
Shisha No Monogatari

After an "unforeseen gas leak" tragically claimed the lives of the Uyetanda Family, Benji Uyetanda finds himself in the afterlife, embarking on a profound journey to reunite with his departed parents amidst the expansive realms of the beyond.

JE_the_littt · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter 7: The Kageyasu Family, Pt.2


How Do Yakuza's work?

The Yakuza is a complex organized crime syndicate in Japan with a structured hierarchy and a range of activities that contribute to their influence and operations.

Hierarchy and Structure: Yakuza organizations are structured hierarchically, with a clear chain of command. At the top is the Oyabun (boss), followed by the Wakagashira (deputy boss), Shateigashira (underboss), Kumicho (godfather or head of a branch), and various lower-ranking members known as Kyodai (brothers). Each member has specific responsibilities and duties within the organization.

Business Operations: Yakuza groups engage in a wide range of criminal activities to generate income. These include:

Illegal Gambling: Operating and managing gambling dens, often involving traditional Japanese games like pachinko.

Extortion and Protection Rackets: Demanding money from businesses in exchange for "protection" from vandalism or other threats.

Drug Trafficking: Dealing in illegal drugs, although this activity has historically been less prevalent compared to other criminal organizations.

Loan Sharking: Providing high-interest loans to individuals or businesses, often with predatory terms.

Prostitution: Controlling and managing prostitution rings and establishments.

Construction and Real Estate: Involvement in construction projects, real estate ventures, and property management, often through intimidation or coercion.

Codes and Rituals: Yakuza members adhere to a strict code of conduct known as "ninkyo dantai," which emphasizes loyalty, honor, and respect. Rituals such as initiation ceremonies (sakazuki), finger-cutting (yubitsume) as a form of apology, and hierarchical rituals are also significant.

Legal and Social Influence: Despite their illegal activities, Yakuza groups have historically maintained a semi-legitimate status in Japanese society. They often have political connections, exert influence over certain industries, and provide community services to gain social acceptance and loyalty from local communities.

Internal Discipline: Yakuza organizations enforce strict internal discipline. Disputes within the organization are typically resolved through mediation by senior members or through arbitration. Violations of the organization's rules can result in severe punishment, including expulsion or even violence.

International Connections: Some Yakuza groups have established international networks, collaborating with organized crime groups in other countries, particularly in Southeast Asia and the United States.

Overall, the Yakuza operates with a blend of criminal enterprise, cultural tradition, and social structure that distinguishes it from other organized crime groups worldwide. Despite law enforcement efforts to curb their activities, Yakuza groups continue to adapt and maintain influence within Japan and beyond.

2 years later (1982, 13 years ago)

Going on missions had become a regular part of their young lives, despite Isshiki and Rikka being just 14 years old. Their rapid rise to the rank of Kumicho within the Yakuza had earned them respect and daunting responsibilities. Now, their latest assignment was to seize control of Kabukicho, the vibrant entertainment hub in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Summoned to a meeting room on the 15th floor of their headquarters, they awaited the arrival of Otaku-Gashira, a man known for his nerdy appearance with round glasses, a neatly trimmed bowl cut, and a meticulously pressed suit and tie.

As Otaku-Gashira entered, his demeanor was a blend of seriousness and an oddly upbeat tone. He wasted no time in briefing them on the mission ahead.

Gashira: "Kabukicho thrives on its nightlife, host clubs, and restaurants, attracting both tourists and locals alike. Recently, rival Yakuza factions and other criminal elements have infiltrated our turf, disrupting operations and extorting businesses. Your mission is twofold: first, to infiltrate the district covertly, gather intel on their operations, identify key adversaries, and assess their strengths and weaknesses. Second, eliminate their leadership and establish our control while ensuring the smooth continuation of business activities."

Isshiki's face remained stoic as he voiced his concern.

Isshiki: "Taking down an entire faction with just nine of us seems like a monumental task."

Rikka: "It's almost too risky, Mr. Gashira. What if they're better prepared than we anticipate?"

Gashira nodded thoughtfully, his glasses reflecting the dim light of the room. "We believe their presence is more symbolic than substantial. They likely haven't bolstered their defenses since their takeover was likely discreet."

Rikka: "That does make sense," she conceded, her youthful features furrowed in thought.

Gashira: "Indeed," he affirmed, a flicker of excitement in his eyes. "You depart tomorrow. Pack essentials and prepare yourselves for the operation."

After the meeting, as Isshiki and Rikka walked back to their room on the 19th floor, the gravity of their mission weighed heavily on their minds.

Rikka: "This is the riskiest task we've faced," she remarked quietly. "Trying to wrest control of a district already under another Yakuza's thumb... What if it sparks a larger conflict?"

Isshiki nodded, his expression serious. "Dad's obsession with reclaiming his former status knows no bounds. He's willing to provoke anyone to achieve his goals. No Yakuza boss will yield their territory easily, especially not one as lucrative as Kabukicho."

Their steps echoed softly in the quiet corridor, signaling the tense days ahead as they prepared to confront the challenges awaiting them in Kabukicho.

To Be Continued...