
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

Tife_7736 · แอคชั่น
23 Chs


<p>HIRE HER <br/><br/> Rhida got off the taxi and rushed inside the hospital. She saw Elina and rushed to her. Then they both head to the ward. <br/><br/>Rhida and Elina rushed over to Anne's side, their faces filled with relief and concern.<br/><br/>"How is he doing? Is he going to be okay?" Rhida asked, her voice laced with worry.<br/><br/>Anne looked up at her friends with a tired but grateful smile. "The surgery went well," she said, her voice filled with both exhaustion and relief. "The doctors were able to successfully remove the blockage in his airway. They said it will still take some time for him to fully recover, but they are optimistic about his prognosis."<br/><br/>Tears of joy welled up in Rhida's eyes as she reached out to hold Anne's hand. "Oh, Anne, I'm so glad to hear that! We've all been so worried about him. He's such a strong little fighter, just like his mom."<br/><br/>Elina nodded, her own eyes shining with happiness. "Yes, Anne, you and your son have gone through so much. I'm glad the surgery was a success. Now, he can finally breathe easier and get back to being a playful and energetic little boy."<br/><br/>Anne embraced her friends tightly, grateful for their support. "Thank you both for being here for me and for your kind words. I don't know what I would do without you two. It means the world to me."<br/><br/>They stayed with Anne and her son for a while, catching up on each other's lives and providing comfort. As they chatted, Anne's son's breathing gradually stabilized, and his color started to return to his cheeks.<br/><br/>"He looks so much better already," Rhida said, her voice filled with relief. <br/><br/>Rhida and Elina touched Anne's shoulder, they knew that the road to full recuperation would be challenging, but they were determined to provide the unwavering support and love that Anne and her son needed.<br/><br/>The next morning, Donald entered the office and saw his boss staring at the familiar chain <br/>" Did you finish the research?" <br/>Iver said, not looking at him but only at the chain. <br/>" It's almost done, sir," He said and smiled, this is the first time in a very long time that his boss have had an interest in a woman. Checking her background was a shock to him. He knew he didn't make a mistake setting her up with his mean boss <br/>Iver gestured for him to leave, still staring at the chain. <br/><br/>At evening, Donald handed over the completed research to his boss, who finally tore his gaze away from the chain and glanced at the papers. As Iver read through the research, Donald's curiosity got the better of him. He couldn't resist asking, "Sir, may I ask why you're so interested in this woman? Is there something special about her?"He asked, wanting to know the cause of the sudden changes <br/><br/>Iver sighed, tearing his eyes away from the papers and looking directly at Donald. There was a hint of vulnerability in his eyes as he spoke.<br/>" It's nothing, just curious about her. I need to prepare for the future in case your plan works" Iver said and Donald's eyes brightened <br/>' Is this not the boss he knew?' He thought and stare at his boss as he observe the papers <br/>" She lost her parents when she was a kid and have to live with her relatives, then she left there when she was eighteen for no reason, she has a lot of part-time jobs to meet up her needs. She..." <br/>" Enough I can read it myself," He cuts in and Donald keep shut <br/>" You are dismissed," He said and Donald left <br/><br/>He feels pity for her, she has a sad past and he knew she has been struggling to make ends meet till now. Suddenly, he wished he would go to her past and remove the pain and sadness away from it. Suddenly, he wished he could just make her his and showed her with all she want and make her forget about the hardness she have faced. He didn't know why he just wanted to do this and why his heart ached so much because of her sad past. He wondered what is wrong with him. <br/><br/>In the evening, he packed at the usual place, starting at the building he is now used to. He was about to leave after minutes of waiting and he saw her coming out of the taxi, she was wearing the same cloth she wore last night. He frowned. And then he remember what Donald said when he was about to leave his office <br/>" She was doing lots of Jobs to make ends meet" Iver frowned again. It shouldn't be what he was thinking. He looked at her small skirt and his heart sank. <br/>He clenched his fist and call Donald <br/>" Find out what Rhida has been up to lately, find out about her current Job," He said in a cold voice and Donald trembled from the other end. Something must have infuriated his boss. It's been a while since he use this voice and that when he was about to do something bad. <br/>" Just a sec sir," Donald said, and Iver cut. He stares back a the gate and she has gone inside. <br/><br/>Within a minute he receives a call from Donald again and he picks up, his voice still cold and emotionless <br/>" Sir, I will have sent it to you but it's nothing in particular. She has not been doing any Jobs but she recently applied for the PR team in our company and she was rejected" Donald said <br/>" WHO THE HELL REJECTED HER?" Donald hears his boss's angry and cold voice from the other end and he trembled, almost wetting his pants again <br/>" I...I... Will... Will" Donald stammered <br/>" Hire her" That came in a whisper and Donald froze. <br/>" HUH?" <br/>" Did I have to repeat myself?" <br/>" I'm going to hire her NOW!" Donald said, trying to get away from his boss who was like a snarling lion at the moment. Then Iver cuts and looked a the gate again. <br/>' Yeah, that could be the best way. If she got a Job then she will stop the job she was doing now. He will make sure to pay her well' He thought and stare at the gate again<br/><br/>Without wasting any more time, Donald quickly searched for the job application that the woman had submitted previously. He carefully reviewed her qualifications and work experience, weighing the pros and cons. Although her qualifications were not exceptional, Donald knew his boss don't care and what he will say is that he could mentor and train her to become a valuable asset to their PR team. <br/><br/> Donald contacted the PR department and instructed them to clear a space for a newbie. The identification card and other things a PR member will need<br/><br/>Dave looked at Donald who was sitting lifelessly on the chair and sit beside him, offering him a coffee <br/>" Wake up man, you are looking dead," Dave said and looked at Donald who didn't answer him <br/>" You should be glad. Your mission is about to be accomplished" Dave said and Donald looked at him <br/>" She recognizes us and then she will know that it is from our boss!" Donald said and Dave looked at him, adjusted his tie and his coat <br/>" Poor and loyal boy. Don't you know how to lie? Have you ever seen her before? When she confronted me then I will tell her that I have a twin who resembles me so much" Dave said with a smile and Donald sat up <br/>" Can you also teach me a lie?" Donald asked and looked at him <br/>" no"<br/>" Why?" <br/>" Live your life on your own," Dave said and Donald push him away <br/>" Heard you are hiring an assistant," Donald said after some minutes of silence and Dave grinned <br/>" Yeah, thanks to my hard work," Dave said and Donald stood up <br/>" Thanks for the coffee" Then he left <br/>" Get it together man!" Dave shouted after him. <br/><br/>Rhida got back to the hospital wearing new clothes and saw her friends. <br/>Anne's son was now recovering well, they could say it was surprising to see how he have recovered so quickly overnight <br/>Rhida bought some food for her friends and the three of them eat together. <br/>As they were eating and chatting, Rhida's phone vibrate and it was a message. Her eyes brightened as she stare at the message. <br/>" Pinch me, Elina," Rhida said and her friend stare at her curiously. <br/>Elina pinch her a little <br/>" Pinch me harder, I'm dreaming" Then Elina pinch her harder <br/>"Ouch! I'm not dreaming! " Rhida shouted and Elina collected the phone. She was shocked to see it and then Anne collected it again and she opened her mouth <br/>" Are you sure this is not a dream Rhida?" Anne said and Rhida pinch her <br/>" Ouch! It's not a dream. Then is this true? Are you truly now an employee of Collins Co.?" Anne said and Rhida nodded. <br/>Elina patted her hair <br/>" Proud of you" <br/>"My mind is now at ease, my sister is now working in one of the richest companies in the country!" Anne shouted and the three of them stood up dancing and rounding themselves and Jumping almost forgetting their sad mood a while ago. <br/><br/>Rhida spent her weekends preparing for her first day at Collins Co. trying to look her best and to impress her seniors. <br/><br/>Iver had ordered Donald to offer her a junior position in the PR team, though he didn't like their idea but he knew offering her a position more than that will raise suspicion and he don't want any problem for her. <br/><br/>Rhida got to work early that day, entered the entrance with her ID, and was wide-mouthed at how big and beautiful it was. She almost hit her head on the wall as she was staring everywhere. <br/>Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks as she perceive the familiar scent. She looked up at the man heading toward the elevator with another man following him <br/>She quickly rushed to him, grabbed him by the collar, making him face her. <br/>Then she saw the other man who turned to her, looking surprised at how she grabbed the collar. She recognizes him. It was the second man that came for the handkerchief. She turned her eyes back to the man; Now, he is going nowhere, he is now locked in her cage</p>