
Sinful Charms

While working, Echo often joked with her colleagues that the boss; Dexter is a demon in disguise who came from Hell. On a fateful day however ,a fire breaks out while Echo was working overtime trapping her in the almost collapsing building. Through the smoke, a tall elegant figure appeared in sight and Echo noticed it was her boss. Dexter helped Echo out and once they were in the open, she noticed something off about Dexter, he wasn't injured aside from a small burn on his expensive coat and when she looked up she was panic stricken by what she saw, two horns perked up from the top of his head and that was when she realised that Dexter was truly a demon. Later, Dexter and Zero; Echo's close workmate and friend; both explain to her that she is the only one who can save them from banishment and get them back to their home. At first, Echo wanted to help them to get rid of them but soon, their bonds grew stronger as they encountered numerous dangers in their journey.

weonbai · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs


"You shouldn't have said that to Echo Dexter," Zero said and Dexter rolled his eyes in complete annoyance.

"So what, did you expect me to offer her a hand in finding the documents?"

"Yes Dexter. You should have helped her instead of killing her spirits like that. That was so damn rude you know."

"Rude?" Dexter asked making his way towards Zero," you shouldn't let these petty human feelings get to your brain."

"I miss the old Dexter, one who was willing to help anyone when they needed help," Zero said and advanced towards the door.

"That Dexter is gone Zero, and he will never come to be, so stop dreaming of the impossible," he said and Zero walked out closing the door behind him.


"Dexter! Come play with me," Zero said tugging at his arms playfully.

"Slow down Zero, you do not want to get hurt you know," he said following him without any hesitation.

"Let us play hide and seek, I will go hide you seek," Zero said and Dexter nodded while chuckling.

"Whatever you say," he said and turned his back to him and began counting.

While giggling, Zero made a dash down the pathway and through the trees. Once he had gone a safe distance, he turned and climbed up a tree and hid himself among the leaves concealing himself off using magic. Once Dexter was done counting, he uncovered his eyes and looked around.

"Hmm... now where could he be?"

Humming to himself he headed down the path leading to the forest. He looked through everything from bushes to trees but still could not find any sign of Zero.

"Zero! Am coming to find you!" he said jumping over an oversize tree root and walking farther into the forest.

After searching for eternity, Dexter came to a stop by a boulder below Zero's hiding spot. He climbed up the large sized rock and stood watching the distance only to sniff a familiar scent in the air. Zero covered his mouth and stayed still as Dexter's gaze scanned up the trees.

"Hmm, maybe I was imagining it," he mumbled and walked from the tree.

Scanning the area and finding no sight of Dexter, Zero chuckled and lift the spell. Just then, a hand clasped his right shoulder and he turned around petrified.

"Surprise!" Dexter said.

"You scared the living hell out of me Dexter!" Zero snapped and Dexter could not help but grin at his surprised facial expressions.

"Did you really think you could hide from me?"

"Well, honestly speaking, yes."

Dexter chuckled and shuffled his hair while Zero smiled.

"One more round. Am sure I can hide from you and you will not find me."

Dexter looked down at him and shook his head.

"Zero I.."

A loud explosion sound echoed through the air and Zero looked up shock visible in his eyes.


"That came from over there!" Dexter shouted and jumped down from the tree branch.

"Dexter!" Zero shouted and ran after him.

The two slowly advanced towards the source of the explosion only to stop dead in their tracks to find themselves at the twin mountain.

"This is..."

Dexter walked up to the two mountains and Zero held his hand.

"Don't go there. Dad made it clear we were not to get anywhere near Lucifer's territory. Let's go back home," Zero said pleadingly and Dexter smiled before withdrawing his arm from his grip.

"You go back. Am going to investigate what that untrustworthy demon is up to," he said.

"Untrustworthy? Tut-tut little ones. Is that anyway to talk about your uncle?"

The two turned towards the sound of the voice only to meet with the six foot tall, masculine demon peering at them with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Hello my lovely nephews. How have you been lately?"

"Drop the polite act Lucifer! It is a painful sight," Dexter said and Lucifer's face twisted in anger but he quickly masked it to one of no reaction.

"You are quite feisty Dexter, it would be a shame to end someone so talented," he said and Dexter let out a low unappreciative grunt.

"Father? Do you plan on killing them yourself?" a voice sounded and into sight walked one of his seven children.

"With time Wade. Don't you want to catch up with your cousins?"

"Father, you know that I would rather kill than have time for baby pep talks," Wade said a hint of disgust visible in his facial features.

"Not like I'd love to pep talk an idiot."


"Dexter, please don't start a fight here," Zero said pulling him away before he could pounce on Wade.

"Don't worry about starting a fight Zero, that is one purpose of my lovely Wade here," Lucifer said a mysterious grin spreading across his lips.

"Let's head back Dexter," Zero said and Dexter scoffed before following him away from the two.

"Father, do you plan on letting them leave?"

"Wade, don't forget our mission. Where are your brothers?"

"Back in the cave."

"Let's head back as well," he said and walked past Wade and down the stony path.

"Am telling you father, Lucifer is up to no good, I can feel it. I.."

A loud thud echoed through the quiet halls as Dexter fell to his knees groaning in pain.


"Don't go to him lest your fate will be like his," Satan said in an angry voice and Zero bit his bottom lip and stood still.

"Father... you.."

"I have told you numerous times not to get involved with Lucifer yet you found my warnings irrelevant. Listen to me child, Lucifer is a sign of doomsday itself along with his seven sons."

"Father! We simply heard an explosion from Lucifer's territory so we thought it wise to go see what it was," Zero said and Satan turned to him with a raised brow.

"Next time do not be so reckless Dexter, you are the heir to the throne once I retire and Lucifer knows this himself and he will not hesitate to put an end to you because he craves that power," he said and walked out of the hall.

"Are you okay?" Zero asked rushing to his side.

"Am fine," he said.

Swinging one arm around his shoulder and another firmly grabbing his waist, Zero carefully helped Dexter up and to his chambers where he tended to his wounds.

"Thank you."

"Hmm? Why are you thanking me brother?"

"For helping me against father and Wade, I know I have a short temper. If you had not stopped me when you did, I'd probably be a goner by now," he said and Zero smiled warmly.

"I will always stop you from doing anything you will regret in the future."

Dexter let out a strained chuckle and pet Zero's head.

"I will be counting on you then," he said and lay down.

Zero pulled the covers to his head and pat his arm as Dexter slowly drifted to sleep.

"Father, what is the plan?" Phil asked and Lucifer smirked.

"We attack in the late hours of the night when those filth are asleep, right?" Wade asked and Lucifer shook his head in disapproval.

"Those two might have warned my dear brother about us. Let's lay low for a couple of days then we will attack when they least expect it," he said eyes emitting rage in the light of the bonfire.

"Yes father."

Lucifer stood from the ground, spread his wings and flew into the sky heading to a cave located at the top edge of the mountain.

"Hey when we attack the kingdom and father becomes the king, we will have the power to do as we please right?" Levy asked and Wade nodded

"Maybe, we won't know until we have rightfully reclaimed the kingdom from that old man," he said and the others nodded in approval.

"Maybe I will get some devils to play around with, the ones here are boring."

"Levy! Focus! This is no time to think about your many playthings."

"But brother, am craving for some mortals. They are irresistibly irresistible if I may point out."

"Well, as expected of you dear brother," Shin said as he stretched his arms into the air.

"Let us come up with a plan on the attack party and not forgetting securing the seal between this world and the mortal realm," Phil said and Shin groaned in mild interest.

"Count me out," he said and walked away.

"Shin! That kid does nothing but lounge around feeding from our hard work!"

"Brother, you are well acquainted and knowledgeable that he is not one to take part in actions but stay and do nothing," Caden said and Reign let out a low sigh before turning to his brothers.

"Very well Wade and Phil shall seal of the portal to the mortal realm, Caden will get a strategic plan to sneak into the kingdom the rest shall fight if there is a resistance from the devils after father has been crowned king," Reign said as the night grew into the distance.