
The special gift

As the food arrived the four of them immediately started eating as every one was hungry and tired. Aron noticed that Kim was comfortable and is treating him as a friend rather than a CEO, he was quite satisfied with his decision of taking his friends for dinner on his birthday. After the desserts four of them left the place and headed towards their home. Joy had already called the driver and he left first as he had some work on the way. Where as Aron proposed both the girls to drop them home.

First they dropped Ann and then Aron and Kim drove towards Kim's house. Kim had eaten a lot, she was already full, the car was super comfortable and soft music was playing in the car. Kim started to feel sleepy. To avoid sleepiness she said, "Aron can you please change the music, actually I don't like to listen slow songs and I will really fall asleep if I keep listening them now." Kim said fluttering her eyes. Aron could not help but admire her beautiful big black eyes in his heart. He stopped the music and finally asked what he wanted to ask her. He in a deep low voice said," Thank you ". Kim just smiled and replied, "its your birthday so celebrating is obvious. " Aron then asked, " You wrote that poem yourself? ". After hearing that Kim realized Aron was talking about the poem she has sent him the previous night that as his birthday gift.

To be specific it was actually not a proper poem, Kim loved writing and has an inclination towards literature. She pondered a lot and finally decided to write some of the habits, attributes, likes, dislikes and memories of Aron during the camping trip in the form of a small poem as a birthday gift hoping that it will be unique and he will like it.

Kim smiled and nodded then asked, " You like it? "

Aron smiled brighter as he said, " It was first time that I got such a unique gift." I liked it so much that I copied it in my personal diary." Kim stared at Aron hearing that and Aron also realized that he had gone a bit over the top by spilling the beans regarding copying the poem. Aron quickly changed the topic and asked ,"so you like writing? "

Kim then replied saying yes that she loves literature and reading novels, and writing poem are her hobbies. Upon hearing this Aron asked Kim if she likes dancing. Kim smiled awkwardly and said she has not learned dancing but enjoys grooving to music with her friends. Aron wanted to say that he had already seen her dance but chose to remain silent as he may look like a creepy stalker if he suddenly tells Kim regarding her dance in the club.

In the meanwhile they reached Kim's house, Kim stepped out of the car and invited Aron to her home but Aron politely denied saying he would come next time. Kim also didn't force him thinking he might not be comfortable for both of them. Kim entered her house and Aron drove back to his house.
