
Shattered Castle

The war ended with its many unlearnt lessons. Strange things were happening. Many systems of government have been experimented on. On the verge of recovery came another blow. The death of a reformer. Suddenly, Mr. Zack a strong fighter of moral piracy of political code and doctrines died on a plane crash .Investigators examining the wreckage ruled political sabotage. The elimination was inconsistence with the time-tested democratic system in practice in the country and elsewhere in the world. It became a tragedy and wound that never healed so fast. Things would never be the same again. History was forgotten and mistakes are to be repeated. Mr. President who headed the saddest chapter of the nation’s political history was fingered as directly responsible. Then came Mr. Ribadau who was dropped after along service at the altar of the ordained thin god Mr. President .He too died of political assassination. The double tragedy marked the genesis of a legal Ping-Pong that saw Mr. President behind the bar in just three years afterward.

Chima_Ugokwe · สมัยใหม่
46 Chs

forty two

To some people, Ambassador Zanda his close friend the dimension the talk and actions was taking was not a surprise. He walked with confident, with a rolling gait, smart and unassuming. At the funeral ceremony he alleged that the assassination of Mr. Ige was a high wire conspiracy, planned and executed by powerful people in authority.

"'Those who killed Zach are right here among us. They knew that nothing could be traced to them, but God is watching?" he said as he cried openly.

Sometime later, the sermon was over. All the guests sat and seemed to be in an excellent spirit. They were really a bunch of business men, politicians, professors and those from many other professional fields and callings, who outwardly expressed heartfelt emotion. Many were friends and long lost comrades who had not seen each other for a long time and they continued hugging and shaking hands. The death had once again as it used to bring them together. Death is one of the many things that brings people together.

 Destitutes at the gate and the streets around could only have a few days of this paradise sort as if it would last a life time, but as soon as the ceremony was waning they all must soon take track for home, leaving Mrs. Zack to continue in her loss. They ate and drank satisfactorily.

It seemed odd that a man with Mr. Zack's antecedents ended in this tragic way after keeping his path well in politics and in other faces of life endeavor. A man whose parting word to each follow of his was to have a good life well spent. At death, his allegiance to the country were all observed, spoken of and strictly adhered to. At least, it was end; his end and no ones end. Such show of wealth and affection could never be shown to him anymore. The whole day was carried off by his party members and friends who with the consent of Mr. President who had stated that elaborated funeral ceremony would be organized in his honor in order to accommodate his diverse interests. It was at least to clean any doubt and suspicion such cruel death had raised.

Filled with surging ideas, the priest was readily beautifying his repute like many others who had spoken. While other business was going on under, he continued his preaching which many people thought had stopped. His colleagues played their part also. He ate all the food offered him in the upper chamber of the house, the drinks and an envelope thereafter and announced to the family member the nearness of his departure. He said one more prayer and went out in the company of few persons. At his presence, the old quarrels had been buried he overrules all objections and side talks in a quite, mild and skilful way and ask God to accept his petition.