
Simulation Noob

นักเขียน: Jake2104
Video Games
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What is Simulation Noob

อ่านนิยาย Simulation Noob โดย ผู้เขียน Jake2104 ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.A story following the main character who is mysteriously teleported into a new world with a video game-like system, and he has no clue how to use it. this is my first attempt at writing but i hope yo...


A story following the main character who is mysteriously teleported into a new world with a video game-like system, and he has no clue how to use it. this is my first attempt at writing but i hope you enjoy.

10 แท็ก

I was Reincarnated as a Puddle of Water

This description also doubles as a prologue: At the pinnacle of my life, I was a well renowned personality. As I am now, I'm just an old man on my death bed reading a childish novel. I feel a deep darkness all around me. As I sink into the depths of my end I realise that I'm still alive. Rather, saying I'm still alive is misleading as, while I cannot be sure, I feel that I'm no longer human. It may just be a last delusion caused by the childish novels I read before falling unconscious, but I can vaguely feel things periodically going over myself, yet its not painful... More like, I have lost my sense of pain itself. Along with the five basic senses, I've also lost the sense of direction, and all spatial awareness. About the only sense I've retained would be a vague sense of self. And I sense that I am no longer humanoid. Then, I feel myself grow larger, along with the feeling that countless small me's were falling from the sky on me. I heard saw some text floating in front of my eyes. I should not have, as I cannot see. [Due to the mass of dihydrogen monoxide content of puddle Gavan's body increasing beyond pre specified amount(1kg), the level cap for puddle Gavan's abilities has gone from zero to one. Also, puddle Gavan has gained a new ability {{Flow} level 1}. Would you like to gain the details of this ability?] I understand that I should be happy to have been granted a new life. I won't ask to be born in my old world. I won't even ask to be born as a human or in a world where humans exist. However, is it too much to ask for to not be reincarnated as a non-living thing?

DRao · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Breaking Chains: The Case of Peter Santiago

Prologue In a distant place, where darkness prevails that the only source of brightness are the pigments that emanates from the street lights which are miles far from the setting. An argument had broken out by the two person appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart from them, another person is sitting next to a tree lifeless, bloods are flowing through his shoulder down to his hands. “What are we going to do?” said the person whispering to the other one trembling and shaking. “I don’t know, I fucked up!” The two individuals are troubled by the sight of a lifeless human being. “Shit! I don’t want to be in jail! It was all your fault!” said the other person shuddering. “NO! That was a mistake! Will you please calm down and shut the fuck up so that I can think!?” He caressed his hair out of frustration. Minutes later, footsteps and voices are heard walking towards their direction. Silence commence around them; they stare at each other waiting for someone to make the move. *Voice Chatting* As the shadows casted, the odds of scaling a tree to escape before someone might come are not in their favor so they decided to hide the corpse instead and pretended to have an intimate session, kissing and licking each other behind a tree. “Fucked! get a room!” In just an instant they successfully get rid of the strangers without noticing their dirty little secrets. PETER SANTIAGO 20 Rich and now Dead. 6 persons are suspected as the killer, but they won't admit a thing. No one would. But the case must be closed. And for that to be done, we must know... .....who murdered Peter Santiago?

Mark_Aey · สยองขวัญ
2 Chs

Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix

An ordinary fellow gets sucked into the Avaterverse taking Zuko’s place while being blessed by Agni. In his eyes the Fire Nation is true perfection, considering it unfair to keep the world without it’s light. The Earth Kingdom is ruled by strength and fear while keeping it’s population miserable ... and on the North Pole, they still live almost like cavemen did. They deserve support from the Fire Nation, even if they don't appreciate it. Those conquered by another will always view their conquerors as pure evil. In a world tyrannically separated by a flawed concept of balance, an never ending dark age that humanity has been forced to accept is now is being brought to its rightful end by the enlightened Fire Nation. Only the Avatar, the embodiment of said tyranny and stratification itself, poses a threat to the new age. Glory to the Fire nation. Glory to the Phoenix Emperor! https://discord.gg/f3cJHYM SelfishMC. War over idelogies and power. +18 to be safe. Avatar bashing. Fire Nation fanboy. AU. Harem. *eventually synopsis might change to a less lame one ... tags may change as well. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo.

Daichi_TBR193 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

The Male Lead Of The Novel I Trashed Online Is After Me(ON HOLD)

''Are you trying to take advantage of me?"Han Sichuan asked with a surprisingly calm face.After all,he has seen plenty of couples showing affection to themselves in public without care in this world so he too doesn't care anymore but he and Mina.. Mina's face slowly turned bright red after hearing Han Sichuan's words"Hell no.You pervert!"She replied blushing .. Days to Valentine,everything in Mina's life suddenly seems to go upside down.She caught her boyfriend of five years cheating,then later find out that her boyfriend's best friend and one of her close friend was the one who planned it Due to a rubbish plot and filled with anger,she trashed one of her favorite novels 'The man of her Heart!' Suddenly,a man appeared in her house the next day, dressed in Ancient clothes, looking so handsome and heroic, strangled her neck and almost killed her. He seems to want something from her which scares her because she found herself falling in love due to a strange familiarity between them. He wants to touch her,he wants her and needs her!He just knew her but there's a strange bond which he can't ignore between them. A certain system : I hope they don't mess it up this time This is an urban and historical novel This is my first time of writing this type of novel Sorry for any mistakes in advance cover picture not mine credits to the owner All rights reserved

Rosel_Ly · ย้อนยุค
29 Chs

Entre Mundos: El Misterio de la Puerta

En la tranquila biblioteca de su ciudad, Alex descubre una misteriosa puerta oculta entre los estantes de libros. Al cruzarla, se encuentra transportado a un mundo desconocido y fascinante: Archantia. Perdido en un bosque nevado, Alex es rescatado por Eldor, un enigmático guerrero que lo lleva bajo su protección y lo entrena en el arte de la magia y la espada. Juntos, Alex y Eldor emprenden un viaje lleno de peligros y descubrimientos, enfrentándose a criaturas fantásticas y desafiando a fuerzas oscuras que amenazan con sumir a Archantia en la oscuridad. En su camino, se cruzan con Lyria, una valiente elfa con habilidades mágicas extraordinarias, y juntos forman un equipo improbable pero poderoso. A medida que se adentran en este nuevo mundo, descubren un complot siniestro que planea sumir a Archantia en el caos y la destrucción. Decididos a detenerlo, se embarcan en una peligrosa misión para proteger al reino elfo de Aeloria, hogar de Lyria, enfrentándose a bandidos, criaturas mágicas y antiguos misterios en el camino. Con cada desafío que superan, Alex y sus compañeros se acercan más a la verdad detrás de la puerta y su conexión con el destino de Archantia. Pero también descubren que el precio del poder es alto, y que enfrentarse a la oscuridad requerirá sacrificio y valentía. "La Historia de la Puerta" es una emocionante aventura épica que transporta al lector a un mundo de magia, intriga y heroísmo, donde el verdadero poder reside en la amistad, la determinación y la fe en uno mismo.

ErickVazquez17 · แฟนตาซี
63 Chs


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating