
Shadow of the Abyss

The Old Gods are gone. Lost and Forgotten, their honor shattered and their kingdoms broken by treachery. The Peace of the Myriad Heavens has been severed. And from the ashes of war and chaos, the Twin Towers of Babel have been created as a beacon of hope. Can Altair, a child born of the Old Gods whose name has long since been forgotten, survive, or will he be cast into the Nine Hells? *** "So..." Arsene continued, enjoying his child's flush expression. "I've got a few things to teach you. What I'm about to give you is some peak wisdom. Think of it as my Ten Commandments: One, never trust a bitch with red hair. Trust me on this. Two, the pull-out game is not a real thing. She will get pregnant. Three—" "F-Father…" " —Never get yourself more than one wife. It sounds fun. It is fun. But it's truly a nightmare. You better be writing this stuff down. This is some grade-A wisdom right here. Four. "...Please stop talking…" The Prince pleaded. "Shhhhh. Just let this happen. Four…Bro's before hoes isn't a thing. The hoes come first. Remember, Booty is more important than Wa— " "STOP!!!!!"

Lord_Damocles · แฟนตาซี
433 Chs

Soul Weapon I

Altair awoke like a buttered hotdog, sandwiched between Tasha and Morigan. The thick scent of pungent wine he'd had in celebration still lingered on his breath. Be it Tasha or Morrigan, both of them were somehow bare, clinging to his left and right. 

'Heavens…' he thought, as his mind trailed off at the soothing heat their bodies generated. Who needed a blanket when you had two baddies? He smiled, noticing that he still wore a tunic, but his lower half was bare, and his manhood spearing the Heavens. He sighed, unsure what happened last night. 

"What a day!" Altair freed himself to stretch his limbs, which felt stagnant from the wine. He'd been unsure what he drank but, for the first time, felt nauseous. His head was spinning with an ache that made him want to lay down.