
Shadow Kill Chapter 1: A Rising Terror

Somewhere at the shadow sect's whereabouts. Hayabusa felt a walking terror that is greater than anything he had felt in his life and this walking terror seems to be headed for them, but Hayabusa did not hesitated nor fear the terror that Hayabusa went to investigate to see who or what is the terror that he's been feeling..

And while he's been searching for it.. He felt another Evil lurking with the terror and as he gets closer and closer to see who these beings are his heart began to pound faster and faster because of fear while telling himself in his mind " What is this feeling? this fear? I've never felt anything like this in my whole life!? but what is it though?".. as soon as he arrived at his destination he saw two persons or rather monsters talking at each other and what he saw gave him even more fear than ever... he saw one devilish woman with devilish wings at her back and one monster weilding a monstrous hammer ready for an execution while he is up in a tree Haayabusa heard their conversation without him knowing.. The devilish woman said " Head north and you'll find some skirmishing rats that think they're strong with their own flashy moves..hahaha" she laughs evily while the monster listens throughly to the woman and then she say " You'll be killing these unwanted rats for my dominion and I want them gone for good..." Hayabusa was shocked to hear these words for he knew that the woman was pointing at the scarlet shadow sect. Hayabusa pulled his blade ready to strike but he saw the woman and she smiled and say " You're first task begins by killing a small fly... Terizla" The woman smirked and the two monsters looked at his way making Hayabusa tremble with fear and his hands shaking with doubt that he'll win, The monster him with the eyes of an executioner ready to slay him... Hayabusa get himself together and flee instead to warn his fellow comrades but the woman did'nt let him go away with ease and commanded the monster to hunt him down... But Hayabusa knew that he cannot go away without a fight so looked back at the monster with eyes so keen that he seems so eager to take down a monster.. will Hayabusa conquer his fear and take down the gruesome terror in front of him or the predator will devour him first?

It is a beginning of a new reign with a new ruler of slaughter and execution will the shadows conquer this monstef or let themselves be food to this monstrous predator.. but this is just the beginning so be sure to read and keep on supporting me..

by the way this is my first series

Dan_Theo_Villaflor_6991creators' thoughts