
Sincerely, yours and his

Harry potter based universe, not following the exact chronological or original ideas of the plot. Draco x Harry x reader x Cedric Aurora Anna allison finds herself caught up in a love triangle by the webs of the feelings of Harry and Cedric and the attention of Draco's. All rights to J.K Rowling, except for protagonist and her family + some other minor details

eu4horia · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

the returned

Her father was a wizard, and the son of wizards. He was birthed from greatness, the son to the great great grandson of Merlin. He married her mother when she was nineteen, she attended beauxbatons and they met when her father was travelling the great seas- writing about the great creatures of the ocean for the ministry, her mother was a metamorphmagus and often transformed into a siren. He was fascinated by her, he had never met a metamorphmagus, and she too was fascinated by his depth of knowledge. it was a love match.

Her mother drowned fifteen years later, she was six. Her father tried to bring her back by harnessing merlins magic, he drove himself into insanity. He spent four years trying to get his wife back, every second he spent tampering into dark magic, dark magic tampered with his soul back. He was skin and bone really, she hadn't had a conversation with her dad since she was ten and even though he could only manage simple phrases. She read to him, though. she remembered he loved to read, she shared the same trait. But he didn't listen, he would just sit, in the same chair, everyday, day after day, month after month, year after year. And he would, until he died.

Eventually, she ended up raising herself while her brother, Roman, kept their dad alive.

She often pondered the idea if that's what drew her to harry, if there relationship was just based on mutual longing for family, for something. After all, they didn't have a lot in common but she enjoyed his company, and he was funny, kind, and above all he was there, present. She hadn't truly loved anyone, except her brother but that was different; not the kind she read about, but when she met harry she felt like thats what love was, and so she decided she loved harry.


Her brother called her from downstairs, and she cussed under her breath. She wasn't ready but they did have to leave.

" Just a minute, rome"

He huffed, and responded " 60, 59,58...."

She lifted her books with her wand into her case and everything from her closet too,


She laughed at his petulance. They were close, they only had one another for the majority of their lives so it was inevitable, even if he pressed on every single one of her nerves twice a day.


She looked into the mirror, just looking. And took a deep breath, and held her necklace, and pulled the biggest smile she could conjure up. She read once that smiling, even fake, released endorphins which gave you the same feelings as a real smile. She often read muggle books, one of her favourite sayings of there's was, " fake it till you make it" she thought it quite productive.

"Have you eaten?" her brother asked as she met him at the bottom of the stairs.

she nodded.

she hadn't, she was too distracted, but she didn't want him to worry.

He knew better. He handed you a bag of carrots and cucumbers,

" better than nothing i suppose, aurie"

"yes, i suppose so" you murmur sarcastically.

Roman said bye to the carers and checks over the instructions he gave them, even if he was a ghost of our father, he was still their father and they needed him looked after.


London was inviting this time of year, early autumn. She hated it in summer, the bustling of people, sweat squeezing through the air. This is why she loved living near Cornwall, in a hidden village by the edge of the water. Her village was only populated by 97 other people, and she was homeschooled, so her sociability was limited since she was a child. She found it comforting, the familiarity of everything, pthey didn't all live close, her family- well her father owned two acres of land at the edge of the village surrounded by trees, she had her own cottage by the lake which she moved into at a prepubescent age. Her brothers a five minute stroll by hers. And the main house situated in the middle, surrounded by farmland and animals was occupied by her father and his caretakers. It used to just be Roman who cared for his needs, but ever since he left for Hogwarts, they needed carers for her father and for hers the ministry said. They usually stayed out of her way, and only visited her cottage to check in and deliver food. But apart from that she was self functioning and practically cared for herself.

Her village didn't have much besides the ocean; a park or two, a few shops. The village wasn't even close to a train station, the first time she saw one was kings cross, and that was a train station indeed.

When she ran through the entrance of 9 3/4 she felt as she did the last and every-time she had ran through it, warmth. She was going home.


She boarded the train and hugged her brother good bye,

"i love you"

" i love you too, rome"

Her brother was in the year above her, and a recently selected prefect. He was in Ravenclaw, her too. So they crossed paths within the common room frequently, but never like how usual brother and sisters would. Just an odd smile, or hi sufficed. they were close but they never spoke about how they felt.

After her brother left for the fifth year trolley, she navigated the length of her years own, passing the seats of familiar travellers, smiling at the those whom she had had classes with or whoever looked at her whilst she walked by. The train began to move before she found her carriage, and the landscape swept past the windows, she stopped to stare out of it as the countryside trees flew past, it enchanted her eyes watching the landscape glide past the train. She was so mesmerised she failed to realise she was stood next to someone in the middle of the train walkway. She recognised the boy sitting in the chair infront of her, she had seen him once or twice around the castle, harry spoke of him too, she looked down at his platinum hair, while he stared down at his lap, blankly.

"i'm sorry, i was distracted by the view, excuse me," she smiled.

He looked up at her with a stern almost disgusted face, yet posing no expression at all, and back down to his lap, ignoring her and her apology.

" Well sorry again," she said to him and the rest of his friends who were sitting at his table all representing the snake crest on their cloaks, they returned the same expression, no expression at all.

She ignored their rudeness, she usually did it with everyone. You never know what someone is going through, she always thought, and never particularly took it personally.



she turned her head and saw the x on her map, the one she was looking for.

He ran with a smile that resembled the brightness of a pratonus charm and picked her up and span around. She put her arms around his neck while she was lifted of the ground.

" i missed this," she grinned as he put her back on the ground.

" The new cut too, shorter, i like it" she said as she put her hands through his hair.

"i like you"

"like?" she asked with a questioning brow

" love." he smirked

she laughed and held his hand,

" thank merlin, you scared me, i thought the amortentia had warn off" she joked.

He laughed again, she really had missed this.


He carried her suitcase to their carriage where Ron and hermione were mid argument when they arrived,

" They've been like this for twenty minutes," harry told Aurora.

She approached hermione and ron and gave them a brief hug

"Roe, will you please tell Ronald that his plan to capture a werewolf as a familiar is absolutely ridiculous"

"Well i think its bloody brilliant, hermione" he retorted " listen, we've already dealt with a werewolf or two, even know one, we know how they act-"

he continued to explain his plan until the train came to a stop, and they arrived home.