
She Calls Me Eyebrows

173J is a demon, soul collector from the Underworld who falls in love with a woman named Hannah. She also happens to be a direct descendant of Wolf- one of the highest-ranked demons from his realm. J, as he is called, tells us his story as it unfolds- of love and friendships and all the truths he has known that turned out to be lies.

passmemycoffee · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

What's her name again?

The creature screams as my sword went through his neck. The yellow entwines with a sky-blue flame blade, burn brightly as it shares my joy in slicing open the soul's almost translucent body. Thick black smoke-like fog illuminates from my sharp blade and then mixes with the yellow and blue flames. Soon the yellow dies out and only black is seen as it surrounds my body in a spiral. I close my eyes welcoming the pleasure as it slowly increased. Red soon entwines the black dimly and I close my eyes for the pleasure has increased almost triple fold.

As much as I hated paperwork- this is so worth it. The sensations hit my body wave after wave after wave. My blood feels itchy and alive at the same time. I clench my jaw and a delectable, slow moan escapes my lips when I feel another blast erupt inside me, sending its electricity through every fibre of my being.

This is my second soul scrambler since I have been with young Hannah, and sixth since I've been here, in your Upperworld.

How old am I? Hmm, I can't be certain but I do know that I have seen my last house owner die, as did the previous one. So, let's assume a human life is eighty years old and multiply that by two. Now let's take away the ages I met them, one was in college and the other was already running his own company. Successfully, I might add. Of course, he was a sob chap, but I soon reformed him. It was fun, keeping his spoiled ass on his toes.

Anyways, did you do the calculations? 80 plus 80= 160. That the two humans before Hannah- are you with me still? Minus twenty for life from birth to the college when I met the first house owner, from that. 160-20= 140. The spoilt brat aka 'young CEO' was thirty, so 170, right? Great, so yeah, so on average I'm approximately one hundred and ten years old- in human times…erm give a few years as they both lived to be almost ninety. I think I'm older than even that too, like way older, because I'm not sure how long I have been dead before I was chosen to be this death dealer.

Soul Reaper? Death reaper? Which name do you prefer?

Anyway, then there is the pause between those two deaths too. On the outside, I look like an average young adult, about twenty-four. Who am I kidding…I am what you call, 'handsome as sin' with my small face and sharp jawline…fine…okay my identification card says I'm twenty this year. Whatever. Not in the mood anymore. My very illegal but the legal way identification card says that I was eighteen when I met Hannah.


Whatever, I'm still devilishly good-looking, no matter what age I might look. Did I mention my sleek black hair and silver eyes? I'm dreamy.

Inhaling deeply, the beginnings of euphoria take over my body. Did I mention before how a soul affects us? When we destroy it, I mean? It's very similar to being drugged. You know that feeling when you're on top of the world? Oh? What's that? You don't do drugs so you don't know? Hmm. That's good, say no to drugs kid.

Um. Okay. Have you ever heard of what drugs do to you? No, not the bad stuff, just the 'high' feeling. Ever had a tooth extracted? Ah, forget it. Anyway, right now I'm beginning to feel it. It will last me almost the rest of the night. Before the full impact of the ecstasy hits me, let me say this. We avoid this because of the reports we have to make. We, as in any human soul collector, of good or bad souls. Bet you weren't expecting the 'human' part, right?

Yes, all animals go to heaven and no- not all kids are innocent.

Ah, where was I? Oh- yes, we have reports to make. How? Well, we have to answer to someone else in a higher rank, of course, or we usually type it out, in the Underworld, which we all do when we clear the soul bearers, a.k.a. the rings. My V, is my soul bearer- wait- did I say this before?


My shoes clicked on the tiled floor of the kitchen as I stumbled in, hours later, in need of water. I'd been in my bed, riding the waves but now my throat was parched. My entire body was in fact, overly heated and craving cold water. The fridge seemed so far away but I made it. No, it's not like being drunk. I have all my senses. It's just different from feeling well- dead. That's all we feel death- and we live for it. It's thrilling even. But taking a soul- an actual life- well, that's different.

Downing a Gatorade, I replace the empty bottle back in the fridge, thinking to throw it out tomorrow as I am in no condition to search for the bin now. Opening a cold bottle of water next, closing the fridge door, marvelling at the goodness of plain water.

To my kind, it's just as it is. What it is and what it is not. That's it. Plain as black and white. So, to us non-humans, the human world is intriguing to us soul collectors, with all its life. All the excitement from the what-ifs and the what could be.


Normally nothing scares me but I was startled when I heard the sharp yelp, so my body jolted a little. I almost choke too on the water I was drinking.

It is Hannah. Clearing my throat, I turn around to face her, from where I was leaning on the fridge, arm over my head, forehead on the door. Ok, it is understandable that she was startled, for I had on a black suit and dress shoes, and yea- the fridge was black too.

What type of human walks around in the dark anyway? All I have noticed, thus far, leave a light on or put a light on when they entered a room. Obviously, I didn't hear her because I'm quite buzzed at the moment.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes and turns to leave the room.

What? Was she really that spooked by me? In the years that we shared this house, I have never tried to scare her or put her in harm's way so why did she react to me like this? I frown and take out another bottled water, following her out. She was at the base of the stairs when I take her hand, slightly pulling her hand back from the railing.

She actually tries to take her hand away. Did I have the plague or what?

Ignoring it, I tug her towards the couch and sat her down, giving her the glassed bottle, I had just taken out, assuming she was thirsty. Why else would she be in the kitchen at this hour? The girl looks beyond startled. What the hell? Not the literal- any way you know what I mean. Her eyes were wide as saucers.

"Drink up," I tell her and she did. I notice her hands are trembling. Cold? Frightened? Both, maybe?

Lost, not knowing if to be irritated or flattered, for although she vexed me, at the moment she is…ahem…wearing the shortest of shorts and barely a top on. Which she seems to be unaware of. I am a man that has eyes…that's single…Single has nothing to do with it. I'm under a sort of stimulant of sorts, making me feel a bond with Hannah at the moment. My hormones sending out the hooded disguise of what you humans call love. To me lust, and I try to reign in on my molten emotions.

Relax, she's an adult student, in college too.

"What?" she asks looking up at me as she recaps the bottle.

"Ah, do I bother you?" I reply, taking the seat opposite her so as to not scare her more. She fidgets with her fingers and this draws my heavy eyelids, to her bare thick thighs that her hands are resting on and she answers with another lie.


Gosh, I swear this girl lies for everything. Anything to do with me anyway, for I did not know her personal life. It really is irritating to deal with. Maybe I should really scare her I think as I close my eyes. Gosh, she is taking away my high. Okay, nothing can actually take this feeling away but she was cutting into it.

What is her name again? It's on the tip of my tongue…

Shadowing her movements, somewhat- minus the fidgeting, my hands are now resting across my muscled thighs too, my back erect as I bust my brain that's swimming in light-headedness. She remains silent, almost as if she's being forced to remain there. Punished even. Glaring at her, I scratch my head as I think. Henri, Harley, Halsey-

"Hannah!" I shout as I point at her, causing her to jump even with the five feet between us, including the coffee table.

"Ooh, I'm sorry," I apologize to her, as I shush her with a finger across my lips, closing my eyes in an extremely long blink. Even in my fogged-up brain, I know I'm being ridiculous and I shake my head, trying to clear my senses when I get the horrific urge to kiss her. My brain tells me it's horrific of course but I ignore it, parting my own with my own tongue.

My eyes somehow couldn't move away from her trembling red lips.

Suddenly she drops the bottle, which landed carelessly on the floor and walks over to me and drops to her knees. Gripping my jacket, she pulls me to her, her eyes hooded. I blink several times before I look down on my lapels where her hands are before standing up abruptly.

I did not think clearly, for she falls over but braces herself with her hands. Now she is looking up at me, I don't know- like how humans look when they are hurt? I know I know- it's the same look as V earlier, I'm just so confused at the moment. First, she was scared, now this?

Hannah was on her feet immediately and around my waist. Her legs, gripping my narrow waist. I almost died of shock- no it's not possible. Her hands are around my neck.

Now she's trying to kiss me?

My neck pulls back as my hand went to push her back at the same time, I realize what had happened. I switched it off within the same second, only to have Hannah looking at me with a mortified look on her face. I cannot even think about what might be running through her head.

Me, with my head, pulled back, slightly twisted to the side with a 'wtf' look on my face and my hands- dear Lord- are on her chest, yes, mound by mound with her legs clamped tightly around my waist.

My charm switch, which automatically shuts off when I reach home and stays off until I walk out of the door- or unless I put it back on, had come on. And Hannah, being a human had reacted to it.


J is such a card huh? ...what's her name again..really? Lol.

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