
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

Tife_7736 · แอคชั่น
23 Chs


<p>THAT PERSON YOU NEVER THINK IT WAS... <br/><br/>"How about you come to live at my house?" <br/>" Huh. Uh?" She asked almost unbelievably. <br/>" Don't worry about that, don't have a bad idea, we might not see each other for a week, it's a very big mansion and you know... I leave early, so..." He was saying then stopped <br/>" I will agree to the terms you give me," He said and Rhida looked at him, unable to form a word <br/><br/>" Huh??? Iver say that or did you hear it wrong?" Elina asked, packing her load<br/>" No, I didn't. I... I wanted to refuse but I think I became deaf at that moment" Rhida said, angry at herself<br/>" Anne is going to start working again and see? I got a call this morning. I've got a movie to translate. I'm leaving tomorrow. You should just go" Elina said<br/>" But..." <br/>" He is gay, he won't fall for you or mind you" Elina cuts in <br/>" I'm not bothered about him but about me... I'm scared that I can be easily swayed. What if I fall for him?''<br/>" Girl, get it together. You need to go there. He carries out the order of the father of your child, which means he will come to his house sometimes. This is the perfect opportunity for you" Elina said and Rhida looked at her... Lost <br/><br/>The next day, Anne and Rhida see Elina off and Rhida also leaves for work. <br/>She arrived at the office and saw her colleagues <br/>" Morning girl" Anna shouted before Rhida would greet and she replied with a smile, also greeting others. She sat down and stare at Iver's office<br/>Anna went to her <br/>" Our boss is not around, he won't come to work today. He was sick and Donald was the one managing his schedule and Dave was assisting him" Anna said as if reading her thoughts <br/>" We are free today. No panic. You see, I'm glad he was sick. I hope he got sick every day" Anna said <br/>" But, that is a bad thing, you will also get sacked when the company became bankrupt," Rhida said, her tone coming out in a scolding tone <br/>" Oh... Ok, right" Then she went to her seat <br/>Rhida sighed, suddenly she was worried, she closed her eyes and replayed his smiles and his gentle tone last night. 'What could have happened to him? He was well last night but why was he sick now? She wondered. She got the urge to call him but... No, she can't, even if she summons her courage and call him. What will she say? Never, she can't<br/><br/>Despite her fears, Rhida couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in her gut. <br/><br/>Elina arrived at the plot of the movie and saw the representative of her company<br/>" You are here, come on, we need to meet the highest sponsor to this movie, he wants to meet everyone in the movie" Dan, her agency representative said <br/>" Such a headache," Elina said and left with Dan. <br/><br/>They arrived at the hall and they saw them there. <br/>They arrived in front of them and they stand up, shaking. <br/>Elina's eyes widened as she saw that the person in front of them, that is...<br/>Then they sat down, Elina stare at him as they were all talking, she couldn't get her eyes off him, she didn't concentrate on what they were saying until Dan, touch her and she jerked from her thoughts <br/>" Are you okay? " she heard him say <br/>" Mmm, I need to use the restroom" She left. <br/><br/>Elina rushed to the restroom, her mind swirling with a flurry of thoughts and emotions. <br/><br/>As Elina hurriedly made her way to the restroom, her mind was still consumed with thoughts of the person she had seen. She couldn't shake the feeling that had washed over her when she first laid eyes on him. Why did he have such a strong impact on her? Why did she feel attached to him? These questions swirled in her mind, clouding her thoughts and making it difficult to concentrate on anything else. She bearly knows him, she met him just once and in a short time but why is... Her heart like this? <br/><br/>Inside the restroom, Elina splashed some cold water on her face, hoping to snap out of her daze. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, trying to make sense of her emotions. Something about that person had stirred a deep and unexplainable connection within her. He is gay but why is her heart refusing not to listen to her? She groaned in frustration and stared at the mirror again. <br/><br/>As she took a deep breath and composed herself, Elina contemplated whether it was worth returning to the conversation or if she should excuse herself from the gathering altogether. But curiosity and a nagging feeling in her gut compelled her to rejoin her colleagues.<br/><br/>Walking back to the group, Elina couldn't help but steal glances at the person who had captivated her attention. His presence seemed to command the attention of everyone around him. The way he spoke, the gestures he made – it was all so intriguing to her. <br/><br/>Finally finding her voice, Elina asked Dan about the man. "Hey, who is he?" she whispered, pretending to know nothing about him <br/><br/>Dan glanced at the person and then back at Elina with a puzzled expression. "That's Donald," he replied. "He is the executive assistance of Collins Co. Did you not know?"<br/>" I see, he looked familiar," Elina said and looked away <br/><br/>As the conversation drew to an end, Elina sighed, it will soon end and they will leave. That thought break her heart. <br/>The meeting ended and she left the conference room with Dan. As she exited, she glanced back one last time, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. But he was already gone, blending into the sea of people heading towards the exit. Elina felt a wave of disappointment crash over her, realizing that their paths may never cross again.<br/><br/>At the office, the team leader cuts the call and stares at the team <br/>" We have a problem," He said and they stare at him <br/>" Donald said the boss needs someone from the PR team to bring a document from his office to his house" <br/>" HUH??? WHY??? " The team said almost at once <br/>"One of the girls should go," Alex said <br/>" What? Why will the girl go? He is a grown-up and... " <br/>" Have you forgotten something important? He is gay and if the guys go, a rumor will break out again and we will push all-nighters again" The team leader said <br/>" But it isn't normal for the girls to also go," Jen said <br/>" Why are you all arguing, let's do Rock, paper, scissors," Don said with a smile<br/>" Yeah let's do that " Anna shouted <br/>Rhida looked at them <br/>" You too Rhida" Jen said and she slowly stood up <br/>" I'm a newbie and.... "<br/>" Sadly, even if you arrive today. You are not excluded" The team leader grinned mockingly<br/>And she reluctantly stood up and joined them as they gathered around. <br/>" Rock paper scissors! " Shouted Don and they all do the gesture through their hands and they stare at Rhida. She looked at them, scared, and checked their hands <br/>" This is cheating! " She shouted and Anna grinned at her, showing all her teeth. <br/>" Sadly enough, you lose and you will be the one to go to his house. No panic, he is not into girls you know, just drop the document and leave okay? " The team leader said, putting the document on top of her hands. <br/>" Good girl," The team leader said and she left dragging her leg from the ground. <br/>" 0203, That's the password" Anna shouted after her and she turned to her then she left. <br/><br/>Rhida stood in front of the big mansion. <br/>" Wow, indeed," She said and approached the door. <br/>" 0203 Why did it sound so familiar? " She asked herself and presses the password. She entered and she almost didn't believe her eyes. <br/><br/>The living room was filled with exquisite furniture, from plush grey sofas to a mahogany coffee table. The walls were adorned with beautiful artwork and there were large windows that allowed natural light to flood the room, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The polished hardwood floors gleamed, reflecting the soft glow of the chandelier hanging from the high ceiling.<br/><br/>As she explored further, her eyes widened in amazement as she discovered the stunningly designed dining area adjacent to the living room. A grand, glass-top dining table was surrounded by elegant chairs, perfectly set with crystal stemware and fine china. In one corner, a sleek bar stood adorned with an impressive selection of spirits and wines from around the world.<br/><br/>" Whoa, this is another world," She said. She is going to live here, she will make sure to. She thought and smiled. Just then she spotted an open door and rushed there, almost forgetting the reason she was there. She was too curious to see what was in the room. <br/>Her mouth widened as she saw the big shelf. It was his study. The books are all set together on each shelf of their own. Different books with different authors, and different covers, making the shelves and study admirably<br/>she was scanning the study, and she spotted a small box. It was the box!!! She rushed to it, remembering it. <br/>" Huh? Did he give him? Wow, I can't believe I see this again. Right, my chain" She said and started searching the table, the shelve. Then she saw papers... <br/>She opened it slowly, curious and it was a letter, that was the same as the ones she received from the father of her baby <br/><br/>" I hope I could show up... But not now Rhida, I'm scared, I will just stick to lying to you about the friend of my friend I didn't know of. I hope the day came faster. The day to claim to you that I am the father... <br/> Iver; " <br/><br/>Her hands trembled as she read the letter. Just then a door shut close and she heard the familiar voice <br/>" Who are you? " It was a very cold voice, which he never used for her <br/>It was as if all her voice was gone. She looked away, still backing him <br/>Iver looked at the familiar back and walked slowly in <br/>" Rhida," He said slowly, His voice was not cold like before. He moved closer to her and saw the letter <br/>" Rhida" He called slowly and looked at her, her eyes were full of tears <br/>" Rhida" He called the third time and she turned to him, tears trickling down her face. A mixture of disappointment and sadness on her face <br/>" Can... You... Explain this to me?" She said, fighting back her tears <br/>" Rhida, I..." <br/>" No lies," She said<br/>" I... I am the father of the child. But Rhida... " He moved closer to her and she jerked back. <br/>" I have my reason Rhida" <br/>" Is it fun? Lying to me? Is it fun seeing me believe what you said? You must have seen me as a fool. I'm so stupid I know but... That's unfair, it's unfair!" She said and want to leave. <br/>Iver grabbed her hand. <br/>" Rhida... " <br/>She whipped her hand away <br/>" Search for me or follow me and I'm going to abort it," She said and left <br/>Iver ran his hand through his hair, he didn't know what more he could say. He collapsed in a corner and stare at the door where Rhida left</p>