
Shoto In Another World

After his grandfather's passing the sixteen year old Shoto Kuzakabe is transported to another world.

OtherworldlyGrey · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 6: Octopus, Octopus,Fishman (2)

Shoto looked at the scaly monstrosity below him. A warrior armored with tranquil blue scales wielding a spiked cudgel made from fishbones. His neck, wrist and waist was decorated with the teeth of monsters the fishman had hunted.

"Hee." The fishman smiled at Shoto who hung onto the wall like a spider.

Shoto put ki into his feet so he could stick better than tied up his hair into a ponytail.



Shoto focused power into his legs then burst off the wall towards the fishman.

As Shoto closed the distance the fishman raised his cudgel then swung it down with great force. Shoto felt this force and twisted his body in midair avoiding the cudgels path then used a defensive falling technique to land safely.


The ground had shattered were the cudgel had struck raising dust but Shoto was undeterred by this and rushed in with blazing speed. The fishman responded by firing a barrage of razor sharp scales which Shoto responded to by extending his hands as if he was firing a ki blast and rotating them.

[Swirling Palm]

The razor sharp scales were sucked in by the vortex created by Shoto's palm technique before being assembled in a blue ball that were absorbed into Shoto's hand.

Shoto absorbed the scales then mimicked them by coating his arms in a scale gauntlets.

'It worked,'

Shoto had used the slime skill <Absorb > to test it he could mimic whatever he absorbed.

'I can take him apart in battle.' Shoto grinned and attacked the fishman who was still stunned.

The fishman snapped out of his daze and swung his cudgel trying to swat Shoto away but was avoided and countered with a left palm to the ribs the right hook to the face.

The fishman was cought of guard by this attack from his opponent and backed up to gain distance.

Shoto took a different stance with one hand behind his back,he wanted to end this as fast as possible.

The fishman made the first move and attacked by throwing it's cudgel, Shoto evaded but the cudgel turned around aiming for Shoto's back.


The cudgel made contact with Shoto water barrier and bounced off , Shoto grabbed the string that guided the cudgel and sent an electric charge through it.

The fishman let go of the string before he got electrocuted and charged at Shoto with it's bare hands. Shoto absorbed the string then readied himself as he expected this to happen.

The fishman thrusted his fist forward firing all the scales on his right arm.


Shoto created a whirlwind with the Swirling Palm technique to capture all the scales then he sent them back with an air palm.


The blue scales flew back to the fishman at a much faster speed then then they came. The fishman tried to block by shifting the scales on his body but suffered injuries from the gaps left in his scale armor.

Shoto didn't waist time an struck the fishman with a right palm below the ribs then a left fist to the face. The fishman found it difficult to block attacks coming from separate directions and was forced into defense as it began to suffer internal damage.

Thanks to the <Sensitivity > skill he got from the fire coral octopus he could detected internal changes within anything he touched. The fishman was moving his organs around his body to avoid them getting damaged but because of <Sensitivity > Shoto predicted where his organs were going.

Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow? Pow!

Shoto struck multiple times with ki infused attacks.  The fishman's lungs, liver and intestines were damaged causing it to go for it's last resort.

The fishman began to swell and bloat softening Shoto attacks.

[Notice: The fishman is about to self destruct]


Shoto struck the fishman with a power ki infused blow were it's heart had gone causing a premature explosion that sent him flying back.

"Haa haa haa!"

Shoto sat against the wall thinking of what a bad idea that was.

"<Harvest >"

The exploded pieces of the fishman united and turned into a ball of gloomy energy before being absorbed by Shoto.

[Congratulations you have gained a new skill <Scale Shot> and <Scale Armor>]

"Hmph I could have gained this skill with <Absorb >."

Shoto closed his eyes and began to circulate his ki. After harvesting the fishman the gloomy energy and the black energy from the Desert Guard blended together becoming one. The fused energies were very compatible unlike magical energy and ki.

Shoto manifested the black gloomy energy in his hand and began manipulating it.

"It's easy to control and it feels like a different type of ki,Shoto began thought.


A path opened up front of him and he new his break time was up. Shoto got up stretch and wondering through the passage before him.

Unlike the cave were he fought the fishman which was lit by pools of glowing water this tunnel was lit up by crystals.

Shoto yanked one out of the wall,"Is this a magic crystal?" He asked.

[Answer: This is a Magite Crystal ore due to high exposure of magic particles over the years this crystal has absorbed enough magic particles to become magite crystal ore]

"Hmmm," Shoto pondered.

The magical energy from the magite crystal ore began to flow into Shoto to be more clear he began absorbing it. Shoto was well aware that his magical energy had been growing with every monster he killed so so this was unnecessary but…

"You could always have more power."

The magite crystal turned grey and brittle before breaking like cheap glass in Shoto's hand.

[Notice: your magical energy core has grown by 69%  further suppression will be required]

"Hold on" Shoto halted the magic suppression.

"Is it possible to stream both magical energy and internal energy through my body with out them interacting?"

[Calculating… Calculation complete. Answer: Such a process is possible] <Great Guide> paused.


[But process is extremely dangerous it could cause extreme internal damage]

"I have a salutation for that"


"Why are you surprised I thought you knew all my thoughts?"

[Answer: The skill <Great Guide> hasn't fully integrated into the host]

"So I'm a host now well we'll solve that once we're out of here." Shoto sensed a few presences ahead of him.

"This dungeon never lets up."