
Shadow of deceit

Athena Stanford is a 21-year-old orphan living in the bustling city of New York. She is jobless and lonely, but she catches the eye of Caleb Martin's, a charming and successful businessman. After a whirlwind romance, Caleb confesses his feelings for Athena, and they become a couple. However, their happiness is short-lived when Caleb develops a nervous problem that requires an expensive operation. Determined to help the man she loves, Athena takes up various jobs to earn money for Caleb's operation. Her journey leads her to the Elite Restaurant, a prestigious establishment owned by the wealthy and powerful Liam Steele. During her time working at the restaurant, Athena encounters Luke Steele, a notorious playboy known for his perverted interests. Luke becomes infatuated with Athena and starts pursuing her relentlessly, despite her clear rejection of his advances. One fateful day, Athena stumbles upon a beautiful ruby pendant and impulsively decides to sell it to cover Caleb's medical expenses. Unbeknownst to her, the pendant actually belongs to Liam Steele, who values it dearly. Determined to retrieve his precious possession, Liam seeks out Athena, but rather than taking her as a slave as expected, he becomes intrigued by her resilience and independence. Meanwhile, the Steele family faces internal turmoil when Logan Steele, Liam' brother, discovers that Luke has betrayed him by sleeping with Logan's fiancée, Jaden Ravenwood. Seeking revenge, Logan sets his sights on Athena, using her as a pawn to inflict pain upon Luke. With the help of his loyal bodyguard, Flynn Martin's, and devoted right-hand woman, Sandra Scott, Logan begins a dangerous game of manipulation, which further complicates Athena's life and fuels tensions within the Steele family.

FamodunOluwasegun · วัยรุ่น
49 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

Liam POV

I had always been right, Logan and Luke are just being childish and running around the same circle continuously.

Luke and Logan are in love with the same woman over and over again and each time Logan always had the upper hand, then what would happen to my feelings, does that also means that I love Jaden, that can't be I am sure I was never in love with anyone and Athena would be the first, that's if it's an actual feeling or I just admire her.

"I was never in love with Jaden". Luke said to me quietly.

"I can't believe that, this action of yours explains everything and mostly why you got intimate with Jaden and despite everything still didn't regret it". I said to him as I moved closer to him.

"Stay away from her and your secrets are all safe with me, Athena won't know and Logan won't find out. Just concentrate on Amanda before she makes a lot of bad things happen to Athena, if Amanda should as little as touch her hair I would make you regret it before making her life worthless ". I said in Luke's ear with a smile on my face, so he would understand the assignment.

I decided to take a stroll before breakfast because everyone was still fast asleep.

I saw Logan going through his phone and seemed so happy like he had Athena beside him, I slowly walked towards him from behind and it was actually a photo of Athena fast asleep.

"You won't be able to pull her out if that picture." I said to him making him jump up like a kid that was caught stealing.

"I just took the photo and she looked so beautiful and I couldn't stop looking at her despite everything." He said not even having The feelings of hiding his feelings from the owner.

"If you continue like this, Athena might just become so consumed in the love you have for her and start being extra about everything, I just want you to know that". I said to him with my hands on his shoulders.

" Why are you telling me all this I only admired how she loved her looks then and not the way you placed it". Logan said to me looking at me with a frown on his face.

"You are being stubborn and slowly getting blinded by it, I just hope nothing would go wrong". I said about to walk away when he clears his throats clearly meaning he wasn't done talking.

"Are you in love with her? You know that can't be possible because you have never fallen in love with anyone and Luke has gotten enough from me because of the pregnancy, don't add to it". Logan said to me while I turned back to look at him confused.

"Why are you turning the table around?" I asked him making him chuckle awkwardly as he moves closer to me so he would be in the exact position I was when I warned him,just beside his ear.

"I see the way you look at her and I know,you are aware of what would happen if the three of us as brothers starts fighting over a woman just because of a woman who don't love us back mostly you". Logan added walking away, this was really getting serious and even Logan was ready to anything to get me out of the picture.

I couldn't stop laughing at all that just happened despite my warnings they were all in love with Athena, at least Luke is able to keep it in for the sake of Amanda,but what about me? I keep warning them to stay away from her because when I first met her, I could feel something special about her and that was the main reason why I brought her into this mansion but now I am slowly getting intertwined her and I know that won't be good for me at all.

As I returned back into the mansion to have breakfast and Athena was already she waves at me with a smile, that contagious smile that always made everyone fall in love with her was what she was doing again.

"Good morning". I said to her not sparing her a smile as I took a seat at my usual place.

"You seem to be in a bad mood today?" She questioned.

"I am always like this". I said to her as she chuckled, she clearly doesn't believe anything I just said.

"You are acting like when I first met you, so stiff and refused to open up to anyone let alone give someone a chance". She said while she placed a spoonful in her mouth.

"And who is that someone?" I questioned as my two hopelessly in love brothers walk in and Amanda behind them. I know Amanda is planning something,I just can't point out what exactly the thing is or why she is doing it but Amanda can never stay put like this without doing anything about Athena apart from the fact that she wants to be in Luke life no matter what, she also wants to be the only woman in the triplets life which can't be possible as they want to start fighting each other.

" You two were discussing why are you suddenly quiet like we ruined everything." Amanda said smiling as she took her seat opposite mine, why would she even take a seat opposite mine today like a boss.

" Liam is a bit pissed at me for no reason earlier but with you guys here now I know it's his general attitude for today". Athena said with a smirk on her face, she seems to be in a good mood and is now rubbing it on everyone.

" You seem to be the only one in a good mood that's why you see everyone in a bad mood". I said to her but she just rolled her eyes.

"So Athena, isn't it time for you to start your hospital visits?" Logan asked suddenly making lose interest in the meal I was eating and everything made me fed up.

"It's too early for that, my belle isn't even out yet, you should be telling that to Amanda who has been pregnant before me," Athena replied making Amanda a bit nervous.

But why did I feel something the other day when I touched her if it's not yet obvious, I hardly ever even notice her tummy she us like someone who isn't pregnant at all mostly during practice.

"Shouldn't Athena go for another test?" I asked making Amanda choke.

"Why would you want that?" Logan and Amanda asked in unison.

"Because we can never be to sure, just to be on a safe side ". I said as they all stared at me like I was crazy.

"Why would we do all that when it is clear to us that she is pregnant, are you being suspicious of everything that's why you woke up in a bad mood?" Luke said, why was he suddenly acting so angry at me.

"We can't do that to me again, you just have to wait till my belly bump starts showing and stop having second thoughts on my child". Athena said staring at Logan, she clearly wants him to support her.

"She has decided and nothing can change that". Logan said as I signed frustrated and continue to eat my food, Amanda doesn't want me to do this which means something is wrong somewhere and I need to fish out, my doubts are many but mostly I know Amanda is doing something to Athena that she isn't aware of. 

I stood up immediately and paced towards Athena while everyone stared at me a bit surprised..

"What's wrong??" Luke asked as I dipped my spoon inside her food and ate it, I stood still for a few minutes before walking back to my seat.

"And what was that for?" Athena asked .

"I don't need to answer that". I replied her while I continued eating mine, I just can't trust Amanda with Athena's food, maybe she poisoned her.

"You need to Liam, you are scaring me the action you just took scared me," Athena Insisted, if I don't tell her she won't let me rest at all.

"I was checking your food if it was poisoned". I said to her making Logan choke, what's their problem with choking at everything I say to them.

"Did you see something that made you say so?" Logan asked.

"Should I be listening to your interrogations or answering them?" I asked.

"Liam!!!" Luke exclaimed slamming his hands on the table as he stood up.

"What!!! Something is off and I am always right about my feelings, you all know that ." I said to them and they know I am right and not crazy at all, 

" You mean something bad is coming or is already here?" Logan asked his eyes not leaving Athena's tummy.

"It's already here." I whispered.