
Shadowed dreams

In "Shadowed Dreams," three friends navigate the elite world of their Noida school, facing pressures of success and secrets lurking beneath the surface. As they grapple with hidden desires and the arrival of a mysterious newcomer, their bond is tested like never before. Will friendship prevail, or will darkness consume them?

Daisy_finch · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

Chapter 3

It was a busy day today.....as it was the registration day of science competition in the school....different teams were preparing for this competition because top three teams will go to Prague.

Yes you heard it "Prague".

As soon as this news spread everyone was so happy especially was shreya as if she can win it it will be a great opportunity for her . She can have an international trip that she was not able to afford personally.

As happy shreya there was another person who was equally excited as shreya and that person was "Vihaan". Going to Prague was his biggest desire now.

Shreya, Avni and Ruhanika were in a team but Raghav could not be a part of the team due to limit of three members per team he need to join other team. So after a lot of hardwork he managed to find a team.

Vihan's POV

I need to go to prague. It can only take me to my desired path. So I paired with my friend Ananya( he is a boy dont get confused with his name it is pronounced as anany only). But i need another person in my team and I want that third person to be that who can be a big advantage for us.

Then I heard that Raghav is finding a team. I thought this is a chance He can help us to win against our biggest competitors and the path of my win can be easier.

He was the friend of those three girls that i totally dont like. I think they are just famous for nothing. Lets not rant about it.

So i went to Raghav and asked to join our team. And voila he agreed.

Shreya's POV

Raghav came running towards us (nothing new).

And he just bombed us with a news that he has joined Vihan's team. It was a shock to us.

Vihan has never talked to any person with a straight face other than his friend. And he has asked him to join his team.


Well It is also a good news for me as I secretly like him. I think we are similar in so many ways he is also an introvert like me and he is way so smart in all the aspects. I mean no one can compare to him in looks.

Now I want him to win as well so that we can together go to prague.

They started preparing for their competition and the topic was "sustainable development".

Every team has to provide some novel approach towards sustainable development and provide a working prototype of the model as well on the final day .

They started researching well and as because raghav was in vihan's team shreya used to hear about vihan a lot and her feeling started developing more for him. The same was for vihan but he started disliking those girls more.

To find a new idea is always a tough crack. But shreya did deep research and worked hard in lab to make the prototype. All the cost of this project was beared by avni and ruhanika. But finally they have made it.

Vihan's team was also not behind them. They have also made a beautiful project.

One day shreya was going back to lab for her model when she entered there she sees a well structured face with golden specs, Wearing a crisp white shirt, sleeves rolled and loose tie around his neck working on the laptop. She was admiring the beauty in front of her eyes suddenly her thought was disturbed by a masculine attractive sound.

It says "Hello! What do you need? You are Raghav's friend na"?

Shreya's POV

As soon as that voice entered my ears butterfly was doing party in my stomach ....oh my god literally he is asking me....how smart he is....what should i say.... Should i say hii , hello ,or hey hii, whats happening with me.

He asked me "again are u listening?"

Then i came out of my thoughts i blurted out "hey hii, hlo vihan. I am.... Who I am??

I am shreya. Yes I am raghav's friend.Are you working here too? Actually i also needed to do some work in lab.If you want some privacy then I can go to other lab".

Why in this world have i blurted out these things. I want to dig my head somewhere.

And then he replied in a very neutral tone "No,thanks. I am going from here" and he grabbed his laptop and went straight from there.

What a jerk!. At least he can be sweet when someone first converse with someone. Anyways its not his fault I like him not he likes me back. One day he will like me as well may be!.