
Shippuden Sex Stories

David_Anthony · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
40 Chs

Hinata's Personal Trainer

"Come on! Work those muscles!" a man said, his dark eyes staring down at the moving figure on the floor. "You've still got fifty more push ups to do today before you're done, Choji."

"I'm- ugh… I'm trying, Sasuke…!" Choji gasped, as he forced his body to do another pushup.

Sasuke shook his head slowly. "Maybe you shouldn't have gone to a fast food restaurant before you came here, hmm?" he said, folding his arms across his chest.

"When an Akimichi's cravings come…" Choji murmured. "There's nothing that can stop it."

"I'm sure." Sasuke said.

Choji fruitless moans and gasps filled the room, as he pushed his bruised and battered body through another push up, and then another, and another and another. It was remarkable really - when Sasuke had first gotten Choji under his tutelage, he could hardly do ten. Now, he was on the way to a hundred… well, with about forty five still to go.

They were in a 'personal' room of the gym where Sasuke worked at as a personal trainer. Normally, people would be trained out in the gym proper, where all the equipment was at and such, but Chouji had paid a little extra in order to get his training done privately. Sasuke could understand why - he remembered Chouji from back in high school, and the kid hadn't had much self esteem. The fact that he had come here at all was a miracle… but, he was working, and he was working hard. Give him a couple of months, and Chouji would be half muscle half fat - enough to keep his wife happy, at least.

Sasuke stood in front of Choji, arms folded over his chest, dark eyes watching as the Akimichi on the ground forced himself to do another pushup.

"Fifty eight. Fifty nine." Sasuke was counting, every single one - in hopes of spurring Chouji forward. "Sixty. Sixty one, sixty two- oh come on, get the hell up."

Chouji had collapsed onto the ground, his face red, skin soaked with sweat. "I- I can't." he said, through heavy pants that made him sound as if he were dying. "No more… energy." He rolled over onto his back. "Need… sustenance..."

Sasuke rubbed his brow. "Fucking hell, Chouji." he cursed under his breath. "I swear to…" He drifted off. "If you go to a fucking fast food place after this, I will make you do two hundred push ups next time. Got it? Go eat something green."

"I'll try…" Chouji murmured weakly.

He shook his head slowly. "Get up," Sasuke said, dropping to a crouch. He jammed his arms beneath Chouji's shoulders, and with some aid from the man himself, pulled him to his feet. "Next week, same time. Don't be late."

"You got it, Sasuke." Chouji said. He half stumbled, half walked out of the room - the door closing behind him with a snap.

Sasuke sighed. Chouji had finished up relatively early, so he had a good twenty minutes until his next trainee would come in. He was debating either heading across the street to a cafe and getting him a cup of coffee, or doing some stretches, but was prevented from making his decision by one simple thing.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Another sigh. He stuffed his hand into his pocket, withdrawing his phone. On the screen read, 'Naruto', a picture of the blonde displayed above his name. With a roll of his eyes, Sasuke tapped 'accept' before pressing the phone to his ear.

"What's up?" Sasuke said.

"Yooo!" Naruto said, over the phone. "You're still doing that whole gym, personal trainer fitness shit, right, Sasuke?"

Sasuke let out a groan. "Yes, dobe." Sasuke said. "I'm still doing the same thing that I've done for the past five years." He leaned up against a nearby wall, shoving his other hand into his pocket. "Why do you care?" Sasuke asked.

"You know my wife, Hinata?"

"I've talked to her. Briefly." Sasuke said.

"Well… she's been… well… putting on some weight lately." Naruto said, letting out a harsh chuckle. "I've talked to her about it - and I've convinced her that she needs to go to a gym or something like that, before she gets diabetes or something like that."

"There's a friend's discount where I work." Sasuke told him. "Tell her to come in-"

"No, no, no." Naruto said hurriedly. "She's a little… embarrassed about the whole thing. Do you think you could do it at my house? As a favor?"

"My schedule is pretty packed, Naruto." Sasuke said. "It's either she comes here, or you find someone else."

A sigh from the other end of the line. "Do I need to mention the power line, Sasuke?" Naruto said.

Sasuke was silent for a long while.

"When do you want me to come over?" Sasuke asked.

"Tuesday, at three." Naruto said. "I'll be at work, and she'll probably be busy - so just use the spare key-"

"Under the mat, I know." Sasuke said. "Talk to you later, Naruto."

"See you."


Sasuke sighed, wiping his brow with his forearm. This was going to be awkward. Sasuke's usual female clientele featured two types - big, muscly girls who could bench press a car if they tried hard enough, or deluded fangirls who thought that long hours alone together would help him to fall in love with them. The first type was obviously preferably… but the true horror occurred when a girl came that was both of those combined.

But… from what he remembered of Naruto's wife, she was quiet. Innocent to a 'T'. And hopelessly in love with Naruto. He hadn't seen her in about three months or so, when he had last went to Naruto's house for dinner, so he sincerely hoped she hadn't bulked up in that time. Well… according to Naruto, technically she had, but he doubted it was anything serious - the last time he had seen her (what was her name, Hanabi, Hana, something like that…), she was as thin as a twig. She could probably do with some extra weight, if he was going to be completely honest.

Well, he supposed it didn't matter. An agreement was an agreement - and he really did want Naruto to tell anyone (specifically Itachi, or his mother) about the incident with the power pole. No specifics were needed - let's just say that he would probably be buried six feet under by the combined hands of his brother and mother in under twenty four hours.

Still. Tuesday was a couple of days away… and more likely than naught, he'd probably just have to get Naruto's wife to eat some greens, do some sit-ups, jog around the block once or twice and she'd be back on track within a week.

He glanced at the clock on his phone, frowning. Great, now he only had fifteen minutes before his next client came in… maybe enough time to sneak a coffee.

Sasuke pulled open the door, and quickly headed out into the main gym area. He made sure to close the door behind him.


"Under the mat, I know." Sasuke said. "Talk to you later, Naruto."

"See you."


Naruto set the phone down on the table. He rubbed his forehead with a grimace on his face, bright blue eyes staring at the desk he sat at, almost counting the grains in the wood.

His wife hadn't gotten fat or anything, heavens no. But… Hinata had always had low self esteem. And the weight gain was noticeable. This was the best way, Naruto reasoned with himself. Best for her to cut the snake's head off before it got any worse, right? Fifteen pounds would turn into thirty, thirty into sixty, and the next thing you knew, he'd have to get steel supports for the bed.


Naruto reached forward, pressing a button on his intercom. "Yeah?" he said, into the microphone.

"Your wife is here to see you, Uzumaki-sama." the calm voice of his secretary said.

"Send her up," Naruto murmured. He let go of the button. He practically twiddled his thumbs as he waited for her, occasionally casting a glance through the window behind him, out at the sprawling city - cars packing the road, people walking shoulder-to-shoulder on the sidewalks, the sound of horns evident even from his eighth floor office.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Naruto rolled his eyes, unable to help the small smile that settled on his face. His wife was always the sweet princess that he had fallen in love with. She could have burst into his office with a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a dildo in the other, and he wouldn't have minded. And yet, even now, after literal years of marriage, she still felt the need to knock.

"Come in!" he called.

The doorknob turned, and Hinata slipped into the room, gently closing the door behind her. A blue blouse peaked out from beneath the drab sweater she wore. A thin, layered beige skirt hung down to her upper ankles. Really, he was astounded by how conservative his wife dressed even in this day and age - hiding those delicious curves beneath layers of clothing… but, he wasn't complaining. After all, he was the one who got to see her at home, when she would walk around in a pair of shorts and a thin t-shirt. Well, when he was home at least.

"C-can we go out f-for lunch…?" Hinata asked, clutching her handbag to her chest, a pretty blush tinting her cheeks.

Naruto sighed. "I'm pretty stacked here, honey." he said. "I've got a meeting with some contractors in half an hour, not to mention all of the paperwork…"

"I-it's okay." Hinata said. "D-do you think I could… I don't k-know… b-bring something up here, and y-you and I-I could eat i-it together?" she asked.

He pursed his lips together. "Alright, I think that would work." Naruto said after a moment, nodding. "You'll have to be quick about it. Before you leave, I need to tell you something."

"W-what?" Hinata asked, tilting her head to the side, her pale eyes blinking with curiosity.

"Do you remember the personal trainer thing we talked about?" Naruto said. Hinata nodded. "I've arranged for one to come to the house on Tuesday." he continued. "It's a buddy of mine, Sasuke - you remember him, don't you? I know it's been a while, but…"

"I-I remember h-him." Hinata said. Dark hair, even darker eyes, pale skin that gleamed in the sunlight. Even someone like her had to admit he was attractive. And he was most certainly a memorable person, not the kind of person you'd forget after listening to the stories Naruto had told about him, or if you'd invited him into your home.

"Awesome!" Naruto said. "Anyways, he'll show up at Tuesday on three, baby." he said. "Wear some workout clothes, make sure you guys have some room. Sasuke's an asshole, but hopefully he shouldn't work you too hard."

Hinata smiled. "I-if h-he's a friend of yours," she said. "I'm sure i-it'll go just fine." Her eyes widened. "O-oh c-crap…!" Hinata said. "L-lunch! I'll be b-back in fifteen m-minutes, baby, w-wait f-for me!"

"Nothing with too much sugar in it!" Naruto called after her, as Hinata turned and wrenched the door open, making her way down the hall at a brisk pace. The door swung shut behind her.

Naruto leaned back in his chair.

"I swear, if you hurt her, Sasuke…" he muttered to himself. "I'm going to kick that teme's ass."

With a heavy sigh, he got to work, hoping to get at least a stack of paperwork out of the way before Hinata got back.


Sasuke twisted the key in the ignition, the sound of his car's engine swiftly fading away.

He ran a hand through his spiky hair, a look of contemplation on his face. Now, don't get him wrong - he had no problems with Naruto's wife. But, he'd never actually been in a room alone with her. And now, he was expected to spend several hours alone with her… a prospect that he expected could quite possibly turn apocalyptic in nature.

Sasuke could only hope that her 'shy and innocent' demeanor wasn't some kind of trap to lure him in. Boy, had he fallen for that before. There was no point in delaying it any longer, he supposed.

Heaving a sigh, he opened the door to his car - closing it with a thud once he was out. A quick press of the button on his key, and the car beeped, the doors locking and the alarm activating. He stuffed the keychain into his pocket, before striding up the path to the door, and stepping up onto the wooden porch.

Naruto's house itself was rather unassuming. A two story in a typical suburban neighborhood - although the freshly groomed garden and lawn, and glimpses of expensive furniture within told of hidden wealth.

Sasuke had decided to dress relatively casual for this particular endeavor - a blue t-shirt that clung to his muscles, and a pair of shorts. He hoped he hadn't made it too casual… something that might give Naruto's wife the wrong idea if she were to actually be some closet fangirl or anything of that sort.

Damn. He really had to cut back on the internal monologues, he was already about five minutes late.

Sasuke reached a hand forward, and rapped it on the door. He could hear footsteps from within the house. For a brief moment, he saw a pale eye peer through the window. And then, the sounds of locks being undone - before the door opened… only, it opened just a crack. Naruto's wife poked her head out around the side, hiding most of her body behind the door.

"S-sasuke…?" she murmured, her voice incredibly soft.

"That's me." he said. A pause. "I don't mean to sound rude… but I don't actually remember your name."

She flushed slightly. "I-it's Hinata…" she murmured.

"Alright. Well, Naruto arranged this, so I think you know what we're going to be doing." Sasuke said rather curtly. Another pause. "Are you going to let me in…?"

"U-um… i-it's just…"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I… m-my normal w-workout clothes a-are still in the w-wash." Hinata stammered, her face red. "S-so I-I h-had to w-wear an ol-older pair…"

"Okay." Sasuke said plainly. "Is that supposed to mean something?"

"I-it's just a l-little… e-embarassing…" Hinata admitted.

Sasuke sighed. "Look," Sasuke began. "I'm doing this as a favour for Naruto." he said. "I really don't give a damn what you're wearing, Hinata. Just let me in, and we can get this over with as quickly as possible, alright?"

"A-as quickly a-as possible…?" Hinata murmured.

"I'll be as fast as I can." Sasuke said.

"O-okay." Hinata said, after a long moment of silence. "C-come i-in." She stepped aside - although she took care to keep herself shielded behind the door. He strode into their house, gently slipping out of his shoes and setting them by the door.

"Alright, let's-" Sasuke froze for a millisecond. "Let's get started." He said hurriedly, swiftly averting his gaze from the goddess that was still attempting to hide herself behind the door.

Holy shit. He remembered Naruto's wife being pretty but Hinata was just… wow. Never in his life had he been so glad that her other workout clothes were in the wash, because just seeing what she was wearing left him feeling as if someone had sucker punched him in the stomach.

Tight, form fitting black short shorts that hugged her plump, smackable ass. A thin green tank top, that strained against her breasts, the outline of her bra clearly visible through the fabric. The tank top rode up slightly, revealing her smooth midriff, clear unblemished skin on display for Sasuke to devour.

He had to bite his tongue to prevent an erection from stirring inside of his shorts. Because she would most certainly notice that - and likely run screaming into the other room if her previous behavior was anything to go by. That would be bad for two reasons, firstly his friend's wife would think he was a creep, and second he would be deprived of looking at her curvy body.

Sasuke knew that it was wrong to check out Naruto's wife like this - but fuck, she was just way too hot to be wearing something like that around a virile male such as himself. And combined with the whole 'shy and innocent' thing (which he now knew was not an act), he was completely sold on this girl.

'Naruto,' Sasuke thought. 'You're one lucky bastard.'

"So, what seems to be the problem?" Sasuke asked, as she lead him into the living room - the Uchiha not so subtly glancing at her ass, which jiggled with every step she took, her hips swaying from side to side.

"I-I h-haven't b-been doing anything d-different lately…" Hinata murmured, grabbing her wrist with her other arm and biting her lip cutely. "B-but I-I put on a few pounds."

"What kind of things have you been eating?" Sasuke asked.

"V-vegetables." Hinata said. "I-I t-try to s-stay on a h-healthy diet."

"Alright… do you exercise often?" Sasuke asked.

"Y-yes." Hinata said. "I-I t-try to put in a-at least an h-hour a-aside to w-work out every day."

Sasuke folded his arms over his chest. "Okay…" he said. They stepped into the living room. The coffee table and sofa had been eased into a corner of the room, leaving a rather large area in the center of the room open. A thin blue mat was spread across said area. "Just do some basic stretches." Sasuke told her.

"O-okay…!" Hinata chirped. She got to work immediately, standing in the center of the mat, stretching her body in ways that made her ass and breasts jiggle in what he was sure was an unintentional manner. Not that it made the show any less enjoyable.

Sasuke pursed his lips together. From what she had said, there was really no reason why Hinata should be gaining any weight. A good diet, and a good workout plan, and she should be as fit as one could possibly be. And yet, she was gaining weight. That was… strange.

"Hinata," Sasuke said. "Has anything happened to you and Naruto recently? Anything… serious?"

"U-um…" Hinata began, as she was bending down to touch the floor with the palms of her hands, giving Sasuke a view of her ample ass. "Well. N-Naruto-kun got a p-promotion at work a f-few weeks a-ago." she said. "And s-since then h-he hasn't been around a lot. H-he's h-hardly h-home for dinner, and we h-haven't had se-"

She stopped just then, her face turned beet red. She continued to do her stretches without another word, although Sasuke could practically see the steam whistling out of her ears.

Sasuke nodded his head almost knowingly. That certainly explained a lot - if it wasn't her eating or workout habits that were causing her weight gain… then her sex life was certainly a good reason for that as well. He supposed it was a combination really, of Naruto's absence, and of the lack of sex, both of which probably lead to stress, which lead to… well, you get the idea.

He smirked. Well… Naruto had practically blackmailed him to get him here. And well, Sasuke wasn't one to just let his best friend's wife just wallow in her stress. It was his civic duty, really, as a citizen and as a friend to ensure that Hinata's needs were… sated. It wouldn't be all that different, after all. He was going to make sure she was nice and stretched out. Pun totally intended.

Damn. Naruto must really be rubbing off on him.

Well, subtle probably wasn't the best way to go about this, Sasuke thought, as he watched Hinata continue to stretch, her breasts jiggling with every movement. If Hinata was anything like her husband, then you'd have to basically shove something in her face for her to get it. And considering how shy and innocent she was… so long as he played his cards right, he could probably have her dropping her panties, so long as he kept the guise of 'helping her workout'.

A plan was swiftly concocted in Sasuke's mind. And, with a slight nod to himself, he decided to put it into action… immediately.

"I'm going to come up behind you, Hinata." Sasuke told her.

"O-okay…" she murmured. She was bent over - her palms resting on the floors, her gorgeous, breathtaking ass jutted out towards him. Sasuke silently swept up behind her, gently grabbing her wide, wide hips with his hands. He positioned his crotch not an inch away from Hinata's ample rump.

"Alright, you need to stretch a tad more." Sasuke said. "Down, lower, arch your back, Hinata-" he said. "Back up into my pelvis." She did so, Sasuke repressing a groan as her heavenly ass was pressed against his clothed crotch. "There we go." he said.


"Eeep!" Hinata let out the cutest, most adorable squeak you would ever hear - jumping as she felt something move against her rear end. Her face flushed, but she held her position. "W-what w-was t-that…?" Hinata asked, her voice soft.

"What was what?" Sasuke said, feigning innocence.

"I felt s-something move…" Hinata murmured. "S-something r-really big." A pause. "Y-you know w-when you're s-swimming, and y-you feel s-something b-brush against your l-leg…? I-it was like t-that…!"

"Oh, that." Sasuke said, a smirk curling his lips. "That was just my cock, Hinata. Nothing to worry about."

If possible, her face turned even redder, to the point where he thought she might pass out from all the blood pumping to her cheeks. "Y-y-y-y-your…" She couldn't get the word out. "Y-your t-thing…?" she said.

Sasuke let out a short chuckle. "Well, we'll be doing a different kind of workout today." he explained, gripping her hips a tad tighter. "The problem isn't on the outside, Hinata. Rather, it's on your inside… so, you and I will have to conduct some joint-exercises to ensure that your problem is taken care of."

"J-joint e-excercises…?" Hinata dared to ask.

"Well… how should I explain this…" He drifted off for a moment. "It's similar to what you would call sex with Naruto - but, it's excluding the whole being married part."

"W-wouldn't that b-be cheating?" Hinata asked.

"Of course not!" Sasuke said, his smirk only widening. "It's not cheating if it doesn't mean anything… and well, we're just trying to work you out, Hinata." he continued. "Don't worry, I've already cleared this with Naruto, and he's completely on board."

"H-he i-is…?" Hinata asked.

"Would your husband send one of his closest friends over just for me to lie to you?" Sasuke said.

"Y-you h-have a point." Hinata said. "A-alright, I-I guess I-I'll d-do it, if it helps m-me get in shape…" she murmured softly.

"Good," Sasuke said. "Now," he began, pulling away from her - Hinata straightening up, and turning around to face him. "We're going to begin with some simple oral exercises… this will help to teach you how to breath through your nose, and so on. First things first, you need to get down on your knees."

She complied dutifully, sinking down to her knees - her face level with his crotch… which, now that she noticed was looking a little strained. How quaint. "W-what next?" Hinata asked, looking up at him, blinking those big pale innocent eyes in such a way that made his shorts tighten even more.

"Well, I'll have to break out the old equipment." Sasuke said. "Think of it like a dumbbell, or a cycling machine." Gently, he hooked his fingers in the waistband of his shorts - and with a sharp jerk, yanked both them and his boxers down in one smooth motion. His cock flopped out of his shorts, and Hinata quite literally gasped.

"W-wow…!" she said, in abject astonishment, blinking her eyes several times as if they were deceiving her. "It's so… b-big…!" she said. "Is… i-is it normal f-for it to be t-this b-big…?" she asked. "B-because N-Naruto-kun isn't as b-big as you are…"

Sasuke bit back a smirk. "That's one of the reasons why I'm a gym trainer." Sasuke lied. "With equipment like this, it means I can help to thoroughly stretch out any woman's insides. Now… it's not normal to be this big, but it is an extra treat for the woman involved. It makes the… 'joint-exercises' a little more pleasurable for them."

"I-I'm g-glad that y-you're my t-trainer t-then…" Hinata murmured. "So, d-does o-oral exercises m-mean I h-have to like… l-lick it…?" she said. "O-or suck i-it?"

"Well, I think I'll take the lead on this, given your relative… inexperience." Sasuke said. With a firm hand, he gripped his thick shaft, lifting the two pound appendage up and pressing it against her lips. "Open wide," he said. And she did. He fed his cock into her mouth, her lips lewdly stretching around his incredible girth.

She was astounded by the fact that it somehow managed to get even bigger once it was inside of her mouth - and harder, much harder as well. Experimentally, she lapped her tongue at the side of it, letting out a small moan at the musky taste that hit her like a rocket. 'Wow…!' she thought. 'He tastes… really, really good…!"

"You're going to need to relax," Sasuke said. "This will be a lot easier if you aren't so tense." He let out a small grunt. "I need to perform a deeper examination."

She tried to say - "O-okay!" - but it mostly came out as muffled moaning, considering her mouth was stuffed with cock. Regardless, the intention was clear. Hinata closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths through her nose, her chest rising and falling. Gradually, her throat relaxed.

Sasuke reached a hand down, slipping it into her indigo locks. With a firm grip, he was able to get the leverage he needed - and with a pump of his hips, he began to thrust. The barrier between her mouth and her throat was the toughest part, thick fleshy squelching sounds reaching his ears, as Hinata gagged slightly on his monstrous cock. Eventually, she managed to take it, and with a pop, it slid in. The resistance after that was minimal, as inch after inch of his member slid down her throat, until finally, he was resting balls deep inside of her.

He withdrew slightly, freeing up about four or five inches of his cock - which still left nearly a foot of thick, man meat sheathed inside of her. "Now, we're going to need me to cum, Hinata." Sasuke said. "I want you to take your breasts, and wrap them around my shaft. Can you do that?"

She nodded, her face red, spit dribbling from around the sides of her mouth. Hinata reached her hands down, pulling her tanktop down until it was resting around her midriff, her heavenly breasts spilling free from their confinement, only held back now by a thin, lacy blue bra. That came off soon as well, Hinata gently tossing it onto a nearby chair.

With her tits free, Hinata hefted them up - wrapping the creamy globes around the third of his cock that wasn't stuffed inside of her mouth. "Mfmmf…!" she said.

Sasuke took that to mean - 'What now?'

"Just keep them wrapped around my cock, Hinata." Sasuke said. "This exercise is one I can do for you, so just sit tight, and remember to relax."

He reached his other hand down, and with both of his arms tightly gripping her head, he began to truly face fuck the beautiful ex-Hyuga down on her knees before him. Sasuke thrusted once, relishing in Hinata's groans, the thick squelching sounds that escaped her mouth, in the way her throat felt around his mammoth cock. The addition of her tits was all the better, and he made sure his thrusts were long and hard, pulling out until just the tip was left inside of her mouth before thrusting all the way back in, until his balls slapped against her chin.

'He said he needed to cum, right?' Hinata thought. 'Well… he is my personal trainer. I should probably help him get there sooner, that way we can get onto other stuff faster!'

She tried her best, holding her tits tighter and tighter around the base of his shaft, using her tongue as much as she could to lap at the sides of his cock. Hinata beamed as he began to grunt and groan. He was right! She'd sucked Naruto's penis before, but never like this, and never had it been so exhilarating a feeling to have a cock stuffed down her throat. Sasuke really was right about his immense size making it feel that much better. Why hadn't she been doing this kind of workout all her life?

"Hmm… on second thought…" Sasuke murmured, almost to himself. With a pop, he slid free of Hinata's mouth. A beat. And then she doubled over, coughing up a combination of spittle and pre cum that sprayed onto the mat beneath them. "I don't think your throat needs that much of a cleaning," he said. "However, I'll need to take a look at your lower body, Hinata."

"D-do you m-mean…?" She cast a glance down at her short-clad crotch… which was soaked nearly all of the way through with some strange fluid. Hinata took a good sniff of it, of the pungent smell that send tingles up and down her spine.

"That's exactly what I mean." Sasuke said. "Lay down on your back, Hinata." he advised her, the pale eyed woman following his words almost as he said them - easing herself onto her back. With a firm tug, he pulled her shorts and panties off in one go, taking a good sniff at her arousal before discarding them behind him almost lazily.

His cock was as hard as it could possibly be, and yet, he still took a moment to assess what was before him - Sasuke gently running a hand over her mound, a pensive look on her face.

"Often, you can relieve a lot of pressure in the body by working over your holes," Sasuke 'explained' to her. "We'll start with this one," he said, giving her folds a little tease. "And work our way to the others in a bit. Alright?"

"A-alright…" Hinata stammered.

Sasuke gripped the base of his monstrous cock with one hand, his other hand gently clamping down on her thigh, pulling her just a tad closer to him. Hinata was downright frightened by the size difference between his member and her snatch - it looked as if someone was about to try and ram a tree trunk into a sink's drain. She couldn't help the moan that fell from her lips as he pressed the head of his cock against her sopping wet folds.

And then, he thrusted inside.

It was only her incredible wetness that allowed him access - her unfathomably tight inner walls being forced to stretch by his member. Taking his hand off of the base of his cock, he instead placed it on her other thigh - giving him the leverage he needed to pierce deeper, and deeper into the indigo haired beauty lying before him.

The sight of his mammoth cock disappearing into her tight little hole was an intoxicating one indeed, and every moan and groan she let out was like music to Sasuke's ears. It wasn't long before he was nudging against her cervix… and Hinata was both horrified and excited to find that he still had at least three inches outside of her snatch.

"Oh…" she moaned. "Y-you're s-so b-big…" Hinata murmured, biting her lip cutely. "I-it d-doesn't hurt t-though… I-I t-thought it would h-hurt…"

"Now, I warn you, that bl-" He cleared his throat. "Those oral exercises from earlier have already brought me fairly close," Sasuke said, giving her a few short thrusts that left Hinata mewling and moaning beneath him. "I'm going to have to cum inside of you, Hinata." he informed her. "It's an excellent way to clean your pipes so to speak."

"A-alright…" she murmured.

Now, he really was quite close. Hinata was exquisitely tight, and watching her large breasts flopping around, combined with the little squeaks and moans she let out, were more than enough to bring him close. He began to thrust faster and faster, his thick and meaty cock bulldozing her poor little pussy, stretching it out to the point where Sasuke would be surprised if Hinata could even feel another man inside of her.

Faster and faster. Harder and harder. A nudge of her G-spot sent Hinata over the edge, and she let out a long, guttural moan as she came around his cock. He clamped his hands down so tightly on her thighs that he left imprints of his fingers, thrusting his massive cock into her tight snatch so hard and so fast that his hips were a mere blur. His balls tightened beneath his thick shaft. His member pulsed again and again, engorged veins and muscles throbbing along the length.

He sheathed himself inside of her one last time, his near tomato-sized balls resting against her thighs. Sasuke let out a moan as he came deep inside of Hinata, spurting a load so big that it likely dwarfed the last thousand loads Naruto had given his wife. She could feel every shot as it splattered against her insides. It was so warm inside of her… and with astonishment in her pale eyes, she watched as her stomach soon began to expand in order to accommodate the seed that he was packing into her stretched-out womb.

After a frighteningly long time, Sasuke was done, slipping his cock out of her snatch, allowing his cum to slosh out of her gaping cunt like a waterfall. 'He's still hard…!' Hinata thought, staring at his cock.

Sasuke let out a languid sigh, a self-satisfied smirk curling his lips. "Time for your next hole," he said curtly, grabbing her hip tightly with a hand and rolling her over onto her stomach. "Hands and knees, Hinata."

It took her a moment to summon the energy to follow his instructions, but she managed, forcing her shaky knees to hold up her lower body while her elbows dug into the mat in order to lift up her front half. She let out a moan, as a near constant stream of his seed poured from her snatch, staining the mat in his essence.

Sasuke normally would lube up before he went in with anal - but, considering his monstrous cock was slathered in a copious amount of Hinata's juices, her saliva and with his cum, he figured it would be alright. He spread her ass cheeks apart with two fingers, revealing her puckered little hole to him. He lined up his cock with her asshole, and then forced himself in, sheathing every single inch of his mammoth cock into her with a single thrust.

Hinata gaped, her elbows losing purchase as she fell forwards, her rather short fall cushioned by the mat. Sasuke, at this point, couldn't really give a shit - Hinata  was already practically comatose after the massive creampie he'd injected into her pussy, and by now, all she could focus on was two things; his cock, and his cum.

And so, with wild abandon, he rammed himself in and out of her ass. "Argh…!" Hinata sounded almost like a dying animal, her face muffled in the mat. "N-naruto-kun n-never's b-been t-there b-b-before…!" she stammered out, her voice cutting of with every thrust.

"Good," Sasuke said gruffly. He enjoyed the way her ass cheeks clapped against his thighs every time he thrusted in, not to mention the incredible, seemingly impossible tightness of her ass. Naruto really was a lucky bastard… but, then again, he'd be lucky to even shove his cock into the gaping holes that Sasuke's cock had turned her pussy and ass into.

It wasn't all that long before he was ready to cum again. And sure, dumping a load into her asshole would be fun and all, but Sasuke had other plans in mind. With a squelch, he pulled out of her rearend. With a firm push, he shoved Hinata onto her back once more - swiftly straddling the ex-Hyuga's stomach, his long and thick cock casting a shadow over her breasts.

He smirked, grabbing his cock and stroking it as fast and as hard as he could. He aimed the tip directly at her waiting face, and let loose as soon as he was ready.

It was almost like a fire hose, really. Spraying from the tip of his cock in what seemed to be one continuous stream, splattering across her face, staining it with his cum. Her cheeks, her forehead, her nose, her lips, her chin, none of it was spared. He made sure to give her hair a nice coating as well, staining her indigo locks a nice shade of cream white.

Sasuke chuckled as he finished, staring down at the nearly unrecognizable face of Uzumaki Hinata. "That was an excellent first session," he said, climbing to his feet. He used her discarded shorts to wipe his cock clean of her juices, before pulling back on his boxers and shorts. "I'll be back next week," Sasuke told her. "Same time, same place."

And then, he strolled out of the house, wrenching open the door and closing it behind him. Leaving Hinata behind, lying on a mat in the center of her living room - her gaping asshole twitching, her yawning snatch continuously pouring his seed, and her face coated in what seemed to be five layers of cum.

She was hardly conscious at this point, her vision swimming in and out, her body twitching every now and then.

Once she had finally regained control of her mental faculties, just one thing came to mind. 'I really need to talk to Naruto-kun about making Sasuke-kun my official personal trainer.' Hinata thought.