
Fire Sage

Tuh tuh tuh Simon hurriedly spit off the sand that got into his mouth, he excitedly looked around but sadly it was middle of the forest, everywhere he looked only had trees, he knew God couldn't send him a place where human lived since it would cause huge panic because a man appears out from nowhere.

Since his body is new to him he took him some time to feel his body. Then he tried to feel his chakra but he couldn't. 'did that guy scam me?' But then he remembered something, according to otherworld living handbook if you couldn't feel Qi or chakra or whatever new world has fist meditate and then try to feel.

Simon didn't hesitate he quickly sat on the ground and closed his eyes, he imagined his Dantian which at right below his belly button. Simon then 'saw' huge pool of fire and lightning, the fire burned brightly while lightning currents move around like Dragons.

'So this is my chakra pool, it looks like I have fire and lightning chakra' Simon felt delightful he didn't mind not having all the elements. he thought it would be a pain in the ass since he had to practice five different elements.'isn't others chakra innately colorless' he didn't know about chakra laws so he let that thought passed.

Just as he about to go back to reality he felt like something pulling him, then he saw huge white space, which didn't have anything except massive snow white wolf straying at him with big blue eyes. "Master, why didn't you come to see me?" It had a sweet girly voice when Simon heard wolf call him master with such a girly and sweet voice his whole body shakes from happiness.finally he has his own beast, he almost lost his conscience.

Smiling happily he asked, "Little girl what's your name?" She-wolf replied with annoyed tone "I'm a not little girl, you the little girl"

"Haha don't be angry darling tell me your name" Simon just laugh before asking again." humph my name is 'Shiro' remember that" Shiro Humped but still told her name to Simon.

"Alright Shiro its nice to meet you,I hope we can do many things in the future" Simon sincerely said, even though his dream is to live in this world happily without been bothered there is no telling when he would be drag into some sort of shit.after all women he hoped to make his wives filled with problems.

Due to his sincere tone, Shiro felt surprised but soon she revert back to her usual self "yes master when you need my power ill give it to you without reserve" this time her voice also carried sincerity. she felt her first master is an extremely good person who she could trust.

"Alright, Shiro before we go to human residents I have to train my self. even tho I have huge chakra pool which could rival strongest people in this world without any attack techniques or experience I can protect myself" Simon knew if he wants to court girls he must have the strength to protect them, at this time he didn't have the strength to even protect himself.so before he goes to hidden leaf village he must train himself.

"Ok Simon, but I can protect you from anything so don't tired yourself" she wolf's voice suddenly became mischievous. nonetheless, Simon just smiled and went back to reality.

'Now its time to train' still in his meditating position he starts to think about jutsu he already knew.thinking while he came to a conclusion he fucking doesn't know anything!! 'Shit!! Simon screamed in his head.shiro laugh hard seeing Simon's misfortune she thought he looks funny.although he looked extremely handsome at this moment his face like crap, he wanna to cry but no tears came.

Suddenly Simon had an idea when he watched Naruto series he never saw fire elements sage mode, even naruto only learn water element sage mode.thinking to this point Simon became excited without thinking further he starts to feel his surrounding fire elements.it didn't take much time for him to feel fire elements. fire elements were like tiny birds actually they were alive, elements didn't have a strong conscience but Simon felt cheerful and wild nature of fire element. elements act like friends with each element,Simon didn't want to make them sad so he decided to spoke with elements.

"Little fire do you want to become friends with me?" Simon spoke gently.

Fire elements who were moving around without purpose 'looked' toward to Simon, when they 'saw' Simon elements become more cheerful, quickly rushed toward to Simon's body.

Just as fire elements made contact with Simon's body he felt as his body was burning, but soon those burning area refreshed, then again burned again refreshed again. Simon knew fire elements making his body suitable vessels for those fire elements. this lasted for a few more seconds before ending.

When elements finished its process they gathered toward Simon's chakra pool in a fast rate. Simon knew he successfully mastered fire sage mode,felt happy.soon his look start to change his black hair turn to golden flame fire like Pattens start to appear on his body, his face which looks so handsome before became even more stunning, if girls were to see him right now there is no telling what would be happen.

"Haha finally, see that Shiro isn't you master genius" he laughed smugly. Shiro didn't speak of cause she knew it was a hard task but even though she met him today she still decided to believe him. maybe it was an effect of gods.

"Fine then don't reply" saying so Simon started to play around with his fire sage mode,it gave him 50% chakra and gave him 10x physical power, since he was the first fire sage he also received inheritance of fire elements.as for time he could stay tap into sage mode he could stay as sage forever.his sage mode was perfect without any defects so he could stay in sage mode for permanently.

The inheritance which Simon received had totally 4 jutsu, two could only use when he was in sage mode while the other two could you with normal chakra. One of two normal jutsu same as the great fireball jutsu, its name was 'wrath of fire god' when Simon use this jutsu he could send fire beam from his mouth just like NATSU's fire dragon roar.

The second jutsu was also an attacking jutsu called 'Fire of Samsara' which is a large-scale attack, Simon as the center he could release fire circle, the max distance around 100 meters. other two jutsu was a bit more powerful to practice in this kind place, Simon concluded if he uses 3rd jutsu which called 'Burning Hell Of Fire Lord' it could burn this entire forest with flame.it was also large-scale attack while forth jutsu is 'Purification Of Golden Flame' was a healing jutsu.

'Now that I have a new set of jutsu I'll head to leaf village once I mastered them' thinking to this point Simon became excited. finally, it's time for him to meet his waifus.

guys I apologize for my grammar mistakes, ill try my best to improve that.....thank you guys

asuraSLcreators' thoughts