

I was dazed

To think i was arrogant about having 200 kg's of force before the Physique Refinement Realm.

Thanks to this obsecenly powerful Source energy i can raise my strength 10-fold in one day!

I can reach the requirement to enter the "10th" state in just half a day!

Too Talented!

Could I be a one of a kind prodigy??

Thinking about one of the Human Emperor's "The Star Emperor" who had his strength measured in stars I relaxed.

After all, even if I could destroy mountains before the Body Transformation Realm, Could I destroy planets?stars?

The answer was no.

I couldn't be compared to Emperor's but I could beat them in foundation.

My ego dealt with.

I started to cultivate.


Suddenly my brain was filled with countless prompts

In front of me was a matt black screen with text

<Analysing...Source energy found. Starting Infusion...1%>

At this moment i was filled with surprise.

"Cou-could it be? I have a golden finger?"

I thought my talent was my golden finger, there's more?

My suprise disappears as I look at the quickly increasing number




<Infusion complete>

<I am the Singularity System. A System with the sole purpose of helping it's user reach the pinnacle of this world.>

"How did it know my thoughts???"

<I'm apart of the user's body, I can hear your thoughts.>

"Oh, so i can speak to you in my mind?"

<Yes, that would be effective.>

"Alright, tell me what you can do"

<The user can use my functions to accomplish tasks and grow stronger. However, you cannot access all my functions until you reach a certain Realm of power."





"Haha, This is gonna be a fun life."



Name: Fumetsu

Age : 5

Realm : Mortal

Potential : Unknown

Overall Strength : 2nd level of Physique Refinement Realm

"What does unknown potential mean?"

<Unknown=Cannot be understood by the current system>

"Potential doesn't matter too much. I should still keep note of it though."


<Reach 5,000 tonnes of force output>

Progress: 0.24/5,000

Reward: Ability to cultivate, Cosmic Foundation, 10 Resource Points.

"This is a joke right?"

"I can't cultivate? It will take less than year for me to achieve 5,000 tonnes of force but I'll be a year behind."

<The system's rewards require the user to have a strong foundation. The rewards will also help the user advance faster.>

<To achieve the goal of becoming the strongest, the user must work harder than the competition.>

"To think i was forgetting my path. With this system I'll become the Zenith Emperor."

"Is there only one quest?"

<Other quest's will be assigned when the Cosmic Foundation is reached.>

"What is this cosmic foundation anyways?"

<It's the $#$$$#@&$&-$&#&$$"

"Could you repeat that in human?"

<It is the strongest foundation known."

"Oh, do other people have it?

<There are other's.>