
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

Tife_7736 · แอคชั่น
23 Chs


<p>MIXED EMOTIONS <br/><br/>Rhida got home and saw Elina <br/>" Hey, heard you and Donald were going out together lately" <br/>" I told you everything didn't I? He helped me to satisfy my cravings per his boss's order" Rhida explained and sit on a chair, exhausted. She bring out her phone and called Donald. He picked up immediately <br/>" Donald, I heard you are sick," Rhida said and Elina looked at her <br/>" He is sick? When? How?" <br/>" Hush I'm on the line," Rhida said with her hands on her lips. Then Elina keep quiet, listening to the conversation<br/>" Don't worry about that ma'am, it's just a small sickness?" He said politely and went silent <br/>" Ok"<br/>" The boss is willing to help, you can call him anytime," Donald said and Rhida nodded and cut <br/>" What? Boss? Iver?" Elina asked with a disbelief <br/>" He is a friend of a friend of the father of my baby," Rhida said, rubbing her tummy. <br/>" That explains it all, why Donald accompanies you every time," Elina said and Rhida nodded <br/>" I wished he is not gay" Elina muttered and Rhida looked at her. <br/><br/>Ella got to school and meet her friends she was shocked to see they have already arrived for the project, <br/>" I'm home guys!!" She shouted and her friends hugged her <br/>" You are here, wow, Missed you!!!" <br/>" How is the UK?" <br/>" Guessed you have millions of BFs now"<br/>" Did you sleep with any of them?" Her friends asked all at once<br/>" GUYS!! Stop it. I bought some gifts for you!!!" Ella said and they all looked at her <br/>Alice, one of her friends rubbed her hands together. <br/>" I can't wait," She says and Ella brings out the gifts <br/>" From the Uk," Ella said with a smile and they all take it <br/>" You are the best Ella" Enny said and they all gist together, having fun <br/>" You remember your crush?" Alice asked <br/>" Who?" Ella said, shrugging <br/>" Ray of course," Alice said teasingly <br/>" Stop it, I told you guys that I will never talk to him again"<br/>" Why? Is it because you almost kill yourself while trying to talk to him?" Alice said again, mockingly and the remaining two laughed <br/>" It's not funny"<br/>" I wonder why he doesn't like talking to everyone. I almost think he is an introvert" Enny said and Alice nodded also agreeing <br/>"Same here until he became the group leader and I saw him chatting loudly and grinning with his friend Uran. Such a waste of the cute face" Brit said <br/>" He must have his reasons" Ella muttered and her friends look at her, shook their head <br/>" Don't push yourself too much girl, I don't think you can get over him" Alice said and left for her bed <br/>" He has his reasons" She mumbled to herself. <br/><br/>Ella couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment every time Ray would avoid talking to her. She had tried multiple times to strike up a conversation with him, hoping to catch his attention, but he seemed disinterested. It was frustrating, especially considering that she had developed a crush on him.<br/><br/>The next day, Ella arrived inside the campus and sat on a chair, just then, A murmur raised among the girls and she stare at them, traced their gaze, and saw them staring at the guy that just came in. She stood up. It's been a while since she saw that face and she won't lie to herself, she missed it. She got the urge to pull out the girls' hair. How dare they ogle over she cherished. <br/> As he passes by, he faces her direction and smile <br/>" Hi" Then he leaves <br/>" Huh? Am I dreaming? Did he just... Just... Say... Oh, I feel like dying, he just says....." As she was saying, she saw Uran come out of her direction and joined him <br/>" I knew it, he is never happy to that extent to greet me. That son of b....." Then she stopped and went away <br/><br/>As the group gathered to discuss the project, Ella couldn't help but steal glances at Ray from across the room. His quiet demeanor and captivating smile drew her in, making it even harder for her to move on from her crush. She watched as Ray engaged enthusiastically in conversations with Uran and the others, wondering what it would take to get him to notice her.<br/><br/>Throughout the project meeting, Ella found herself unable to concentrate fully on the task at hand. Her mind kept wandering back to Ray. She wondered if he had any idea that she liked him or if he simply didn't care. Maybe he was just shy and didn't know how to respond to her advances. Ella couldn't help but feel a mixture of hope and disappointment, unsure of what to do next.<br/>She shook her head; She needs to concentrate. She has promised herself not to think of him this time considering what he did for her the previous year. She looks away, focusing on the project <br/><br/>Rhida stares at her boss from the distance, he has become someone different entirely unlike the last night when he was soft, gentle, and caring. Now he is back to Iver Collins everyone knows, cold, never caring, and proud. <br/><br/>Donald enters his office and saw him staring at the chain <br/><br/>" Should I fire her or not?" <br/>" Did you want to?" <br/>" She did hate me if I do that but I can't stand the fact that she is working with my child in her" <br/>" If you feel that much bad about it then stay out of trouble!!!" <br/>" Did you just... Scold... me?" He asked in a disbelief tone<br/>" I apologize" He bowed a little <br/>" I think I should fire you first," He said <br/>" I have committed a great sin, your majesty, forgive me," Donald said, trying not to make mockery show in his voice <br/>" Stay out of the outings for now. I will be the one to escort her when she is craving for anything"<br/>" I will sir" Donald bowed a little then he waved his hand <br/>" You are dismissed" <br/>At night, Rhida was on her way home, when she saw a car behind her <br/>" At your service Ma'am" <br/>She looked at the person with the familiar voice and it was her cold and proud boss a while ago. Now he is smiling at her <br/>' Such a two-faced wizard' She thought and looked around <br/>" Hop in, we are safe," He said with a smile again then she get in, feeling uncomfortable, she didn't know why she was so obedient but maybe perhaps she was so curious to know about that mighty father of her child. <br/>" Craving for something?" He asked and she looked at him. Her heart started beating faster and she wanted to just run away, she hated this feeling; the feeling of familiarity and longing.<br/>" About some ice cream?" <br/>" I'm in," She said slowly, finally looking away and Iver drove away <br/><br/>After the ice cream, they sat silently in a corner. The silence was so awkward for Rhida <br/>" I will use the restroom," She said and rushed away <br/>Iver sighed <br/>' Should he beg her to leave work? Or perhaps should he say it was ordered from the friend of his friend? ' He wondered then her phone started ringing, he then pecked at it and he saw her save the number with anger and swearing emojis. <br/>" Could it be her ex?" He questioned himself and then picked it <br/>" Finally you picked up" It was a woman's voice. Is it her mother? No, it can't be, they died. Could it be her aunt?'<br/><br/>" Come and pack your luggage, I don't want you as my talent again. I give you two days!" Then she cuts <br/>" The landlady?" just then, Rhida arrived. <br/>" You have a call," He said slowly <br/>" But I picked it. It's the landlady" He said with an apologetic look <br/>Then she groaned and take her bag. <br/>" Let's call it a day, I want to go home," She said <br/>" She gave you two days," He said and Rhida nodded <br/>" Did you find a house yet?" He asked and she didn't say anything <br/>" How about you come to live at my house?"</p>