
Clutch Champion

He awoke with hunger gnawing on my stomach, first, an eye twitched from a deep slumber, then a foreclaw, and lastly a leg forcing him to wake up, he smelt the blood of the dead challenger he was asleep on before hunger took over and I started to eat once again.

After eating energy flowed through the wyrmlings body and he decided to go check out his surroundings and started to sniff the area he had woken up, he followed his own scent back to the pieces of his eggshells that were left.

The eggshells were scattered in panic when the female dragonets fled the fighting male's mixing in the scent of their own bodies, the smell interested the male, it was curiosity that led him to find the 4 females.

Seeing the 4 females huddled against a vast silvery wall near the bones was leftover of an animal that the females had eaten already. Seeing the 4 females caused alarm for the male as he drew himself up in his best intimidating stance, his restless head swung up as high as it could while looking down on his sisters, he let out a squawk that scared the 4 huddled dragonets into an even tighter ball of bodies.

Seeing that his squawk scared the others he lowered himself down to normal size before snorting and shaking his head before cautiously sniffing towards his sisters in interest.

A loud but gentle voice came from high above the small and dull silvery dragonets, "My clutch champion, you have no idea how proud I am of you." the gentle voice of his mother came down as a massive head many times bigger than him came out of the darkness that seemed to stretch forever from the gloom.

The words made sense to him as he understood that this was his mother and the comforting smell of his mother was everywhere in this massive cave, he still lowered himself down to the floor when his mother appeared as her immense size overshadowed him so much that was all he could do.

His heart was hammering in his chest when his mother appeared but was now slowly calming down as he got his confidence back before his mother brought down a large claw and carefully drew her son closer to her for a better inspection to the changes that the mana had done and was still doing to her so.

He was already noticeably bigger than his sisters, his foreclaws were already more defined and thickly scaled than his sisters showing the extent of the blessing he was receiving.

Four nodes were located on the back edge of his undeveloped crest ridge, which proved he was more than just a simple male, he was a true royal dragon. The crest would develop in time but the nodes would develop from birth, they were the start of protective harns that would keep the back of the neck protected in the fights that all males would inevitably find themselves in.

The extra two nodes on his skull were developing further back, adding even more protection than normal, this was just one of the advantages of a clutch champion, they were generally stronger and faster than their counterparts making them ideal for spearheading attacks or defending important area's.

His mother inspected him and watched what her son did while she thought about his name, this was a very important decision, her late husband and she had talked about naming their clutch one day when they were younger but no names were actually decided upon leaving her in worry as to what her son should be called.

She watched his interest in all things, she had seen his fighting prowess when he took down his brother, he needed a proud name one that fit his nature, and all of a sudden in a flash of inspiration it came together, she would call her son Tvaylin, he would earn his other names in combat but the one he would start with was Tvaylin, the clutch champion.

Lowering her head down to she blew gently towards him before speaking "You are Tvaylin!" she said with excitement before looking at his 4 sisters and deciding upon names or them Selenta was the largest dragonet with the dullest scales but also the largest suggesting that she had more closely inherited her father's bloodline of thicker scales, Galeso was a small dragonet but she was the most curious of them all hinting at a keen intellect, Fortina was the brightest called one, her scales sparkled in the sunspots when the sun hit it the right way making her look regal, last but not least was Drestia the smallest of the bunch, she had a temper on her and would always squawk at her sisters in anger at the slightest disturbance, she was the most fiesty of them all and had stood at the front when Tvaylin first met them.

After naming all of her children she reached to a nearby dead pile of animals and dropped a few dead large elk like creatures with large fans of sharp antlers but bigger nearby, this didn't interest Tvaylin as he had his prize still and so seeing his sites happily eating the kill they had been given he returned to his meal and let out a triumphant squawk before starting once again to eat his brother making the dead male's strength his own.

After eating his fill once again he settled himself on what was left before sleep slowly took the content wyrmling into a deep and dream-filled sleep.

Seeing that her son had fallen asleep she looked at her sister across the cavern that had entered as she had named her son, " Have you spread the word?" she asked in a quiet voice as her children slept with full bellies.

Her sister looked down in excitement at the newborn clutch before making her report to her sister " They have been informed sister and I have news from the capital, the Royal Golden Dragon clan was most interested with the news and inquired about how many male's were born." she responded casually as she approached her sister but not too close as to wake up her newly hatched.

"You did tell them we had a Clutch Champion did you not?" Lady SilverFang asked cooly as her sister drew near.

"Fear not sister everyone was told about our luck!" she said in excitement as she watched the Clutch Champion draw in large amounts of mana. 'He will be very powerful one day' she thought to herself as plans for her future bloomed into life, because of her sister's luck maybe she would finally attract a worthy mate someday soon and have her own beautiful clutch.

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