
Simon Vs Kisame

As he saw vortex getting close to him Simon appear behind Kisame even before Kisame react he attack his back, it was full on physical force, although he held back by not using chakra to enforce his body Kisame felt like his body was run over by that weird statue summoned by their Akatsuki leader. Kisame flew away until he hit the ground, he groans from pain, his mouth filled with blood. Simon didn't follow with his attacks he calmly waited until Kisame gets up from his bad situation.

Kisame was a proud ninja, he loves to battle and win after a long time he met a worthy foe. this one isn't scary as Itachi but stronger than him by a large margin. Kisame always feared Itachi but this guy did not give him that kind of fear. when Kisame had a short exchange with Simon he felt as if he has been mocked or toyed. other side used the same type of attacks he uses to defend or attack back to him, this had never happened to him.

"You basted I m going to kill you" Kisame stood up with great difficulty, every inch of his body is hurting. but he isn't a man accept lose just like that.

Simon knew it must be hurting Kisame pretty bad, now he regretted hitting him with his physical power 'shit I should have played safe, this guy is struggling he can't keep up much longer' Simon saw Kisame took out His Samehada from his back, she was howling as well, as Simon his Kisame's back Samehada was the one who took blow first, since she had her own consciousness she feel the pain as well.

"You intend to fight me in close combat?" Simon asked since even he felt it was a bad idea Lee and others also felt confused, Kisame obviously knew Simon was strong in close combat, then why would he try to fight him with the sword?

"So what?, you think just because you have a strong body I can't cut you or kill you? dream on brat today is your last day" Kisame sneered he refused to comment any further.

Suddenly he attacked, Simon heard Kisame saying "Liquid Bullet" and disappeared. as soon as Kisame disappeared Simon saw basketball size water ball heading toward him with high velocity, it was fast faster than Gun bullet on earth.

When Simon react to Liquid bullet Kisame did the same thing Simon did to him a few seconds ago, appearing behind and use Samehada to attack ruthlessly to his back.


Simon didn't have time to respond either one of the attacks, as he got hit by Samehada he flew toward incoming Liquid Bullet too, with another bang bullet hit his chaste hard. Simon felt a humongous pain coming from his back and front, although his body is stronger then most it was not invincible in any way.

This hit made tears jump out from his eyes, it was so hard, he drew cool breath "suuuuuu" team want to laugh after seeing his face but held it on it was no good thing to laugh at others misfortune, but someone didn't follow the rules.

"Haha, now you feel the pain? as I thought you never done serious fight, this must be your first fight. isn't that right?"

Kisame mocked him, at first Kisame didn't understand why he felt Simon familiar but it hit him when he asking why he was getting ready to fight close combat. in the ninja world, there is no actual close combat except fighting with Tai-Jutsu masters. even if Kisame carried sword he wasn't close combat ninja, he fights mid and range battles. Kisame knew Simon was new to fight when his speaks.

"So what if..."

Bang! Boom!

Simon wants to come back, but Kisame didn't let him. he again followed two liquid bullets and forceful Sword to Simon's stomach. this time Simon had a hard time to breathe but didn't fall down or made his face pale. his conditions were pretty good.

Kisame didn't let him rest he again made four-hand signs Serpent - Dog - Dragon - Ram, "Great Cannon Ball Jutsu" this time liquid bullet no more but more powerful Jutsu replace it. Kisame wants to kill Simon faster then his goal and his pried both will be safe.

He launched a giant blast of water by spitting it as a strong stream from his mouth, it headed straight toward Simon, this even if his body is strong he will surely be injured. seeing critical attack Lee and Tenten want to help Simon but Neji stopped them.

They looked at Neji confusedly "Look" Neji draw their attention toward Simon, when Lee and Tenten saw Simon they felt surprised, by now Simon's Spiky hair burning with golden fire, his arms and cheeks had dark red color strips, on his hands those strips had intervened with each other but it went to his back of neck and came to his both cheeks. his handsomeness doubled after this transformation.

Cannonball didn't reach Simon it became hot air when it came close to Simon, Simon felt embarrassed, Kisame tried to toyed with him? Kisame was his toy he was going to saw Kisame who the toy here.

Simon ran toward Kisame, Kisame knew little brat was finally serious, without even experience about fighting this time this boy gave him profound feeling, he didn't delay he also ran to Simon Kisame use Samehada while Simon used his fist.


As fist and Sword collide Kisame flow back, spitting blood from his mouth, Samehada shirked, Simon was relentless he didn't want Kisame to escape just like that. running after Kisame with some speed he caught from his head.

thank for the support guys......

next will be Itachi, what should I do fight or talk?......an idea please

asuraSLcreators' thoughts