
Shadow of deceit

Athena Stanford is a 21-year-old orphan living in the bustling city of New York. She is jobless and lonely, but she catches the eye of Caleb Martin's, a charming and successful businessman. After a whirlwind romance, Caleb confesses his feelings for Athena, and they become a couple. However, their happiness is short-lived when Caleb develops a nervous problem that requires an expensive operation. Determined to help the man she loves, Athena takes up various jobs to earn money for Caleb's operation. Her journey leads her to the Elite Restaurant, a prestigious establishment owned by the wealthy and powerful Liam Steele. During her time working at the restaurant, Athena encounters Luke Steele, a notorious playboy known for his perverted interests. Luke becomes infatuated with Athena and starts pursuing her relentlessly, despite her clear rejection of his advances. One fateful day, Athena stumbles upon a beautiful ruby pendant and impulsively decides to sell it to cover Caleb's medical expenses. Unbeknownst to her, the pendant actually belongs to Liam Steele, who values it dearly. Determined to retrieve his precious possession, Liam seeks out Athena, but rather than taking her as a slave as expected, he becomes intrigued by her resilience and independence. Meanwhile, the Steele family faces internal turmoil when Logan Steele, Liam' brother, discovers that Luke has betrayed him by sleeping with Logan's fiancée, Jaden Ravenwood. Seeking revenge, Logan sets his sights on Athena, using her as a pawn to inflict pain upon Luke. With the help of his loyal bodyguard, Flynn Martin's, and devoted right-hand woman, Sandra Scott, Logan begins a dangerous game of manipulation, which further complicates Athena's life and fuels tensions within the Steele family.

FamodunOluwasegun · วัยรุ่น
49 Chs

Chapter Nine

Liam Steele pov

"I would kill Logan" she said to herself about to rush out the door when I pulled her back.

"I only let you know the truth so you can be stronger not fight without strategy" I said to her, she looks at me still very angry at what's going on.

"I can't believe you still support your brother after everything". Athena said to me.

"You would move into the mansion with me". I said to her,staring back at Luke to see if he would object to what I said.

"The Steele palace?". Luke asked.

"Yes". I replied smiling, because I knew it would be good news to him.

"Thank you so much brother for giving me the chance". He whispered before hugging me.

"Eww, stop". I teased, pushing him away. He smiles a little before leaving, I knew he had a lot of business to attent to but Athena held him down and now that he knows Athena is in a safe hands and would always be close to him he would gladly attend to all his meetings.

"And what I do for you?" She asked.

"I would train you to become strong and you would take up the identity of new person," I said to her but she still looked confused.

"Why would you train me in all your secret works?". She asked.

"Because you belong to me and outside the Steele mansion, you are a nobody" I said to her.

"I would assign a new guard, Flynn is not to be trusted around you" I said to her before escorting her out.

"Why do you always cover your face?". She asked behind me as we walked down the corridor that leads to the back door.

"It's my signature,as the triplets we all have our signatures which we abide by, Logan is the free spirited one and Luke the playboy and I am the mysterious one". I said to her before opening the door, a Mercedes Benz was already waiting for us.

"Get in". I ordered opening the passenger door for her which she gladly entered.

"Why do you trust me so much to be part of your business, from what I know you three are very mysterious and private about your businesses". She said to me making me laugh.

"The minute I took off my mask and you saw my face, you had all my secrets in your hands so have that in mind that you can never snitch on anyone of us, even Logan who did injustice to you". I warned her as we drived through the city heading the Steele mansion.

Before arrival I had already told all the Maids to prepare her room and pyjamas for the night. So when we arrived,the maids took her directly to her room.

"That woman, why do you think she won't be the start of trouble in this mansion". Damian, my best friend asked joining me in the bar close to the kitchen where I always sit whenever I have a lot on my mind and right now I had a lot on my mind.

I can't give her to Luke because I know it comes with a price and she can't be around Logan he took everything from her and one of Logan weakness no one knows about is the fact that Logan heart is warmer then he presents it, it won't take long for him to warm up to Athena and slowly fall in love with her and she seems to have an aura who draws men closer to her.

I just hope I don't get stuck in this trouble.

"She can't do anything, Because I am always watching her and warned her of the dangers she would get into If she ever tries to betray me". I said to Damian who smiles.

"I still don't know what got into you that made you show her face when even your trusted men haven't seen what you look like." Damian said, he was right but I guess it was just a rational decision I took because of angry I was at Athena for stealing from the Steele family and mostly me of all people.

"I guess I just lost it and didn't know when I showed her my face",. I replied drinking my wine at one shot maybe that would help with my frustrations a little. I thought to myself.

"Just be careful, I can see her slowly getting into your heart". Damian warned making me chuckle.

"You know me very well Damian, that can never be possible". I said to him tapping his shoulder playfully before walking out and into my room, since he came to the mansion this late it means he would be spending the night here so he can still continue enjoying his drink while I retire to bed". Athena please don't be someone I would regret helping, just always listen to me and be a good person that is the only way you can be stronger and prove to everyone I picked the right person for the job.

The next morning I sent for Athena to join the dinni justng table which she did. We soon started eating and Luke joined us smiling. He placed a kiss on Athena's cheek which made her a little dumbfounded for a few minutes.

"I am so happy you could be this close to me" Luke said to Athena.


"Can you stop affection and just have breakfast ". I said and to make everything everything even more worst than It already is, Logan walked in a little drunk with Flynn and Sandra assisting into the mansion but the minute his eyes fell ok Athena he was suddenly back to his senses.

" Athena Stanford" he called at me drunkenly. He pulls out a seat beside Athena who has already stiff on her seat.

"Just one night and I am already missing you". He said, Luke makes a move to stand up but I pulled him back from beneath the table.

"Logan leave me alone" she requested silently. I just pray she doesn't do anything rational to Logan he is still drunk thatvis why he is doing all of this.

"Take Logan to his room". I ordered Sandra who is about to pull him up but he pushes her away.

"You aren't Athena so don't touch me". He said aggressively to Sandra who moves away.

"I am sorry Athena, you got in between all this". He whispered to her placing his head on her shoulder. This was what I was trying to avoid.

"Logan stop pestering her, you have done enough as it is". I said to him getting up.

When he pulled Athena closer to him and hugs her to himself.

"I couldn't get you out my head". He whispered to Athena, I thought he won't ever get over his fiancee, why us he suddenly being so attracted to Athena who was a one timer of his.

"You motherfucker". Luke said which clearly meant he had reached his limits. He stood up and pulled Logan up pushing his to the floor while Logan staggered to stay balanced he stood up and starts laughing.

"I never imagined this day would ever come, the day me and Luke get into a heated a fight for a woman ". He said out loud laughing.

"You always get everything and every woman you wanted, but one thing you can never get is Athena, she can't be yours. Because Liam is in this too and never in my nightmare would I let her belong to you". Logan said smiling.

"Why are you involving me in this?". I asked.

"You think I won't find out, I know you want to make her an assassin to do all your dirty jobs for you ". Logan really was getting crazy, Athena looks at me clearly confused.

"Do not believe anything he says" Luke said but Logan continues to laugh walking upstairs.

"You want to ruin Athena's life by keeping her in this mansion". Were Logan last word before vanishing upstairs. Flynn and Sandra followed behind him and when I turned back at Athena, I could see tears rolling down her cheek's.


"Why are you making things harder for me,you said you want to make me strong but instead making me your puppet". Athena said to me.

"Please just kill me instead, I don't think I can last a day in this house". She said cleaning her tears.

"You have a lot ahead of you and I won't let you give up because of a few words from Logan, he made those statements because he wants you to be weak and I know you are stronger than any thing he plans for you, right?". I said to her.

"Do you want to be defined as weak by people around you and mostly Logan?". Asked and she shrugged.

"I don't think I heard your answer Athena". I added.

"I don't want to be labeled as weak". Athena finally said.