
Chapter 129.

They. the Slayer team excel in speed, each member taking an extremely unpredictable route to attack Wang Feng from all direction. Cold, sharp blades of light adorned everyone's hands, reflecting the excited and frenzied expressions of countless spectators.

In this moment, Grandmaster's breathing quickened slightly. The seven soul masters of the agility attack system proved to be more formidable than he expected, if not stronger, than those of the power attack systems. Their speed, scattered formation, and unpredictable attack patterns made them a foe to be vary of.

"If we were to face them, I fear our chances of winning would be practically null, right?" Dai Mubai panted, "Fortunately, Grandmaster selected the Fiend team for us... If it were this Slayer team..."

Tang San, too, felt a chill in his heart. The agility of these seven individuals wasn't something his Godly Zhuge Crossbow could hit. He could only rely on his raw power and to resist, but the odds of winning remained neigh impossible. The opponent would directly aim for a lethal strike and with seven players, even just one making it into the backline could spell defeat or even death.

"This Jiu Yikai... I'm afraid it's the end of him, isn't it?" Ning Rongrong couldn't help but voice her concern. The other six furrowed their brows slightly.

However, in that moment, a terrifying scene unfolded before their eyes. Jiu Yikai, in a sudden burst of speed, unleashed countless black lights. These black lights scattered around Jiu Yikai like raindrops.

Hundreds of Armored Black Thorns, in a 360-degree rotation around Wang Feng, surged towards the Slayer team from every direction! The black light flashed, and almost no one could discern what occurred. In an instant, the six high-speed moving members were pierced by dozens of Armored Black Thorns from various parts of their bodies!

Instantaneous death!

Even so, everyone remained frozen in the last posture before death. The sole surviving captain, Bashu, seeing this rushed towards Wang Feng in a burst of speed. His speed enhanced by his enraged expression and madness as he rushed at Wang Feng with near teleportation like speed.

Those black lights that had pierced the six members of Slayer team almost seemed conscious, gathering directly into Jiu Yikai's hands, forming an incredibly sharp black saber like blade as he executed a simple slash in front of him as if unconsciously.

A very swift and fast slash!

The Slayer team's captain, the Bashu, came to a stop some tens of meters behind Jiu Yikai, who, holding that black saber like blade that started disintegrating and disappearing, walked off the court without a backward glance.

Yet, at the very end, countless amount of lines suddenly appeared across the Bashu's entire body, as if out of nowhere. A surge of panic can be seen across Bashu's face, before his body collapsed into uncountable particles disappearing swiftly into air like ashes.

In an instant, the entire audience fell into complete silence. Countless eyes fixed on the departing figure. The battle was remarkably short and concise, leaving mouths slightly agape.

The newly appointed host, visibly shaken, stammered out after a few moment, "The Avengers team... emerges victorious."

The entire fighting arena erupted into a thunderous uproar, resembling an explosion. The excitement off the field surpassed that was on it, with all eyes turned toward the viewing platform!

Grandmaster's pupils also contracted suddenly, and the other teachers also watched the scene in sheer astonishm

"What a terrifying method of killing! What were those black lights?" Flender stared at the departing Jiu Yikai, "Those black lights don't seem like martial soul, they are more like... Xiao San's hidden weapons? Moreover, can they combine and disperse? And the penetrating power is extremely terrifying, the power after combination is even more formidable?"

In the last moment, Flender, as a soul master of the agility attack system, was able to clearly observe. It was a black saber like blade, about one meter long, that Jiu Yikai used to slash Bashu's body innumerable times in an instant, at least hundreds.

The speed of the transformation and slashing was so rapid that it was nearly impossible to see what happened even for him a Soul Saint agility attack system soul master, creating a cool and spectacular effect.

It created the illusion of Jiu Yikai slashing his saber only once before walking off while the matter of fact was he had slashed hundreds or even more time!

Hearing Flender's observations, everyone turned their gaze towards Tang San simultaneously. Tang San, at this moment, was drenched in sweat.

"I don't know what he did..." Tang San remained silent for a long while after saying that.

Does Tang San truly didn't see what happened with his eyes technique? And had no knowledge of such a hidden weapon? Can it genuinely be controlled in such large quantities and transformed and dispersed? Tang San found it quite outrageous, considering that hidden weapons are typically disposable consumables.

The black light released by Jiu Yikai was not disposable at all, and it ultimately gathered back in his hands. Tang San found it somewhat reminiscent of brother Feng's mysterious dark thorns, but with a significantly larger quantity and the ability to be gathered back together, making them more powerful and terrifying.

In a previous encounter in Suotuo City, Tang San had witnessed Wang Feng in action, using only a few Armored Black Thorns, and the person was not killed. However, this time was different. Jiu Yikai controlled hundreds of Armored Black Thorns, achieving a insta-kill effect on six opponents in a fixed-point group battle.

The last remaining thorn, through the combination skills practiced in the previous two months, converged into a thin saber blade. Which he used to slash Bashu with his maximum speed, both physically and using soul power.

Tang San couldn't help but wonder, "Could there be someone in this world also proficient in hidden weapons?" The curiosity about Jiu Yikai, especially his abilities with hidden weapons, grew within him.

After the intense fight, the shock of Jiu Yikai's extraordinary skills suppressed the earlier feeling of nausea that Shrek Seven were feeling. Ma Hongjun expressed both fear and excitement, marveling at the power and coolness of Jiu Yikai's techniques.

Grandmaster, noticing their reactions, turned around and addressed them with a cough. "In the future, you must also be like this, take decisive action with lightning like speed, and not stop until its finally over. Remember, you should always go for the kill towards all your enemy... especially to those vicious evil soul masters, who may have claimed countless human lives with their hands."

With Grandmaster's guidance, everyone felt a bit more at ease.

"Hey, where is Wang Feng?" Ning Rongrong suddenly inquired.

"He went back to the hotel first, saying that your game wasn't going to be interesting..."

"..." Everyone.

Early the next morning, the lingering nausea in everyone's hearts had significantly diminished. After preparing food and water, the group once again set off towards Heaven Dou Imperial City. As they approached their destination, the group realized that none of them had been to Heaven Dou Imperial City before.

Fortunately, Ning Rongrong had some knowledge of the area. "I know the location of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. I have been there to play with friends before."

Ning Rongrong pointed to the location on the map, "It's located outside the city."

"Really?" Flender expressed surprise and chuckled while fixing his glass, "I didn't expect the founder of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy to have the same ideas as me."

"Hehe, Dean, it's not like that..." Ning Rongrong chuckled. "The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was built outside the city because I heard that there wasn't enough space for it to be build in the city. Additionally, it was also to prevent students from the academy getting lazy and always venturing out in the city, it was constructed outside... while Shrek was built outside of the city because of poor financial condition or so as I have heard from Mubai."

"..." Flender.

"Tsk, tsk, Flender. How can someone from royalty lack funding?" Zhao Wuji teased.

The two of them suddenly began to bicker, and everyone, feeling a bit weary, joined in laughter.

"Alright, let's move on."

Grandmaster shot a stern look at the two of them. "Enough with this banter. Even if you don't need to consider such trivial matters, Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, built outside the city, can't be compared to your situation as Zhao Wuji said. You're in poverty. Do you think Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is poor?"

Grandmaster's retort left Flender a bit embarrassed. He was about to say something when Grandmaster interrupted him.

"It's getting late. Let's head to the academy first. Despite the arrangements for cultivation, the children have been on the move for a few days and are likely tired."

Flender nodded in agreement.

The group of individuals made their way out of the city toward the academy.

It didn't take long before they reached Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

Wang Feng observed the somewhat grand college, surrounded by a high mountain peaks, a forest behind it, and a vast lake beneath the peak. Even from the outer area, one could sense the abundant soul energy present there.

"Great place!"

Wang Feng exclaimed, finding this location soul energy concentration not inferior to the Star Dou Great Forest. While the Star Dou Great Forest was impressive, it was more perilous.

As the setting sun approached, the distant forest seemed to be bathed in a soft glow, merging with the glistening lake. Combined with the towering mountains, it reminded Wang Feng of high end resorts and villas built in the mountains in his past life.

"It's been a while since I've been here, and the place is still as beautiful as ever."

Ning Rongrong gazed at the distant scenery, sighing in appreciation.

"It's indeed a beautiful place, but our Shrek Academy has its own charm—simple, practical and providing the most effective training for the students."

Flender said.

"You've got a point."

Grandmaster shot him an irritated look. "Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is so expansive, surrounded by mountains and lakes, primarily to provide a simulated training environment for soul masters... Shrek, being inside a small village, might not be able to comprehend this place magnificence. How did you manage to cultivate those previous batch of children of Shrek Academy?"

Flender was left momentarily speechless, finding no rebuttal.

"Grandmaster, you can't put it that way." Wang Feng interjected with a smile. "There's a saying that swords needs to beaten by hammer to become sharp. Often, the more challenging the environment is, if one can emerge from it, they will definitely shine!"

"So, despite Shrek Academy being very modest, none of the monsters that have emerged over the years are weak."

"A true genius might be shaped by their environment, but they won't be overshadowed by it!"

Wang Feng's words were akin to a common truth from his previous life.

In fact, in a certain era, his country faced adversity, and it was precisely during those challenging times that numerous heroes emerged...

Grandmaster was momentarily taken aback, finding Wang Feng's perspective quite peculiar.

"I believe that even after a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand years... even if Shrek Academy is no more."

Wang Feng said with a smile, "There will definitely be other like Shrek Academies appearing on the continent!"

In reality, tens of thousands of years later, Shrek Academy will still be here as he knew it from the second book.

A brief silence hung over the group.

Wang Feng's words struck a chord with everyone.

Especially Tang San.

"Swords often needs to be beaten by hammer to become sharp," Flender murmured. "A true genius might be shaped by their environment, but they won't be overshadowed by it!"

"I can't believe I'm hearing this from a 13-year-old brat."

Grandmaster also glanced at Wang Feng, a strange look in his eyes.

"Well said!"

Flender regained his composure and slapped his thigh with excitement. "Xiaogang, do you see it now? That's precisely why I founded Shrek Academy! It's why I wanted to construct the Academy in that kind of environment... I just want them to to endure some hardship!"

"Come on, even if Xiaofeng makes sense, you're still an idiot. How can you think so far?" Grandmaster said dismissively.

"..." Flender.

"Hey, brother Feng speaks quite persuasively." Xiao Wu said with a smile, "It's a pity he's not a teacher."

Tang San also nodded in agreement.

"Am I the only one who thinks that when he was talking... he seemed very attractive and chrming?" Ning Rongrong whispered, blushing beside Xiao Wu.

"It's not just you, I think so too." Tang San said with a smile. (E/N : GHEYYYY!)

"They probably all think so too."

Dai Mubai nodded slightly.

"This is actually related to Feng'ge's life and environment." Tang San sighed lightly. "Feng'ge had it tougher than me. At least I had my father taking care of me. Feng'ge's parents passed away after he was born and was raised by Grandpa Jack."

"Is he that miserable?" Ning Rongrong was surprised.


Wang Feng was speechless. Although he did not experience maternal and fatherly love in this life, he developed normally in his previous life, and his parents were still alive. So he wasn't as sad and lonely as Xiao San made him be. After all he was a grown man, mentally since birth.

At that moment, the group of people continued walking, and suddenly ten soul masters wearing Heaven Dou Imperial Academy uniforms stood in front of everyone.

One of the leading youths said, "Stop, you guys, who are you?"

Seeing these young people, Flender also recognized their origin and said directly with a smile, "We are from Shrek Academy in Suotuo City to the south. We were invited to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Young man, can you tell us the way?"

Upon hearing this, the leading young man sneered as he looked at their somewhat dusty and dirty clothes, "When did a group of beggars were invited to our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy? Do you think just anyone can come in our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy? Hurry up and get lost!"

This was a rude remark, and everyone, while appearing a bit dusty, found it offensive. Flender and even Tang San were angered by the comment.

In that moment, Wang Feng stepped forward, looked at the group, and smiled, "Wait, what did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly, could you repeat that?"

The leader frowned and replied, "Hurry up and get lost?"

Wang Feng interrupted him, kicking him away, and declared, "No, not that, before that sentence!"

Confused, the leader tried to remember, "I said, you are a group of beggars..."

Wang Feng cut him off, "No, no, before even that!"

The leader, puzzled and irritated, replied, "I said, who are you guys?"

Wang Feng kicked him as he said in a disdainful voice, "I am your granddady!"

Everyone: "..."


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