames before Kevin and smirks. He stabs Kevin in the gut with a metal blade from his right hand. He placed his left hand on Kevin's chest and started to blast him multiples times. Then he threw Kevin down to the ground and land next to him. Kevin's body then bursts into flames, and the man turns around to block Kevin's punch. Kevin is breathing hard, "I will take you down no matter what."

"Please, I been around for so long; I have learned how to survived this world," he said, and Kevin jump back.

Kevin then unleashes his energy, which turns into an aura of fire. He then Then he charged in again and started to throw punches and kicks super-fast. While the man can block all of the punches and kicks, Kevin jumped back again and got ready to attack again. Just as he was about to, five more of the man appears around Kevin. "What the…?" he looks around, and they jumped him. Kevin notices they are more metal clones. He looks at the man and sees what he is about ready to do. Then the man places his hands on the ground and under the field, under Kevin start to rumble. Then a column of little metals pins shoots and hit Kevin.

Mathieu and Paige looked shocked and went in to save their son. Paige jumps up into the air and holds out her fingers before her eyes. "Blinding Lights of Thousand Flashes," she calls out, and many massive flashes of lights start to blind the enemies.

The column of pins stopped, and before Kevin falls to the ground, Mathieu grabs him and jumps over to his wife as she lands back on the field. Mathieu places his hands on the ground, "Darkness Teleportation," under the three dark spirals appear and cover them into a dome. Then the dark dome disappeared.

The man walks up to where they were and one of his general's lands by him. "Sir, where the enemies and are you ok?" he asked.

"I am fine; I got some warriors I want to place a huge bounty on the three. Contact the head of the Bounty Hunters Clan; Jared Spear." His general nodded and went to make contact. The man smiles, "So the Guardian wants me dead, and sent those two. I'll get that book one day, and Iota will be under my control."

With Mathieu, Paige, and Kevin, they appear in some unknown place. Kevin is in lots of pain, and both Mathieu and Paige try to help him. "What now?" Paige asks as she places her hands on Kevin, and her hands glow white.

"We need to report to the Guardian and let him know what happened," Mathieu answers.

"After that?" she asks, looking up from Kevin to her husband.

Mathieu thinks, "Maybe head back to Heraho for a while. We'll see what the Guardian says and carry on from there." He looks back at his son. "We need at much help as we can get. Maybe Team Hope could do something. We need to protect the kid and make sure the war doesn't happen."

"Can you send us to our cabin in Paix? We got more items there to help our son," Paige said, and Mathieu nodded.

"Yes, I already set a marking for us to return to it with my powers," he said. Then he grabs Kevin's right hand with his left and places his right hand below Kevin's belly. Paige did the same thing on the other side of Kevin, and their hands start to glow, and they disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke.

They appear in a small living room and pick up Kevin and carry him to the bedroom. Paige went to grab the first aid kits from the kitchen and went back to the bedroom to take care of Kevin.

The next day in the morning, Kevin wakes up in bed, and he sat up in bed. He looks around and sees he is back home. Kevin threw the sheets off and got out of bed and walks to grab a pair of pants and left the room. He walks down the hall and enters the kitchen/living room. He sees his parents at the table, "Hey, what happened?"

They look and see Kevin walking to them; they had Kevin sit down. "We had to retreat," Mathieu answers.

"Also, this happened," Paige handed him a newspaper.

Kevin reads the paper, "He places a bounty on us, is this all over the realm?"

"No, he chose not to show what we look like and what our names are. He only shears it with the Bounty Hunter Clan," Mathieu said.

Kevin read the whole thing and set it down, "What are we going to do now?"

"We are going to see the Guardian later today, and he'll tell us. Last night after we got back and gave you first aid, I went to check on the kid," Mathieu said.

Kevin looked at him, "You saw him? Then did you talked to Cody?"

"No, it was late; I went to do a check through the shadows to see the kid."

Kevin leaned back in his chair, "Dad, we need to tell Cody about it. Team Hope will help as well. I'll contact Maxima and have her check in on them."

"Where's Maxima now?" Paige asks.

"Last time I talked to her, she was in the Spirit Realm visiting the compound. So she could be there or back in Heraho now. It was last months when I went with her to visit the compound."

"Ok, then let contact her and have her keep an eye on the kid. And if we end up going back to Heraho for a while, good thing we got a house there," Mathieu said, and the other two agree.

"Now how about I make breakfast for us," Paige said, and Kevin went to wash up and get dress.

Later that day, they spoke to the Guardian about their mission and what to do next. He told them that he'd say to them at the end of the week. So they should rest for now till its time for the next mission. They decided to relax on their island and rest for the week.

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