
Chapter 3- The stare.

OKAY OKAY HOLY MOLY. I Woke up late and now I'm rushing to class GREAT. The bell rang as soon as I turned the corner to my home classroom hall. I ran into my class, huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf. I quickly sat door in my chair realizing our teacher wasn't here yet. Jungkook looked at me confused "I never took you as a late person" I smiled sweetly "My clock was just on snooze" He chuckled a little, He is so cute!! I start to pull out my notebook and pen. Korie walked in with jimin and it looks like they were flirting. What the what?!? She sat down in her seat while still talking to jimin. WOW. Now all she gonna be talking about is Jimin. I sighed while writing down the title that was already on the board and Tapped on korie's shoulder to get her attention. She turned at me "Yeaaa??" I smirked her and made my eyebrows wiggle, I whisper in her ear "Korie and jimin seating in the tree! K.I.S.S.-" She hit me with her pencil on my head "Stop jina or I'll tell jungkook you like him" She whispered backed. Nooo I'm not getting exposed today. I looked at her "PLEASE DON'T!" everybody was looking at me, OoPsies. Jungkook was also looking "Sorry!"I slugged down more in my chair trying not to die from embarrassment. Soon the teacher came in sighing dramatically, "Class! I have an announcement!" Everybody start to sit in their seats and became quiet. "As you all should know, We are having A carnival for the end of the year!" We all had a quick chatter about it before hearing what else the teacher had to say. "EVERYBODY NEEDS A GROUP OF FOUR AND TO STAY TOGETHER FOR THE CARNIVAL, BEGIN TO PICK YOU'RE GROUP AND THEN GO TO CHAPTER 3 IN YOUR TEXTBOOKS FOR 8 QUESTIONS THAT YOU CAN SOLVE WITH YOUR GROUP!" everybody start to search for friends or boyfriends and girlfriends. Korie looked at me and I looked at her, we automatically became partners BUT THEN she smiled at jimin who was partners with jungkook and I got this weird ass feeling.. she was going to ask them to join us. And yep she did. I huffed "Okay so let's answer the questions then" They all nodded, I looked at jungkook, this is normal for me tho. I didn't realize he was looking back Until he asked me "Jina do you need help with a question?" I shaked my head no. we stared at each other which felt like forever. I MEANNN I AIN'T GONNA LIE, I COULD DO THIS FOREVER. But he looked away and start to work again. Well I had my moment. I looked at his arm and saw Something kinda hidden in his sleeve, I looked closer and realized it was a tattoo. HOLY SHIT. and I get to hang with him all day next Friday. Is this a dream?SOMEBODY PINCH ME.!!
