

The gentle thud of a mug against the table woke Calluna from her impromptu nap. The soon-to-be king had been studying the notes she'd taken when sleep unexpectedly overtook her. She didn't even remember falling asleep in the first place.

She blinked her eye a few times as her mind readjusted to being conscious, then slowly sat herself upright. Sitting before her was Wesley, who had just placed a cup of fragrant lavender tea by her hand. He looked at her with a gentle blue gaze shrouded slightly by the reflection of the room's window in his glasses.

"Good morning," he greeted quietly. "I hope you slept well. I read somewhere that sleeping after studying increases information retention."

"Good… morning?" Calluna replied, then corrected herself: "What time is it actually?"

"Around six in the evening."

"You're joking."

"Afraid not," Wesley said with a chuckle. "Don't be upset, though. I asked Eleanore to bring your dinner here instead."
