
She's Complicated

everyday she wishes to fix herself , mend something that is broken and most importantly to be found by her own self

Ashi_Dignekar · LGBT+
2 Chs


Its morning already I hardly slept last night .

I am only 10 yrs old and yet I am being compared , to her . My sister , my elder sister , she's really pretty I agree tall , fair , elegant...but that doesn't make me ugly does it?

I think its unfair we both are born from the same parents but still look so different I am Xerox copy of my father , Papa is too handsome and so am I . I love the fact that I look like him but hate the fact that I can never be pretty like her . But the funniest part I have never known how my mother actually looked like. My sister is the closest picture of her that I have ever seen .

We lost our mother when I was hardly 4 months old. Sad isn't it? Well, if you ask me I don't think it is , I never even got to see her and the fact that she killed herself although she had two kids makes me hate the fact that I even had a mother like her . At times it makes me hate myself too thinking how my own mother did not even think about me before doing such a thing , maybe she did not even want me let alone love me , and to top it off I don't even resemble her , I am just her daughter because I have been told I am .

Other than that I could never prove that I am her daughter.

i think most of the females have these similar insecurities..but yet they stand strong and shine with flying colours , not to be a feminist but YOU GO GIRL...

Ashi_Dignekarcreators' thoughts