
Chapter 1 The man lying on the road

Chapter 1 The man lying on the road

[ Stocks 15↑↑ ]

"Tsk, the price increase was lower than I expected." Im Matt Jenkins. A shut-in who lives off buying and selling stocks.

I became angry at the sight of my calculation going off. I never even thought back then that a supposed smart guy like me would've ended up here.

Meaning, Im just purely dumb when it comes to wiser thinking

Back then, I was praised for being a smart guy, and it boosted my ego.

All day back then i only studied once per hour and had never even once got to go to school normally.

I was living my life.

But well, genuis's are bound to fall.

Just when I was about to step in college, I got addicted to gambling, and this gambling of mine displeased my rich and ' Clean ' parents.

Ultimately disposing me on the countryside with only $5000. I mean, I suppose im not the only son but, come on! $5000 isn't even a change for those bastards!

But complaining didn't do anything for me. So I decided to hop into stocks and just stop gambling overall to atleast save even just a dollar of money.

Now, I suppose my current balance is about $302,200. Not bad if I say so. Just considering that it's only been 2 years since then.


"F.u.c.k, how did I get that wrong? That company should have had a breakthrough in worth." I asked as I walked down the dark street towards the convenience store nearby.

Im angry, who would not?! The risk I took wasn't worth the change, my balance should have been $322,200. But I only got $5,000 from that.

Even as I stopped gambling. Stocks was an unavoidable constant gamble that paid for me to not get f.u.c.k.e.d up.

I got to the store then and started buying a bulk of instant noodles that is enough to last me for 2 weeks.

"Buying in bulk again aren't you?" The cashier asked.

I of course replied, "I need these stuff to get me going."

I wasn't lying of course, but the reason I was buying these were not for me to constantly gamble all night. I bought these stuff so that I can game continuously in these next 2 weeks.

After paying for it, I started walking back to my house.

Thinking, "This simplistic life ain't actually that bad."

I continued, "There, I would have had to continue putting up facades to fool anyone of my acquaintances."

That was the truth, and I hated, even as when I was still the legitimate successor.

Still walking, I looked forward and saw a dark silhouette lying on the middle of the road. And as I got closer, I realised that the silhouette was a wounded man with features i can't even fathom.

"Y-Yo! Are you okay?" I asked worryingly.

I knew that the man was alive, so I immediately called for help, but the man stooped me and grabbed my hand.

Grasping my hand tightly, he handed me a dusty book and said, "Ascend and avenge me."

At that point, I became even more confused and unknowingly put pressure on his wound in desperation.

It was as if I was afraid that this man would die. I asked myself inwardly, "When have I cared for the lives of others?" After I had thought that, the man smiled and suddenly said, "That is life young man."

He continued, "Young man, what Im about to give you will change your life."

"What life? You're dying! You need a doctor." Even with my spared efforts, the man didn't stop bleeding and ultimately weakened.

"Near your forehead towards my right hand young man." The man said.

Without doubting his words, I immediately neared my forehead, and suddenly, his hand pressed against my temple.

Immediately then, I got knowledge that wasn't even belonging to this world. At first I thought it was an illusion. But as each image poured into my mind, I became increasingly understanding and had just accepted that this man wasn't from here, but from a different dimension far from ours.

Memories, Sutras, Skills, Martial Arts, and Cultivation Techniques poured into my mortal mind. Even as all 5000 years worth of knowledge engulfed my mind, I felt strangely comforted.

The life he had once lived and the battles he had once fought, all were pouring into me.

And after an hour of doing so, the transfer of memories is now completed. And after that, I saw the man turn to dust and left a smile full of regret.

And I knew clearly why he was feeling regret.

"So that's it? Not even just a bit more of personal explaining and just handing me your memories?" Angered, I clenched my fist and swore to avenge this man and kill those who had tried to kill him.

I even swore to kill even those who had betrayed then, family or not. I was angered by his last moments before he arrived here.

From friend, lovers and even family. All of them betrayed his trust and tried to kill him.

And for what?! This [ Sinners Sutra ] was the reason. I swear! even as you have not ascended to the peak, I promise to take your name and let the world know because of you, a feared and respectable master came about.

I promise.

And as if nothing had happened I immediately went home and packed my stuff thenafter I headed towards an isolated mountain.


I walked for hours and saw nothing but the dark empty road. With a cellophane filled with food in my hand and a backpack in my back, I walked and walked until I reached the empty trail leading to my destination.

At first, anyone might say Im crazy, I first thought too. But each time I recalled what he felt when he was betrayed, I couldn't just brush off the feeling of anger and pity.

I mean, what do I even have left in this world anyway. My family? I have family, Iam only me. And the only one I can trust truly, is myself.

I dont want to to live this mediocre life here. I would rather just find excitement in something this world can't even imagine to be real.

I want an endless adventure, and endless endeavours.

"My worth here is basically non-existent. So why bother even staying." I again recalled his memories and saw everything and felt everything.

"I again thank you Lou Yi, for giving me another chance at an interesting life." I solemnly said.

Now, as I again started my perilous walk, i arrived at an naturally cleared area and decided to stay there.

Before I came here though, I had prepared myself to last very long, "[ Sinner's Sutra ], the thing Im about to do is Hermitting."

I continued, "And, this should last for around 10 years before my ascension."

"Quite neat if you ask me." For rations, I only needed dried leaves. Any would work, as the [ Alchemic God Sutra ] should do the work.

Lying down in the ground, I watched the starry skies and saw a peculiar star that was quite similar to the star that Lou Yi liked.

Curiously, I asked myself, "Isn't that the star Yi-Yi liked?" I asked as I inadvertently shortened Lou Yi's name.

"Ten years of this huh? I guess... Loneliness 'ought to hit me sooner or later. Not like i had any friends anyway." Living like this without care can actually make me lazy. This is bad...
